The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

While we’re on that note, can we please confirm once and for all whether Akuma actually demon’d Gill? I honestly can’t find anything credible on this anywhere, unless this was covered in a translation before and I missed it.

Looks like more stage transitions are coming!

So do you think there will be more of a “capcom shoulda waited to release SF5 then we coulda have all this stuff at launch!”? I forsee it.

Can’t wait to see Ass-D’s Critical Art.

Based on everything that’s been translated from AAC so far, it doesn’t seem to be a canon occurrence. Akuma’s SF3 entry doesn’t mention anything about it, nor does Gill’s.

Strike 4 for the angry one.







I’ve always been meaning to ask, but kept forgetting. What are the entries detailing in each game?

Nah, this should be Karin premium costume

or the training suit from the manga (but with closed zip lol)


No, opened zip!

You sure been sleeping on these ones. I had to get rid of the other Shadaloo description in the guide because it was from the SFM (ironically that’s the entry you decided to leave out in the bottom of this batch)

I actually just started to do misc. entries again so this should go well with that.

So far what I have done since I last time.

Final Fight Section: is as complete as its gonna get for the moment. I’d still like to get my hands on the Japanese FF Sega CD manual and the FF 2 & 3 manuals to fill in the gaps for fodder characters and bosses.

Stages: Added all the stage description stories from the Street Fighter II Complete File Guide.

Misc section: Im breaking into sub sections that cover different topics that are misc. Right now there’s a few different ones, for example.

Shadaloo- misc things and characters like, Shadaloo Sentai (4 recently revealed Shock Troops), Psycho Drive, Psycho Power, and the 4 Kings

Ansatsuken- Covers Goutetsu and his techniques like Hadoken, SnH, and SGS, as well as Gen’s Ansatsuken.

Organizations: Interpol, Delta Red, C.I.A, and the misc people who work for them.

Families: Masters, Matsuda, and anyone else who’s a family member.

There will be lots if others in the future.

I also added a sources list to the very beginning detailing the sources I’ve used to make the guide.

I doubt Polymon has anyone who’s right for the job.

Heres a clip about Nash/Helen + Guile/Chun-Li part of the story in english.

A little retelling of Nash’s prologue and more. I might be alone on this, but have to admit, I’m liking the English voice acting so far.


My bad. I had no idea. Seeing Shadaloo spelled in plain English should’ve been enough of a hint since almost everything about the SFM game is English. Btw, Akuma from the SFM looks more terrifying than the Akuma from the game.

Nah, I agree. The English voices are unfairly underrated. And hey, at least the lip syncing is FAR better than in SFIV. Holy crap.

Also, I’m glad to hear a lot of Dave Fennoy. I forgot his name, but I’m positive that’s him voicing the guy Guile talks to.


No really, this is a spoiler. From the Walking Dead game by Telltale.[details=Spoiler]I miss you Lee. ;_; [/details]

I feel more connected with english voices. Able to understand the characters better through a variety of ways.

I used to unnecessarily hate on the English voices because I thought it was the cool thing to do. Nowadays, I feel much more comfortable keeping the majority of them in English. Bison is one of those characters I wish I could simultaneously switch between mainly because of how great both actors are in that role.

For example, I like F.A.N.G.'s Japanese voice, but I feel as though his English voice captures his personality much better. I don’t get that creepy vibe from the Japanese like I do the English one. Same can be said about many other characters.

I’m sure we can all agree that SFIV Cody’s JP voice is far superior…

Cody’s Japanese voice makes me want to punch cats.

Especially when he does the “Ha ha” nonsense. His defeat cry is just…shut the fuck up!

Admittedly, it was better in SFXT, but the SF4 voice has scarred my ears for life.

Sometimes when I hear the japanese voices through various things (anime, games etc) it almost sounds at times I’m hearing the same 3 people. You can get that in english as well but to me it sounds way more prominent. It’s really weird. That and alot of the girls sound really high pitched alot of the time…which kinda hurts the ears a little.

Some of them are kinda funny when you translate what they say you think they say in english.

Hei’s defeat in SFxT “YOU NEED SUNBLOCK!!!”

Balrog’s defeat in SF4 “WASH IT OFF!!!”



Cody didn’t have a Japanese voice actor in SF4.

He didn’t have one.

At all.