The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

[quote=“bakfromon, post:8347, topic:177027”]




The Story Mode preview has made me like F.A.N.G. He’s insane, but entertaining.


It also confirms my suspicion that Rashid’s friend is the woman that F.A.N.G. kills.

Not sure about that. I think its someone more important. Look at the little girl reaction when Rashid showed her the pictures.
Cant wait for the end of June

Write up


Can we all take a moment to admire just how awesome FANG is? He 1 hit KOs civilians like a badass, seemingly organized most/all of this shit himself, and is completely insane! I could see hints of it from the prologue, but this dude’s mental state borders on Faust/Baldhead from Guilty Gear levels of nuts. I knew he was worth it!

So the hackers/Shadowloo plotline has been clarifed somewhat, but new questions have been raised. We know the pieces were stolen by SOMEONE (not buying that a random hacker did it). If it was Viper, it makes her attempt at dissuading Rashid in the prologue a lot more important than we thought; she was trying to keep him from bringing the activator into Shadowloo’s hands. The devices are large-scale EMP bombs that shut down citywide power grids and disable satellites, that also seemingly fuel Bison’s Psycho Power (theory: They harvest the electrical energy and funnel it into a Psycho-Drive like machine). There’s something to Li-Fen’s abduction we don’t know yet, but she did know the whereabouts of Rashid’s friend, which leads me to believe she’s more involved with this than originally thought. The soldiers do have Psycho Power amplifiers (mentioned in some of the Japanese materials already iirc), so setting these things off also makes Bison’s army stronger.

The leaked scenes already spoiled the parts with Necalli and Nash, so nothing new there. I’m REALLY curious as to what they’re doing for the AS battles. That stance bears a faint resemblance to Zangief, but what we see in the Balrog match isn’t from him. Keep a close eye on how these guys fight, it may be a hint for Season 2 (it’s Abel, calling it now).

Knew it about FANG.

You do NOT walk around flapping your arms while stalking someone you’re about to murder without being crazy as hell.

I like it :smile:

Too bad the murder scene was censored.



The keys seem to have been stolen by Rashid’s friend. Based on the conversation between F.A.N.G. and Rashid, she was the scientist he liquefied right before Rashid got there."

Capcom’s censor choices really are baffling. Remove the Mika butt slap, keep the bonita outfit. [details=Spoiler]Remove a murder, keep him smelling and tasting the remains of a disintegrated human body.[/details]

By the way, before this discussion derails, I don’t really give a damn about the Mika thing. It’s just peculiar to me is all.

I have a feeling that may have been just for E3.

I personally hope so. While I understand it’s disturbing, all things considered, I don’t think it was necessary that they did it.

It was only for the E3 build. They probably had to cut some of the stuff to make it only 10 min.

they better raise the AI of story mode. like really raise it.

If that censorship stays in the full version, Capcom really knows how to fuck up a wet dream.

Well according to some Ibuki fans they already…well I’ll just leave this here.

I mean this in the most kindest way, Darc

FUCK YOU!!! I’m still haunted by those terrifying bags.

Look, a ninja has to store their weapons somewhere.

My impressions so far…


FANG is fucking awesome. I can’t echo this enough, but he is a scene stealer and that scene where he licks the remains of his victims. My god, it was genius. The only problem I have with this is I feel it will potentially take away from how awesome Vega and Balrog are, so I hope they get their moments too. I’m not a fan of showing off new characters at the expense of old ones.


The gameplay is distractingly easy. I really hope the hard mode balances this out by being hard as fuck.

So Rashid’s friend is the programmer that was killed, and she is supposedly (according to FANG) the one who stole all 7 pieces and sent them out. Still doesn’t explain how Alex got his piece. There’s something more here. How do the Illuminati for example know that Guile has piece? Something tells me they are involved in orchestrating the theft and subsequent retrieval of all these chess pieces.

The whole orbital WMD is kinda a redux of the Alpha 3 plot, except this time Bison actually succeeds in using them on the public. In Alpha 3, Bison’s power grew by inciting fear and despair in the masses (it’s the way Psycho Power works, he’s basically Satan). However, back then Bison needed the Psycho Drive to store the excess Psycho Power because his body then could not handle it. In SF5 and since SF4, his body appears to be fully capable of handling the Psycho Power to its fullest extent. Basically, there is no obvious chink in his armor or an obvious Achilles’ heel so far that the heroes could exploit like what they had in Alpha 3. I imagine by the end of the story mode, several of these ‘AS’ black moons will go off, giving us a redux of Final Bison.

Speaking of AS/Black Moons, EMPs are a very real threat (natural or man-made). I did some reading on what kind of real world damage EMP could do and by one estimate, within 12 months of an EMP event, two-thirds to 90 percent of the US population would likely perish from starvation, disease, and societal breakdown. I don’t think the story mode succeeded in reflecting this extremely devastating scenario and its potential consequences on a world unprepared.

The story mode somewhat contradicts some of the character story prologues (Nash in this case), but it’s very minor.

I noticed some of the characters had dialogue during the fights. Wish there was subtitles for that during the fights too.

The way you could navigate the story mode from the menu (by chapter, and by scene/fight) was excellent.

I was really left wanting more, a lot more when the 30 mins were up. This is a good sign. Well done Capcom.[/details]

What!?! You were there? You played it?!

So Ibuki is not only a ninja…but also a were-chameleon? Interesting…