The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!


Chun specifically mentions very young hackers when she’s sitting besides the car; it sounds like a direct reference. It also seems that the girl is holding a tablet of something.


i thought that was some sort of a book rather than a tablet

Repost from lounge

The English isn’t as bad as I thought but I’m a traditionalist when it comes to this, so I’ll stick with the Japanese. Although Will probably play through again in English.

[details=Spoiler]Ok so my hunch about those keys being a wildgoose chase may be off. It’s kinda ridiculous that chess pieces are the actual keys to a WMD. So who actually stole them from Shadaloo and mailed them to Alex, Rashid, Chun, and Guile?

The Illuminati? Did they send them to all of the world heroes then sent their new hound dog to take them out one by one? Nash would need to retrieve all 6 remaining ones to stop Bison, meaning he’d probably have to fight/kill his friends if he must.

Juri? She’s mischievous and loves chaos/fun/pitting everyone against one another.

Viper? She was snooping around wasn’t she?

Rashid’s friend?

Boxer? He’s a treacherous one isn’t he?


Bison? BIGGER PLOT TWIST! He did say that nothing could stop his plan after all.

Speaking of the devil, it seems the black moons are powered by Psycho Power™. Bison is just overflowing with power it seems, he’s just giving it away to his minions and weapons lol.[/details]

Not happy about the difficulty level. I don’t think this was the right guy to play story mode and write a preview. He seems disinterested from the get-go.



that’s the most likely, if she’s actually the one whom F.A.N.G murders in the alley in retaliation for her treason.


That still doesn’t explain why she didn’t send them all to Rashid, instead of sending them to separate individuals. I get why someone would send them to Chun or Guile, but Alex? Why would you send a key to a WMD to trailer trash? He’s a no body at this point in the story :pensive:


Well… If you had multiple keys that activate a WMD, would you send all of them to a single person? If you really want to make the activation difficult, the choice is obvious, I think.

1 - She did know him, as a young wrestler on the rise; weak possibility, I know
2 - The key arrived to him accidentally and was intended for someone else

All of this assuming she was the one who sent the keys, of course. :tongue:[/details]

Anytime I see someone bitch about the female character designs while completely ignoring how insanely jacked the male characters are, I become completely disinterested in their opinion.

Gee I wonder who that could be.


“First things first, let me mention this thing that people pretty specifically don’t care about in regards to the game and give more analysis to that than any other specific thing in it”

Fucking bang-up journalism, bro. Not pushing an agenda at all. 10/10, best article ever.

Thinking about it, a better translation would be
A child with golden hair will appear, shining like the flame and the water
Who will lend an ear to the supplications of the truly compassionate

Because a “he” presumes the prophecy knows the sex of the saviour, which isn’t the case: the original Japanese is sexless.
We all know it’s Gill; better, we know that Illuminati suppose that to be Gill, but knowing Capcom I wouldn’t exclude the hypotesis of someone else…

Just realized this impression was from Polygon. That explains everything.

Man, that sheep that’s standing in front of Charlie looks similar to Nina’s from fullmetal alchemist

Instantly starts sobbing hideously

Don’t look at meeeee! runs out of thread


Well, why not.
We only know s/he is likely to be blonde.

Ninja Chicks

Kanzuki Kunoichis to be more exact (notice the Kanzuki curls in their hair?)

Dude got on my nerves after the first paragraph.

everybody’s reaction is the same when talking about poor Nina lol.