Gief is not low tier anymore, more like a middle high. To be honest none of those four are.
Guile wants a spot, but beyond that I think this list is fairly accurate. I’d be tempted to move up Dhalsim a few spots and I think you might be overrating Ryu a tad, but other than that I’d say its pretty accurate but I also think Chun heads that middle tier. I think the Honda placement, while possibly surprising seems pretty accurate. His terrible match-ups got much, much better and he still wins the fights he won in ST, but just not as drastically. <3 Honda.
I think my list would look something like:
T. Hawk
i just wanna say that t hawk is awesome. i think he only loses to guile and honda badly. everyone else is 4-6 to 6-4 at worst.
imo, hes right smack in the middle of the tier list.
I wanna say that I was wrong about Sagat. He is definitely worse then Ryu.
His normals and his uppercut trade with fucking EVERYTHING.
And he lacks a really good close range game and has no real tricksies.
Ryu for top of high tier.
he loses to sim and dee jay awfully too.
I don’t see how some insist that Honda is top tier when he still loses to Ryu, Dee Jay, Ken, Akuma, Chun Li and Guile.
If you disagree play these players using Honda
Guile: XBL Brian
Chun: Beef Bowl
Ken: Damdai or DGV
Ryu: Damdai or DGV
Dee Jay: DGV
lothar/kheim: why do you mark claw so high? To me he seems much weaker without his walldive mixup. not a bad character, but losing the ability to randomly win games from a knockdown seems like a big hit.
He is still Claw. He is still braindead. He is still able to lock you down with c. mp and slides and his wall dive attack still leaves him safe even though he doesn’t get a free knockdown.
Pretty much, but that’s nothing new. They’ve always been pretty ham-fisted characters.
Honda may be easy to use against beginners and some intermediates, but advanced players know how to counter the big guy. If both players are high-level, Honda is hardly easy mode.
You serious?
I didn’t think someone as knowledgeable about the game as you would have to ask something so obvious. Walldive isn’t abusable but it’s still one of the best specials in the game and the fake is pretty good too so you can still spam it somewhat because it’s still really good for punishing and tricking the opponent not to mention doing the same damage. He still has one of if not the best ground game locking you down by mixing up cr rh, cr mp, and fierce roll, he can still turtle just as well as ever with double flipkick and backflip unchanged, and of course his walking speed+throw range=walkup throw all day. In addition to cr rh and cr mp his st mk, st rh, and j fp are all very useful as well so he has the best normal moveset in the game too.
Ask yourself is the character who can play offense, defense, cheese as well if not better then most of the cast suddenly not toptier because he lost the ability to spam 1 move? What made claw toptier is the above not his walldive spam.
Although the tiers are still being debated and probably will for a while I thought the 1 indisputable fact we could all agree on is that claw and boxer are still better then everyone except maybe akuma.
He’s still dumb, don’t kid yourself.
I’m not saying he’s unfair. His difficult matches do require some thought, but the rest is a different story.
Do some torpedos, some HHS, some flying butts and some ticks into ochio and ur set imo.
Any character that has 6 diffacult matches is far from top tier.
End of story.
Sim, Vega (claw), Rog (boxer), Akuma, Chun and Ryu have far fewer diffacult matches.
Being able to beat Cammy, Fei, Blanka, Gief, and Hawk and having close matches with the rest isn’t exactly my idea of easy mode.
Note that the characters he beats are for the most part, low-tier characters that many other characters also beat anyway.
Having a fair match or arguably a slight edge against Sim and Vega (claw) is nice, but again, not the stuff of legends.
Here’s a list of what some of the top japanese pro’s think about the matchups so far:
Try that agaisnt players of the caliber I mentioned earlier sometime…let me know how it goes for ya…
I mean he is pick up and play son.
Any good player will demolish u if u don’t know ur shit.
I hear wha t you mean about pick up and play. But relative ease vs. beginners as opposed to relative ease vs. vets are two entirely different matters.
I think that amoung experts, honda is not one of the easier players to use as it is hard for him to break a good zone.
Against some, when playing Honda even a good player can sometimes feel like he never got into the fight due to inability to safely clear the maxouts or hadoukens.
Myself, I got many tricks to do so, but the more elite players like DGV are still really hard to get in on. In those cases IMO using and fighting agaisnt Honda becomes rather the chess match. Price of entry may be lower in that charge moves aren’t as hard. But better players can do all their moves anyway.
I’m speaking of the diffaculty of using the strategy of a character as opposed to merely the ability to mechanically pull off moves.
/Is it supposed to feel weird getting called “son” at 34 years of age?
Damn you old son.
A true OG. Mad respect to you homie.
Thanks man, too bad we’re on diff platforms or I’d hit you up for some games…
Ur easy mode Honda would wreck my Sagat who takes months of training to fully master. :wgrin: