The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

As far as I know, Ingrid isn’t a part of the official cannon. Capcom just took her from CFJ and made her playable in Alpha 3. As for Evil, he always was a “what if” character, only hinted when Ryu is fighting the influence of the Satsui or when he briefly loses control… So I guess that’s why they move on to other characters.

They already did Abel

They actually have not. Abel’s article was leaked back when they were uploading them before posting them(the first 30 or so articles could be found just by changing the article number in the page address, which they’ve since fixed). His article still hasn’t been officially posted. And is the only one of those original articles that hasn’t gone live yet.

All right then

I hope we get Hakan’s wife/family at some point. Actually, families for all the major characters too.

Whoever’s translating these articles needs to understand that 麗奈 for Maki’s sister’s name translates to Lena or Rena (レナ), not Nana(ナナ).

JUST CURIOUS- Do you actually play SFV or are you just interested in the lore/history of Street Fighter? Never see you in the gameplay sections of the forums.

I do understand that his wife, not Chun Li, is the strongest woman in the world. She pushed out like a half dozen kids with that hair. She’s got to be God Tier to pull that off.

Either that or she’s bigger then she looks…

Courtesy of Hakan.

It’s funny how Viper goes out of her way to insult Hakan’s height (while staring at his dick) when we all know he’d plow her into submission. Viper’s secret agent days would be a thing of the past if Hak got his hands on her.

Hakan’s wife, Sean’s mom, and Viper are Milf Tier.

I’m not sure how well electricity mixes with oil…sparks and all…

Not a lore question, but this thread is probably a good place to ask because it’s not gameplay related either and I talked about Alex’ stance the other day which is related to my question.

I don’t have Street Fighter V yet and I’m curious about something. Has anyone heard, or can check for me, if the game has character perspective correction like SF4 and GGXrd do?

What is character perspective correction, you ask? It’s this.


See? In this example you can see that Honda’s model is not tridimensionally consistent as he moves through the screen; in the upper image his left foot does not touch the line, while it does reach and cross it in the bottom image. This is because the model is partially corrected so that it doesn’t look too dissimilar from different angles.[/details]

I haven’t read if SF5 has this feature. Does it? (If you want to do the same test in SF5 I guess a good candidate would be Birdie because of his stance)

Great question. I…actually am not sure. Considering other graphical short-comings I’d be surprised if it did…but it might. Hmm. Now I’m interested too.


Or [here even.](The Street Fighter V Lounge - McRibs for the good, The Purge of 2016 for the bad

Also about the scene where Fang killer the progammer. If you look closely its not the game that go black but the stream. I think it was block mostly because it was stream on capcom unity. Also I dont think you can switch the costume since Alex, Ryu, Chun, Guile and Birdie still had there default costume. I think it was just change.

Yup. Those costumes seemed designed and intended for those specific scenes. I don’t see them changing. Which means we can look forward to Bison’s story mode costume actually appearing in the story (which it didn’t so far).

Speaking of the scene with FANG, I just noticed that he said that Rashid’s appearance was sooner than expected. Why would FANG be expecting Rashid? Could it be that he sent him the piece?

My computer doesn’t run the game particularly well(game runs in perpetual slow motion during gameplay), so I never play online.

I still play every week though because my friends play D&D every week, and the people who show up first play SF until everyone else arrives. But everyone in that group is pretty mediocre. So I try not to deep dive into any of the gameplay mechanics because right now we’re all pretty even in terms of skill, and that’s the most fun way to play it.

But yeah, I’m a huge nerd for the lore of SF. I have been ever since the first time I read the plot guide back in the Tiamat days.

F.A.N.G. found the mole, Rashid’s friend, so he’d be aware of who she was sending information too.