The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!


Max in Story Mode[/details]

Dan can not enter sf5 imo if he ends up being like any previous entry.
A toned down takuma is a good idea to me when it comes to that character.

Never used sodom ever so I have no idea how he’d translate to a game like this.
If there’s people made for this title it’s makoto/hugo/dudley/Q/haggar/maki/cody and guy based on previous appearances in previous entries.

Spoilers much

Here is an interview of Matt Dahlgren and Peter Combofiend" Rosas at E3 on Gamespot’s website.

(highlighted all the story mode questions)

So so far, according to Combofiend, first chapter, it’s a lot more watching than playing. But closer to the inevitable final battle, there will be more fights! That’s exciting.

And Difficulty will increase as you continue to play. So it probably goes from very easy to just easy.

Also, a lack of Ken and Laura and others in the first chapter? Many Ken fans are gonna be mad!

Aslo, this guy interviewing sounds very skeptical about not only story mode, but also the future of SFV. Sensing very negative vibes when reading his questions.

I actually really liked the interviewer for being skeptical. Capcom deserves this level of skepticism at this point and his questions were as sharp as a knife. A necessary evil to get the best possible interview I say.

This + MD is a clown

Yeah, tbh people should be more critical and direct whenever interviewing people on stuff. Too many “journalists” give super softball questions that end up basically turning the whole interview into a commercial for the game.

Y’know, watching some of the previews of the Tekken 7 story stuff, there is something I really like that is not in SFV’s story mode from what we’ve seen. There are unique mid-battle interactions between characters. I mean some of them are QTE stuff but like a cinematic moment where they attack each other is kind of a nice touch. Makes it less of a “story for 15 minutes - CPU battle as normal, probably one round match - 10 more minutes of story”

I dunno if these interactions mid battle are in all story mode fights, I’ve only seen the Akuma/Heihachi story fight so far.

Don’t get me wrong, I love how indepth they are going with the story, but I think that incorporating the little battle bits into the story is a nice touch. Like if mid fight the camera shifted and Ryu suddenly does an attack and Nash like side steps it and counters. It’s all part of the fight too, Ryu actually loses some health from it. It only happens under certain circumstances, like Ryu is up on health X amount and Nash has taken X amount of damage.

After a full paid, half finished game, the Ibuki delay and that brilliant Zenny Shop idea, Capcom should say to its minions to stop talking about “fulfilling our promise”. That is ridiculous.

Anyway, finally a professional interviewer.

That interview really does help to hi-light how completely out of touch with reality the development of SFV has been and continues to be.

I still fail to see why they can’t give us the option to modify the difficulty settings to match our skill level from the get go. Unless hard mode is gonna give us access to some secret chapters/characters or some shit like that it is absolutely pointless to lock it behind some artificial obstacle like this.

I also don’t care about fight money, because I already paid for everything you bitches. UGH!


Confirmation that Shadaloo know of the existence of the SS? Or…

Nice to see his design still sucks.

I guess it depends what the article says.

If it’s all “who’s this guy? Where is he from? We don’t know anything!” then no.

More o less… his stats are all listed as “unknown”…

I do see mention though of the Secret Society. So they do seem to know it exists.

But knowing of his existence and that he is the president of the ‘Secret’ Society should be proof at least that they are not completely ignorant of their existence no? It’s just that their database on them is incomplete and information on them may be hard to come by.

The man of Red and Blue
The boss of Street Fighter III and the President of the Secret Society

Name: Gill
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Country of Origin: Unknown
Favorite thing: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown

What the!? Seems like the man is suited to be “unknown” .
I’m really amazed there’s nothing to write about this guy.
Even in the Secret Society his origin is indeed shrouded in complete mystery.
Freely wielding the powers of flames on his right side, and ice on his left.
For a long time, he has been the boss of the Secret Society, who is said to dominate the world.

Hmmmmm… I’m starting to think that these are written from an out-of-universe perspective.

Gill also shouldn’t have been the president for a long time, he’s in his mid-late 20s IIRC. In fact, based on very old information he should’ve been a recently elected President by the time of SF3:NG/2I.

This is a cool way to see it

I ever seen it as Shadaloo fall and Illuminati’s rise, but it can be actually Shadaloo trying to take over a world already controlled by masson Illuminati way before SF3

Think that until that point Shadaloo was never powerful enough to be a real world treat, so Illuminati let official governments/nations handle it, now that nations can’t handle Bison they (Illuminati) step in the game

I don’t think we should take it so literally mainly because the Secret Society is based off other NWO secret societies. “Who is said to dominate the world”, said by who? Conspiracy theorists that’s who. That’s not to say that the SS haven’t been trying and possibly succeeding to influence world events for two thousand years.

I don’t think the SS see Shadaloo as a direct threat, so much as they see them as another variable to manipulate to reach their end game. Then again, everyone who isn’t a member of their society is a variable to manipulate so they can reach their end game.