The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Bison approached Dan in Alpha 1 and promised he’d make Dan the strongest in the world if he joined Shadaloo. While this isn’t exactly an invitation to becoming a Heavenly King, it implies that Dan tier wouldn’t necessarily exclude one from being a King. If Bison saw loyalty and value in Dan, it’s within reason that he could become one.

Nah this is perfect, although your translation is more biblical and poetic sounding than the official English translation from the game. There are 7 black moons and the one that exploded damaged 7 areas of NYC (Capcom likes their sevens). The silence or ‘nothingness’ could be referring to the blackout caused by the EMP.

Watched the preview trailer again. Karin must be a wrestling fan. Everyone at her house was watching CWA with the Gief/Mika vs Alex/Laura match about to start when the EMP hit. I’ll laugh of Karin and her posse go after Bison because he killed their PPV feed.

From what I inferred, she is also sponsoring the event.
Any producer would feel a little disappointment. :tongue:

Even Sean is free to the SFV server.

Are there any plans to update the lore/story doc with the sources of the original Japanese texts?

I have a bad feeling that…


that Rashid’s friend is the female scientist that F.A.N.G. liquefies with his poison.

@“Darc Requiem” [details=Spoiler]That’s what I’m afraid of. The timing and the way they angled the footage makes me fear the worst. Props to them. That was legitimately terrifying.

Can you imagine a 7 foot tall man, dressed like that, slowly stalking you down a narrow corridor stating that you need to be erased and nothing will be left?![/details]



No thoughts on the possibility that Ilia/Necro is one of the kidnapped hackers? That’d be awesome

Of course this happens while I’m in the Bahamas on 2nd rate wifi. I can’t post much right now, but I am very excited about this.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who got side blinded by this. Literally seen the daily character was E. Honda and was like…

“meh, I take a break from the thread for the day”

Then all shit breaks loose with “Shadow Falls”

That’s what happens when you do a job well. Everyone wants you. I’d take it as a compliment.

So I suppose that Chun Li’s girl is [details=Spoiler]a hacker?[/details] (edit: forgot to spoiler it)

Also, I’m foreseeing that Chun’s accomplishment in this story will be rescuing the girl rather than beating anyone major like Bison, Fang, Urien or Juri…

My guess is that Li Feng might be too young to be a hacker. Why she’s with those two Shadaloo goons is a mystery at this point.

And I agree. Rescuing the little girl might be what Chun-Li does at the end of the story. Like She, and the world warriors are about to face Bison, but she deecides to rescue her instead, which leads to a final fight with Vega maybe? It would all come full circle from her character story.

Lol it wasn’t that, it was sifting through the 2 pages of dead pics, links, and spoiler tags within a day wondering “wtf is going on, wheres all the juicy info, and wth is a Shadow Fall?!?”

Y’know, the more I see of the story and such the more I go back to feeling how I felt before, Nash really seems to be the main protagonist in this game. Story seems to center around him then Ryu a close second. Necalli obviously has interest in Ryu but there is obvious hints Nash is going to also face Necalli. Then there is indications that Bison and Nash have something going on, it’s even shown that Nash vs Bison is important in SFV’s opening video as well as prologue. Yet nothing even in the prologues has really pointed to anything between Bison - Ryu in this one.

Ryu v Necalli is gonna be a thing but Necalli seems to be second fiddle to Bison in terms of importance in the story.

It’s kind of interesting how they are obviously grouping characters into their own story arc which may be a different story entirely. Like we have the wrestlers group and then there is the core story of Nash/Chun/Guile/Bison/Necalli(?). Ryu/Dhalsim/Necalli which seems to be one of Ryu’s standard training journey storyline with the antagonist of Necalli and keeping his SNH in check.

That all said, it’s just speculation how they will tie in, hell we didn’t even get to see Balrog/Juri/Urien, that’s a lot of antagonists to roll into the situation.

Edit: That last point had me thinking, arguably the 2nd most important antagonist in that list is Urien, and we have hints of illuminati having a hand in Nash’s revival via that forehead gem. That bumps up the importance of his story line.

Not gonna lie, when I first saw the “Shadow Falls” in the title, this came to mind:

A six button Double Dragon fighting game sounded good on paper. This game was fucking terrible.

Hmmmm, I wonder why Guile is the one doing the “I have the power!” pose in the character poster? You think that would be reserved for Ryu or Bison or something. It’s probably just meant to be a cool pose moment but you never know.

Yeah… But did you ever play Rage of the Dragons? Kinda fun for a lil bit.

I didn’t get a chance to properly respond to this so I will now.

In my theory about Dhalsim’s variable mass this would be very plausible in his case. He can affect his mass to become nearly weightless as to float, but imo he could also do the reverse and make his body extremely dense. That way
he could tank a SnH punch if need be. He’s sort of like SF’s version of Vision in that regard.