The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Hmmm no in game model screenshot of Balrog, Juri and Urien yet huh… I wonder if somebody will leak them, I know they will be in the story mode already but I’m just… curious >_>

What are the odds of this actually happening? I mean who are these people posting all these screenshots?!

NESTs > Mishima Zaibatsu > Ultratech & Shadaloo

Also can someone post for me a screen shot of Urien’s in-game model if possible? I keep missing it somehow/someway

Ultratech knows what’s best.

Dr. Doom>NESTs > Mishima Zaibatsu > Ultratech & Shadaloo

Can’t wait to see those glorious Illuminati sideburns in hd

No, it doesn’t.

@Ultima @bakfromon @DRW


Is that from the Gill’s SF3: W Impact US Dreamcast ending?
Besides Vasili’s translation, do we have another japanese translation one?

@bakfromon or @Miðgarðsorm, would you mind to provide us a new translation for it?



BTW, @bakfromon, I’m sorry that I couldn’t get you back with the sincronized SF: resurrection subtitles file. I’ll finish it this weekend. Thanks a lot!

Can you guys stop shitting on Shadaloo? It’s its moment to shine right now. Besides, did Ultratech, NESTS, Mishima, Illuminati or any of these other pretenders get an almost 3 minute grand entrance into the planet’s collective pop cultural psyche?


@Lord Vega

Yes the prophecy is from Gill’s 2i ending.

Hail ARIA. Robots rule, humans drool.

Exactly how much has Chun/Dhalsim/Sagat/Zangief grown compared to Ryu/Ken/Bison/Akuma? Exactly how can you compare SF2:WW Ryu v Zangief to SF3 Ryu v SFV Zangief’s strengths? For every one step a character like Sagat or Guile takes forward Ryu and Akuma take two.

Akuma is arrogant too, and it has hurt him before with losing to Gouken due to over confidence before he was capable of taking him.
The more powerful Akuma gets the more he loses his self control and humanity.

Sorry Daemos, you’re stretching because of fanboyism on this one. Hasn’t Bison basically been shown to be unkillable as long as there is hate and anger? You yourself have implied with your requesting a younger/different body Bison, that we have no idea how long he has existed. In the end, his power levels continue to grow in tremendous leaps and bounds each time we see him. As does everyone else on that short list. I never said there weren’t weaknesses, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t giant power growths. Achilles heel was just as vulnerable before and after his dip, but you wouldn’t say he didn’t receive incredible power from it.

I never said he would be EQUAL to Ingrid or Oni. I said that Bison and Akuma would be just below Ingrid, or that they will reach a power level where Ingrid no longer seems absurd. Right now the gap is too huge. Right now the gap is like comparing Bison to Dee jay. In two more iterations the difference between Ingrid and Bison/Akuma/Gill/Oro type characters might be the equivalent of True Bison vs Ryu. Noticeable but able to be overcome.

Don’t forget, from the very very limited information we know about Ingrid, it’s suspected Bison’s psychopower was taken from Ingrid. This means not only can Ingrid lose power, but unless Ingrid is getting more powerful at the same rate Bison is than the gap IS closing.


That’s why I specifically said SF3 Akuma and not pre-SF3 Akuma. SF3 Akuma basically took a shit on everything. Although arguably, Akuma has been taking a shit on everything for a while now with his touch of death attack but Capcom went back on this and has reeled him in (only to introduce Oni in the process).

Sagat can basically take shoot huge ass fireballs across the earth like Geese.

Chun-Li can cause craters the size of football fields with a fully powered kikosho.

Dhalsim is basically A-tier now.

Zangief is idolized by lesser fighters the world over since SF2, it’s implied that’s he’s become OP as fuck since his SF2 days.

When given the opportunity, many Street Fighters showed progress in their power level and it wasn’t only the main characters. I’ll concede that the main characters/villains get the lion’s share of the spotlight and by extension the ‘badass power exhibitions’, but they are still not making huge leaps compared to their 90s’ selves.

I also disagree that Bison’s power has grown “leaps and bounds”. I’m just saying he’s essentially the same character for the last 20 or so years. What I implied about Bison is pure conjecture (regarding his age). Ingrid is quite literally the first COSMIC entity in the Street Fighter universe, her only Achilles’ heel is that she gets bored quickly. No Street Fighter, who all started out as irrevocably human will become anywhere near Ingrid.

Also please don’t get me started on the whole Ingrid and ‘stealing her power’ thing cuz that’s just total BS.

“compared to their 90s selves” is a really REALLY narrow window. “They aren’t making any major leaps in this one last entry of the series, one where several of the characters on that list weren’t that core to the story anyway.”

Seth was the main antagonist in 4 not Bison, so Bison didn’t need a HUGE power buff. Gouken showed up and upped the average power level by creating a new top tier character. The only real that they didn’t leap frog the power level on Akuma and had to go with a what if Oni was because if they upped his power now then the boost in SF3 would become kind of meaningless, plus Oni was stronger than Akuma so they’d have to actually boost him forward then revert him back down for SF3. Had they not had to do that then Oni would have been a natural progression of Akuma.

I never heard about the Sagat throwing a fireball across the entire planet. Source on that?

Chun, do you legitimately mean a whole football field or are you speaking in hyperbole over the like 20ft wide crater she makes with Kikosho? It completely drains her and she has had that since Alpha with no further changes since then, it still has been shown to put great strain on her in SF3.

Zangief - implied how? Source? What can Zangief do that is comparable to the growth of Ryu’s denjin or tapping into the SNH?

As it is, you don’t know anything about Ingrid, we don’t know if she has weaknesses and limitations or not. Again though, it’s too large of a leap for this, or even the next entry in the series, but if the creation of power jumps and new characters like Necalli / True Bison / SF3 Akuma / Oni / Gouken / Two Armed Oro / Evil Ryu / Return of Nash, are any indication there it’s not unreasonable to assume that the gap between the top top power levels and Ingrid may become significantly less absurd by the time SF7 comes out, if it comes out. Again, not saying equal, saying it’s not absurd anymore. The idea itself starts becoming obtainable within the SF universe, not that any of the characters would be her equal or close to it. Just that the gap is finally small enough to pull her into the universe without breaking it.

I hate the idea of Ingrid, and have been quite loud about it. However the fact of the matter is that the characters in general are not growing in tandem, and the top tiers have always developed DBZ bloats where a new threat comes along and they need a new level of power to match it, while the side characters only get a little bit more powerful.

I didn’t say across the entire planet, I said across the earth (lowercase E). Sagat and Chun both exhibit a power up in the Viper aftermath ova. Sagat’s SF4 prologue literally continues from what is seen in this ova.

No Zangief’s power up is not comparable to Ryu’s (he is the ‘main character’ after all) - but Zangief is now revered and respected by many Street Fighters. While he hasn’t demonstrated any single feat that puts him over the edge, he’s clearly become THE wrestler of the SF series. His power can be inferred by the way many see him or treat him. Oro has not demonstrated any actual feats of power (like destroying a mountain or forest), but his power and status are inferred from his story (age) and the way others perceive him.

I see what you are saying, and yes it is true that the ‘main characters’ at least have power levels that grow in tandem with one another leaving behind most of the cast. But I disagree that any of them, not even Akuma will ever reach Ingrid. Ingrid as I said is a cosmic entity, the rules change on her scale.

No wonder Dhalsim took that Ryu punch like it was nothing - I don’t think he has a ribcage at all lol

Erm, what?

Well the story mode features my two favorite characters as a tag team.


Alex and Laura all the way baby.

Side note:


Any one else think Helen is really Kolin?

They’ve already presented the idea that Akuma could become a being of pure energy, It may not be canon, but it’s been presented as a possibility. That shows it’s POSSIBLE the power levels will rise to the point where Ingrid isn’t absurd. Also, quit saying “reach” I never said they’d equal her, I’ve made that quite clear several times. I’m saying that the gap would become one where Ingrid’s existence is no longer such an extraordinary leap to go from an entity whose existence will, seemingly, continue forever as long as there is hate and anger to a god child. They wont be on par, I’m reiterating, and this will will be the fourth or fifth time, that it just wont be something impossible within the scope of the universe’s power levels for her to exist at all at some point. Right now it doesn’t work.

As for Zangief, he was referred and respected back in SF2 as well. He was revered and respected in Alpha and was also then THE street fighter wrestler. Actually there hasn’t ever been a time that Zangief wasn’t both in popularity and storyline THE street fighter wrestler.

Story looks interesting. I am glad to see they are making an effort on story.

So Dhalsim can take a punch from evil ryu to his unprotected back? Dhalsim is above satsui no hado!

There’s one thing I don’t like about Necalli - well, two if you count his hair, is the dis-incorporation thing. Very repetitive of the Japanese, especially with bad guys. They always turn into a mass of blackness or whatever. Untouchable, unreachable. Once in a while sprout a tentacle or two and attack high school girls :tongue:

I hope Zangief puts Alex over in that match. Old and busted need to make way for the new hotness.

Tbh seem just that Ryu hold the punch at last second as soon he see Sim

My 2cents about Gief’s canon power

He’s not supah tier mostly because he can’t deal with fireballs characters (wich suck in SF universe lol),have zero “spiritual” power and have surely some losses in his record, but he’s a monster and he’s ever been

A lot of underrate status he have is about serve often the role of the big brute that get beated up in some (many?) not-canon anime/whatever appearances

But as SF canon he’s strong.

He’s probably the most phisically powerful char of SF universe (aside maybe Q who is a big ? and maybe not even human), and yes i say it knowing Hugo exist

The wrestling league he was banned from for being too strong was probably Slam Masters one (also in one stage he is in the crowd angry, maybe an hint he’s not authorized), wich seem to have some very strong fighters (Haggar is there too, and not even the best)

Even the role of master is’nt new, as Slam Masters “protagonist” Slamkovich seem to have trained under him

I think Gief as canon is probably better than most of wrestlers/big power characters aside maybe Alex (because anime new young cool dude effect) and maybe Victor Ortega

Aside them he seem equal to Haggar (even if tbh he ever looked more impressive than MH), who was basically close level to Cody/Guy, two pretty high level SF characters
Again, maybe they will use him as loser to make shine Haggar if become DLC because show a “new” char defeat an old one is a old shit trick they love to do, but all seem to suggest they’re at least equal

End of story, probably very very high tier if you consider only physical fighters, way lower in the ranking if you consider everyone in