The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Well you mean more “realism” then yeah. But “real” fighting is such barebones compared to things that can be done in places like in SF. I mean if both superhuman and “real” were well…real I’d watch the superhuman one easily.

Naw man, I was just taking the piss. These characters have been superhuman on some Fist of the North Star level shit since 1987, and anyone who can’t accept that, is living in denial.

I applaud it.

That’s why I’m cool with Gill, Ingrid and all the rest.

Ever since I saw Dhalsim and Blanka in The World Warrior, I was like: these are some crazy powered fools!

There are no weight classes in Street Fighter. Cammy would want to be as effective as she can instead of cutting weight.

Gimnasts are not fighters, but even then, if you look at the data, you’ll see that it says Sakura, at 157cm and 42kg, weights as much as a 150cm gimnast. Gimnasts of her height are 48-50kg heavy (a 20% heavier than she is!), and again, they are not fighters.

Her clothes have shrunk in the wash, that changed.

I mean they were always too small, but they seem to keep getting smaller.

The difference is, all the superhuman powers in Fist of the North Star come directly from those character’s martial arts training.

It’s called the Supernatural Martial Arts trope. And it rocks.

Characters like Ingrid and Dhalsim just use magic. Their powers have nothing to do with martial arts. That is why those characters blow. While characters like Ryu, who can throw fire because he just karatees that hard, are awesome.

Just as I expected, a SFIV: TTTB level story. So sad my favorite franchise’s story has taken a turn for worse after Alpha 3. :frowning:

Wait where did he say anything negative about the actual story itself? Cheer up this story already looks better than TTB.

For one you don’t have a new character showing up and shitting on established characters like Viper did to Cammy.

You mean how Juri bodied 15 established characters?

She had the sharingan so different standards. =)

You just mark my words. I hope I end up being wrong, but I’m positive I won’t. Ono and his team showed they don’t know how to handle the story long ago.

Sharingan? That cheap toy? When you wanna look good you get the good stuff. :bee:

On New vs Old characters

Necalli - Might body established characters, but from what we’ve seen he exploits Ryu’s conflict with the SNH (kind of a cheap shot) and loses to Dhalsim.
Rashid - Gets bopped by Ryu in his prologue. Even he admits that he isn’t likely to pull off an upset in direct combat.
Laura - Shown as being roughly equal to Zangief/Mika in the prologues. Also, isn’t part of the Shadowloo/SNH plot, so doesn’t need to beat OP characters.
FANG - The defining event of his life was losing to Bison. He’s one of the 4 Kings, so there aren’t many other characters you might expect him to lose to.

The problem is, as I stated before, Fighters cut weight to get their weight class in combat sports. Meisha Tate fights at 135 but she ways 147 before cut. Cristiane Cyborg Santos weights 175lbs she cuts to 145 to make featherweight. Also every fighter weighs in at the maximum wait for their weight class. Laura is 159lbs in SFV. She’d fight at either 135 or 145. Cammy would fight at 115. Claudia Gadehla has similar build to Cammy and she fights at 115. Claudia weighs 138lbs. Ibuki weights 121 so she’d be at 105. Etc. Sakura wouldn’t be allowed to compete at atomweight. That’s the smallest division in women’s combat sports.

Same holds true for the male fighters but even worse. Men can cut weight easier than women. Uriah Faber fights at 135lbs. He walks around 164lbs. 17lbs heavier that Miesha Tate despite both of them having to a weigh in at 135lbs. Fighters basically dehydrate themselves of water weight. That’s why as soon as they weight in you’ll one of their coaches intermediately had them a bottle of water to rehydrate. It’s also whey the weigh ins happen the day before the fight. To give the fighter 24 hours to rehydrate.


Actually before the prophet did something to Necalli he’s shown to body Ryu, Sim, and Bison.

He bodied them in the prophecy. In reality, he bodied Ryu and lost to Dhalsim. He would’ve likely not retreated and attempted to finish off both of them IMO were it not for the interruption by the eclipse.

Of these

Nec- can be worthy mention that Dhalsim seem got stronger getting older, wich is common for spiritual characters.
End-storymode-anime-Ryu> full power Nec > Sim > basic Nec > emo Ryu

Shid- imho is Chun level or slighty below

Laura- Gief and Mika are on different levels imho (specially in SFV), imho it goes Gief>Laura>Mika

Fang- as strange it sound it’s probably Fang>Vega>Rog. But imho Sagat>Fang

Shid is young and cocky, I believe he’s way bellow Chun’s level. I agree with everything else.

I’ve noticed that you’ve been pretty pessimistic about things in general lately, but what’s with the doom and gloom over what you quoted? They didn’t go into any real detail on the story content or events and what what makes you think the story is worse than “everyone ker-splodes Bison” Alpha 3? It’s now presenting what’s ACTUALLY happening thus removing tons of speculation and doubts and it’s 3-4 hours of story details vs the short interactions of Alpha 3.

You don’t like the content? Fine, that’s your right, but flipping out and saying it’s worse than Alpha 3 is reaching more than a bit especially since none of us here have even played it.

Yeah, he might be flashy and have a few surprises for Chun Li, but I doubt he’s gonna win. Chun’s a veteran and constantly upping her skill, Ryu even compliments her on that, so if the writers screw up and have her lose to Rashid that’ll be a mess.

Warrior Prophet