The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

erm… okay… dont know or care about who the f that is. When are we getting Hakan, 12 and Gill?

Bah. I was really hoping they were gonna finish up the playables.

Also, geeze, if a guy is important enough to have an article, maybe, I dunno, give him a name at least?

I’m actually kinda curious, what if Necalli is actually a back door to getting a bunch of anachronistic characters into SF. Like, what if, after he’s defeated in the story, he expels all the warriors he absorbed, and it ends up adding a bunch of ancient fighters like this to the setting without having to make them all immortal monster creatures. After all, if Necalli is eating up Aztec mother-fuckers like this, who knows what other kinds of people he might have absorbed.

Also, if he does end up barfing up everyone he absorbs, then it means in the story, they can actually have him successfully eat a few people, to increase the tension. “Oh no! He ate Dhalsim!”

The Warrior Prophet…?
I have a sense of who he is
He’s the ancient warrior who predicted the emergence of Necalli.
His name…is seemingly lost

Name: Warrior Prophet
Height: 195cm
Weight: 98kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: Unknown
Country of Origin: Unknown (South America)
Favorite things: Attaining Power, Snake Ornaments
Dislikes: Those lacking courage

The warrior, who adorns ornaments of gold and silver
and a helmet that mimics a snake.
He fights with knives that were carved out of the tusk of a wild beast.
He prophesied the appearance of Necalli, and then became his sacrifice.

Necalli is pretty much the Buu of the SF universe. By absorbing the prophet he became more human.

Necalli’s body type is actually shorter and heavier than the prophets, even though he takes his features after he sacrifices him.

Alpha 3 gave us lots of information about the characters and it did that despite the technological constraints of its time. It’s still unsurpassed in terms of storytelling, IMO. As for the story mode of SFV… well, if the sucky prologues of SFV, SFIV: The Ties That Bind etc. are anything to go by, it’ll suck as well. Let’s wait and see.

How strong is Fang? Some are rating him high, but assuming the prologues are canon, didn’t Vega beat him easily in his story mode?

Are we sure he took his features or did he simply become less stone/more flesh? Perhaps Necalli is simply becoming more human because he was once more human and he can get back to that by feasting on others.

Consider the following:

1- His lifetime of a Sith-like upbringing as an assassin in his clan ensured that he became a master assassin in his art.

2- He can kill a normal human being with one touch. No, disintegrate them.

3- He managed to spar with Bison (Top tier character) 1 on 1, and put up enough of a fight to survive and impress him. Bear in mind that Bison singlehandedly obliterated his entire clan of assassins and can single handedly give Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, and Cammy a run for their money simultaneously.

Yeah, FANG seemed to have actually earned that #2 position after all. He’s not top tier, but he’s definitely up there from the looks of it.

The fight with Vega was rather brief. F.A.N.G. said Vega was better than he expected, but still wanted to continue the fight.

Hard to tell. A weaker F.A.N.G. survived against Bison, later defeated Abel with ease, vaporize a human with a thrust, and seems fine talking shit to Balrog and Vega together. We’ll have a better understanding when story mode is out.

I don’t post on Twitter. Anyone know if Born Free posted anything else? The Game seems to be our only hope for SFV news.

Nothing new so far.

I’m on the absorbing feature train. It’s hinted at in the story mode trailer from way back when Ryu goes full E.Ryu for like a second before it gets seemingly absorbed. If the prophet didn’t do whatever he did (probably made Necalli’s body physical) Necalli would’ve killed Ryu right then and there. Then in his powered up SnH state done the same to Dhalsim. Following the double powerup he would’ve gone strsight to Bison and absorbed him as well.

Instead what I theorize the prophet did is give Necalli a more physical body and slowed his ability to devour.

Bison confirmed to say “THIS IS DELICIOUS” in the story mode.

Story Mode that was shown at E3 got me HYYYYYYYPED!!!

Oh my god, I can’t even explain how much I was fan boying. FINALLY, they are paying attention to the lore of SF. And they’ve only played like 30 minutes worth of the 1st chapter, but my god, there was just so much to see, so many things setting up, and so many things to like (and a few dislikes, it’s not perfect) about it.

**First Impressions & Analysis

[details=Spoiler]- first off, we all hated how character prologues were treated in this game, but playing them will give you the backstory you need to set up the story mode. Most of it seemed retconed, but it definetely had a purpose.

  • Can I just say how beautiful Mysterious Cove stage looks, especially at night? now I can never look at that waterfall stage the same way again.

  • Hologram Bison looks badass, but wish there was an explaination to that. Is Nash fighting a ghost?Can Nash only see him? And will hologram bison make another appearance in the story?

  • Ryu: I need your help

  • Dhalsim: I will help you

  • Ryu: Fine, let me kick your ass…

  • (still trying to figure the significance of Ryu fighting Dhalsim to begin with)

  • Necalli dripping some really dirty sweat, but so excited to see him play a significant part of the story. He is certainly gonna provide a major obstacle: The world is in crisis, and here’s Necalli trying to devour soul the soul of our hero Ryu

  • Minor thing, but gameplay looks VERY easy, so I’ll be looking forward to playing story mode at a harder difficulty when I unlock it.

  • I KNEW that Rashid hanging on top of that hangar looked familiar. I’m not sure if you guys noticed, but it was a Menu option during the beta. Now we know why.

  • I wish there was a little more explaining before this though. Like, who was Rashid’s friend, how did Li-Fen get kidnapped, why dafuq Rashid was waving his foot around?

  • And most impotantly, how the hell did Rashid get his key? And why bring it to the one place where FANG can activate it’s power? IDIOT

  • Also, yes, please leave the little girl alone on the base of a dangerous organization with a murdering psychopath named Fang and his henchmen all around. IDIOT RASHID! DO A BETTER JOB CHAPERONING CHUN-LI’S KID! Rashid is cool, but he totally played the idiot card a lot in this scene

  • FIghting Shadaloo Henchmen: AWESOME!!!

  • Did they just censor FANG murdering that one guy? WHAT THE HELL! I WANNA SEE SOME ONE DIE!!!

  • Speaking of FANG, i was very skeptical about taking him seriously as a Shadaloo king. Now after seeing him in the first batch of story mode, He’s completely stolen the show as a crazy and sinester character. He flaps his arms around when he walks like a bird, he’s got wacky movements like shimmering his feet, and he’s a little psycho, but all that just makes him the more EVIL. He’s like the Joker of Street Fighter. He went from annoying dancing little shit that I wasn’t excited for into this awesome new 2nd in command that’s arguably way more intimidating than Sagat. I absolutely LOVE his character.

  • Wish they expanded a little more on the Capcom wrestling association. I was ready to see the wrestling ring as a stage and some action with either Alex/ Laura/ R. Mika/ Zangief.

  • Speaking of those characters, the previous clips that we’ve seen all had the character wear their classic outfits. But during the e3 demo, they had their story outfits. And also, Kari and Ibuki were wearing their dresses opposed to their classic outfits. Zangief and Mika were in their matching wrestler regelia, Laura was in her story mode costume (the one with a lot of skin showing). I’m curious to know how this works.

  • Combofiend mentioned that the characters were NOT pre rendered models, that the ones we see in the story are INDEED the ones we will be playing with. Does that mean we can change costumes to what we want when we complete story mode? Maybe have Ryu wear his hot Ryu outfit the whole time? It’s interesting and something worth investigating.

  • Birdie eating like a boss. The Kanzuki corporation must be treating him well.

  • From what I can deduct, the seven moons will only explode if the key is placed on the activation machine. So obviously, the heroes need to keep it away from Shdaloo, Shadaloo must need it to activate it, and that makes me wonder: Why does Helen need Nash to get it? Could this lead up to some illuminati build? Maybe they have their own secret agenda.

  • Chun-Li looking BEAUTIFUL as always

  • Speaking of shadaloo, aside from FANG’s antics, I was pleasantly surprised to see Balrog in the story. and you get to play as him EARLY!!! His moves look and sound devastating. I can’t wait to try different combos and see what his critical art looks like.

  • So they knock out power in New York and time has past. I wonder why Shadaloo intends to do inside the bank? Rob it? Is there a key to be found in that vault?

  • So the black moon not only causes fear, chaos, and destruction, but it also increases Bison’s power. He’s a badass mofo right now, so imagine whats gonna happen when all 7 are activated! Total world domination by a shadaloo GOD!!!

  • I applaud this because now we have a long term conflict: the overarching theme and goal in the story. Everytime, Bison grows stronger and more dangous, so it’s gona be quite a story to see how our heroes will find a way to stop and defeat him.

  • Bison’s got the most awesome line about his 3 kings killing each other: “THIS IS DELICIOUS ENTERTAINMENT”

  • I got so mad that they stoped the story just as I was about to see my waifu Chun-Li in action, against M. Bison. But we now know what’s gonna happen next: Chun-Li will probably get her ass kicked, some mentioning about them killing her father, Cammy comes to the rescue, and some time later, another black moon detonates, Chun-Li v. rashid, nash reappears.

  • Finally, for the most part, voice acting in this chapter was superb![/details]

Also with added video.

Fawk. The end of June can’t come soon enough. I need my story mode nao!!

Thanks for the write-up, Michael.

This is Delicious

Loving story mode so far. Capcom is doing a really good job

[quote=“Dragonfave723, post:8344, topic:177027”]


Max confirmed to make a cameo! 18:48

wow the story mode looks pretty good.