The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Fair enough, still doesn’t explain Alex though.

Cammy in one of the leaked videos also said that there was traitor among Shadaloo. This could be foreshadowing someone more than a meager kidnapped and coerced SIN scientist.

I’m curious then. Why was it that in the first batch of preview clips, some of the characters were wearing different costumes?

Take note that in the wrestling scene, Zangief, R. Mika, and laura were wearing their default outfits. And during the Kanzuki estate scene, Karin and Ibuki were wearing their default outfits.

But in the e3 demo, Those 5 characters were wearing their story costumes.

I’m guessing those demos were from an earlier build. Even the starry sky in the waterfall night stage was absent.

Pretty sure the E3 build will also get update. Also since the story mode is in chapter it is quite possible that more chapter get release along the way

That gives me hope that it’ll be a well in-depth story like we deserve. Think about the various chapter expansions we could have when more characters are added.

I watched the 30 minute preview
[spoiler=]So what happens to Rashid after he jobs to FANG? Does FANG just leave him there after taking his piece? It would careless of him to do that[/spoiler]


He probably escapes because we see him meet up with Guile and co at later time. Azam probably helped him out I’d guess.

Based on Rashid’s prologue, his friend seemed to have several contacts. If she had access to Shadoloo’s data base, her scattering the keys amongst several strong fighters makes sense. Using the CFN portal as a basis, she’d have access to data on strong fighters opposed to Shadoloo. Sending all the keys to one person would be a mistake. If they failed, all 7 moons would detonate. Scattering them slows Shadoloo while giving opposing forces a longer time to track Bison down and stop him.


I was wrong by the way. It was seven kids. Ingrid would get bodied by her.


Yup looking at it again the fang kill was censure by the stream and not by the game. You can clearly see that there no transition to the black screen. Its most likely because it was stream on capcom unity.

Iirc they said Premium costumes will be part of cinematic story

Since we have already seen all aside Ibuki’s, some can give anticipations i guess

Rashid- Can be related to his homecountry/family (maybe ceremonial outfit), his butler Azam is basically dressed the same, same dagger too.

Mika- That’s easy, wrestling related. She will probably wear that in theyr wrestling sub-plot

Chun- Seem just another look for her. Maybe her supa slut version of a formal event dress? Like at the Kanzuki’s mansion

Ryu- Seem like he’s gone into some heavy Rocky4 spartan lifestyle training, maybe as preparation to face Necalli again.
Both phisical and spiritual to control the SNH, as reconnection the war vs Necalli can be what pushed him to totally overcome his SNH (see SF3 Ryu)

Ken- Simple casual outfit can be some scene of normal lifestyle

Cammy- Seem an infiltration outfit, but given the character is kinda normal

Vega- i don’t have idea of how this trash can be part of the story. Maybe carnival like formal event? Lol still trash

Necalli- kinda random look for him. Maybe normal Nec is the just awaken version after centuries, then he modernized his look?

Laura- like his first can be a training oufit, but also an exibition (of boobs) one. Maybe still the grapplers sub-plot

Gief- Like for Mika that’s totally wrestling plot related. Also seem to fit a lot with Alex’s one, both as style and as tribute (Z= Macho Man, A =Hulk Hogan).
Maybe they will be rivals also after (rematch?) that 2vs2 fight we seen, or maybe even tag team as Macho/Hulk

Karin- Like for Ken seem just normal lifestyle costume

Nash- Like for Cammy seem an infiltration outfit. But it’s kinda interesting that his armor/suit remind a lot Bison’s bodyguards (like Blade or F7 sketches) style uniform, maybe to get close to Bison?

Also seem interessing that each Bison guard have a color:
Blade-red, Arkane-blue, Fatass-yellow, F7-black
Nash have green, wich is still unused. Maybe he actually managed to become of of them?

Bison- seem like an even flashier military parade version of his usual costume. Feel like this design is supposed to be his “world ruler” version. Maybe we seen him show himself like that after the coup d’etat he do against the world

Birdie- Lol, no fucking idea how his Mercury tribute fit with the story. For whatever reason this may be his uniform as Kanzuki’s worker, maybe that’s him trying to be classy lol

Sim- that look kinda ceremonial

Fang- That look interessing specially for the hairstyle choice, wich has some pretty symbolic meaning of conquest and domination

Also the way he keep it around the neck may not be casual, during chinese Boxers Rebellion the boxers used the braid as secret comunication code

Alex- See Gief

Guile- Seem similar to the uniform of others in his stage/base, maybe as jet pilot?

Chun-Li’s premium costume will be for her Slave Leia/It Was Tuesday scene with Bison.


I hope so, Pimp Bison must happen

Premium costume are not related to the story. They are the Battle costume that every character will have.

Yeah I don’t think they will be story related. I mean where in the hell are you gonna fit stuff like Necalli’s premium costume?

Premium alt Bison already looks like he’s wearing a bath robe.

Can’t bother search the interview but iirc they said themselves that, in particular Ryu’s costume was took as example (not spoiling anything, just said that story will explain it)

Again, some seem less obvious than others, and i agree on Nec being one of these.

As i said i think the most basic/simple explanation for it that i can think is that the ancient warrior look is the one he have at begin just awakened after centuries, then he go for a more modern appearance

Real talk, I love how Hakan and his family are designed (though the implementation was lacking)
-I remember hearing that Hakan’s skin is actually red from training in the sun whilst oiled up, basically cooking himself and surviving
-Dude breaks a barrel in his intro on some Mike Haggar shit
-His hair makes sense as a contrast to his skin and keeping with the red/blue theme of his default. His daughters actually emulate the style out of admiration for their father, which is adorable. Plus, the number of circles allows Hakan and the wife to tell the girls apart.

I consider all/most of the SF4 newcomers to be reflections on SF2 characters
-Fuerte is twitchy Mexican Zangief
-Rufus doesn’t really have a SF2 counterpart (I did say most after all, after all pun intensifies)
-Abel is male Cammy
-Viper is female Guile with cool gadgets
-Juri is Chun-Li if she became evil
-Hakan is the Turkish E.Honda

Where was it said that the battle costumes are linked to the story? The only one I heard about is hot Ryu, but even that is looking increasingly unlikely.

By the way, since we all figured Bison would say something from the movie/TV show, I bet he’ll also [details=Spoiler]go “I killed my father too” in his match against Chun-Li, which we see takes place after Balrog and Vega take on the AS soldiers.[details=Spoiler]In which it’ll be revealed that Ingrid is Bison’s father. Capcom’s ambitious this time.[/details][/details]