The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Never ever forever never never ever?

Militar updated lol

(Captain Sawada, Less-embarassing Wolfman and Old version of DR big dude)

I thought Helen was a genuine caregiver from the prologue stills, but that video reveals she is anything but, magically disappearing like that.

Something kind of being glossed over here that I expected to see when I returned.

First N.Y. Bank.

This means City in Chaos is New York not Metro City as expected. Yet we still have that Haggar bank sign across the street. Soooo… wut.

Does this confirm MC is NYC or at least part of NY?

I’ve already said that I think she is really [details=Spoiler]Kolin, Gill’s secretary[/details]

Yeah, could be. I thought so at first, but it would be too obvious. To me [details=Spoiler]Kolin[/details] seemed more like a behind the desk kinda person rather than hands-on. We’ll find out soon.

Now that I have a long break in my room, I can fully comment on recent developments in regards to the story.
-Ryu is definitely focused on Necalli right now, and Dhalsim is helping Ryu.
-Team Heroes looks to be Chun, Guile, Cammy, and Rashid
-Nash wants Bison, but seemingly has to fight Guile for his “key”. The Necalli bit is interesting.
-The Kanzuki squad, Karin, Ibuki and Birdie, will be separately trying to stop Bison?
-Wrestling/Grappler subplot ties Mika, Gief, Alex, and Laura together AND puts them all in NY when the PSA pops.
-So there’s seven pieces, and we’ve seen them in possession by Rashid, Alex, Guile, and Chun. 3 are still unaccounted for as of now. Who sent them? Fang seemingly gives Alex his, so perhaps he does it as an elaborate taunt? I don’t think he would be dumb enough to send them to Guile and Chun, so maybe someone within/infiltrating Shadowloo did it, probably Viper.

Wrestling sub-plot will likely tie into Karin somehow given her relationship with Mika established in Alpha and having been shown to have interest both as a fan and financially in the wrestling entertainment industry. I would not be surprised to see some sort of cross over there, in addition Birdie has a connection to Bison but also could just as easily be moved into wrestling with his personality/style.

My money is on the chess pieces being tied to the Illuminati rather than Bison or Necalli, makes sense for a secret society to be cryptic. This points to Urien.

Alex’s screenshot fighting a Shadaloo goon points to a further deepening of the original prologue. Perhaps this is what leads to the illuminati taking an interest in him? Not sure, SOMETHING is going on there unless it’s just part of the extra mode and not tied to the story at all.

Here are some kind of bordering on “fan story” type plot potentials given how far I take them:
Hasn’t the illuminati been around quite a while but been secret? I could easily see the relationship between Nash’s absorbing powers and Necalli’s being related to illuminati experiments and them tracking the rebirth of Necalli and trying to harness his abilities or create an artificial version of them via Nash. Kind of a long stretch to go down but, to me, feels like a pretty logical leap for their characterization and how these types of stories are often written.

Nash and Ryu are clearly the most “energy” powerful characters beyond Bison, it makes sense for Necalli to want to feed on them. Makes me wonder if we might see some interaction between Necalli and Bison. Urien/Necalli is also a possibility instead, and that feeds back into the illuminati / Nash / Chun, Guile, Cammy storyline. That one is definitely a large stretch but feels plausible.

Rashid’s story seems half throwaway still, just a fun way to to move him around and guide you to other characters. He seems too goofy and inconsequential at the moment, even with the Viper attachment. All he is doing is trying to recover one of his hacker friends, but that doesn’t seem THAT important. At best it gives us some info into the start of the Bison plot but nothing that actually effects the end result. However, if Chun’s search ties into him, as his appearance in the preview indicates as a possibility, it could end up more important than I think now.

The ninjas in the Shadaloo stage potentially pointed to a future scene in the story, the is post shadow fall sequence starting I believe. I actually think they tie into Geki or Guy’s clan rather than Karin or Ibuki’s. Given the blue look and the sword, they especially appear to be a lot like the redesign of Geki rather than how we know Karin’s ninjas look like as well as Ibuki’s clan uniform. Remember, there still is a high chance of guest appearances, we already know Sean is making an appearance, in 3D model no less.

Juri/Ed/Balrog/Urien/Ken all have yet to appear post prologue sequence so we are certainly missing a large chunk of potentially direction so this could all go out the window.

I’m not sure why Nash is seeking Guile for what appears to be some sort of revenge, we already know Nash is pretty much strictly revenge driven now. His memory seems hazy so it could be for answers, but it could also be a sense of betrayal by Guile/Chun given his “death.” It is interesting, to me, that they have effectively turned “Shadow” canon now as much of Shadow’s plots were based around attacking Chun/Guile without memory or under the control of a third party. We could look to that for at least hints of what happened. They will remain non-canon but can lead us to some conclusions.

I feel we will see some guests that aren’t related to Season 1 that could appear in Season 2 or are simply plot driven. We have yet to see if Oro will do anything at all.

I can easily see some leftover plot points from SIN or Blece bleeding into this plot but that is the biggest stretch of all of these.

No knowledge if we will find out more about the Nash - Abel storyline hinted in SF4. SF5 takes place post SF4 but, as we’ve seen with the prologue, there is no reason that they strictly need to conform to a forward moving timeline, we could see snippets of the past mixed in to make certain plot points have context.

Last but not least: I just realized a stupid pun, with Abel’s arm broken he is currently DIS-Abeled rimshot

Mike Haggar is from New York anyway so having his own bank in his own hometown while he’s Mayor of Metro City wouldn’t be uncanny.

Although imo Metro City is the Capcom counterpart to Manhatten Island.

Yeah I kind of knew that, given the appearance of the Statue of Liberty in Final Fight’s later stage. The actual angle and distance of the statue of liberty is quite similar to the view from Manhattan if you google it.

Battery Park view:

The thing is that we couldn’t know for sure if it worked like that FOR SURE or if it was merely an artistic choice. Now that Haggar and NY are clearly in the same place for Street Fighter it kind of confirms it.

Mike Haggar being the mayor of NYC bumps up his importance as a character a pretty big step if you ask me.

Necalli is actually going to be used to create twelve. Mark my words and quote me

What makes you believe that? His shapeshifting ability? I suppose it’s possible.

We know it’s not because of his d…d-d-d-devour hour.

Twelve copies fighters on sight. Seth’s data is more likely to be the jumping off point for that project.

Probably combine the two.

[quote=“michaelahuey, post:7980, topic:177027”]

Heres a clip about Nash/Helen + Guile/Chun-Li part of the story in english.

A little retelling of Nash’s prologue and more.** I might be alone on this, but have to admit, I’m liking the English voice acting so far.**


I’m right there with you, it fills me with joy to see it sounding so good! I knew they could get it right, and I’m glad they’ve gotten it ready just in time for SF’s biggest lore moment to date!

@MrPyro agreed, I love Dave Fennoy’s stuff. He does Byron proud! :slight_smile:

I’m in particular loving Helen’s voice, Cindy Robinson does an amazing job! She didn’t go for the stereotypical braunhilda Russian voice that sometimes is utilized, but rather this warm, buttery smooth and nurturing voice, but with the clip, she showed that she can be rather deceptive.

You heard it here first:

Sagat will be the one to destroy Bison.

Nah dawg, Necalli Ex Machina ftw

Ryu finds Oro

They’ll take data from both, but base the physical off Necalli. Probably part Nash as well. Mark. My. Words.

Edit: my competely far shot theory is:

Necro experimentations= Seth data (incomplete)

Twelve creation= Necalli data from Nashs body.