The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Abel is old school? He was introduced in 4. And he’s like…6 years old.

Abel is old school as kind of SF character concept

Wich is not surprising since SF4 chased dat holy SF2 vibe

He’ a big tough dude with a very clear (Sambo) martial art style, and he’s real life fighter (Fedor Emelianenko) tribute like Fei or Rog

He’s the archetype of the apex of a specific fighting style

From SF4 Juri, Elf and Hakan fit that category too, and in some way Gouken too (as Master of Ryu/Ken, not new but classic concept)

I like to have these characters in SF (not ELf lol, but martial archetypes)

boooo! laammee!! at least update the character a lil bit like the others. Maybe out him in the yellow jumpsuit that all the other bruce lee clones have already done. blerugh!

In the words of frieza

“But first let me care of the mighty midget!”

Deplorable sir, thou mock this maiden? This vision lovingly kissed by emerald?! Abandoning your Korean MadnessMaiden to craft the mechanoid beast with two Blast Processors has rotten thine brain, thine loins and…thine manners!

Though do not mock. Though form the words of the galactic ruler known as frieza.

Nothing will ever replace robo beauty. Everything else is a place holder.

In ultratech we trust.

Are you going to do Viper’s other two alts Caio?

Also…I need dat Sawada!

The characters aren’t really growing in power in tandem, the majority are staying still while only the tippy top characters are actually “growing” Ryu has grown, chun has not. Bison and Akuma have reached insane levels of power. Akuma can destroy mountains as pointed out. Bison is basically an unkillable being of pure power now instead of a dictator with some sort of psychic abilties. Remember when they introduced the concept of Super Saiyan, sorry, “True” Bison? That was a raw powerup. Ryu suddenly gained Satsui No Hado out of nowhere, a straight power leap. Meanwhile Sagat, Ryu’s old rival, has sat still or grown in a minor fashion.

We have Necalli, a thousand year old demon, whatever, entity that can basically absorb the souls of people. Previously Zangief was considered a fairly strong character back in SF2, now he is just a muscly guy. Oh no, Fei Long is a kung fu master who can kick so fast it creates flame could be compared to the strength of a trained military man who can move his arms fast enough to create a wave of energy in the form of a sonic boom. That’s totally comparable to a character who came back from the dead and can absorb the life force of an enemy, or someone who can turn his entire body into metal and has power of magnetism, or a character who can literally revive himself from near death and summon meteors from the sky. Oni is a being of pure energy and hate. We have an unknown age acetic with an immeasurable power level. Another character who basically reconstructed his body from the edge of death via pure will.

They are creating new characters and buffing the top level characters to match them. In doing so they need to increase the threat of the antagonist. The gaps have grown tremendously and soon enough Bison and Akuma will be just below Ingrid’s power level, meanwhile we’ll still be sitting on a character like Hugo whose strength is that he is simply big and punches hard, or Viper who is effectively just a lady who attacks with a tazer.

You may love Bison, but the way Capcom has progressed the series Bison isn’t THAT much better than Ingrid of Akuma. It’s just that they haven’t reached Ingrid’s power level yet. The jump from current Akuma/Bison/Oro/Evil Ryu to Ingrid is, at the moment, too big. If Necalli is an indication, by the time we reach Street Fighter 7 Ingrid wont seem that absurd.

To be honest, Street Fighter could use a reset at this point to bring power levels back down.

Now where to draw the line is the question.

At the end of the day I blame akuma. Always blame the ginger (except their female counterparts because they’re hot as hell.)

To be fair though, they reached those power levels in the Alpha days, like 20 years ago now. Since then, they haven’t really gotten any stronger, and Bison has arguably become weaker. So is it really fair to say those characters are still “growing” as well?

Taken from Eventhubs.

I’m expecting a SF: The Ties That Bind level of story with this Cinematic Story Mode ie. shit.

You have a point but this isn’t completely true. Since SF2:

Chun for example has grown in power.
Ryu has grown in power.
Ken is implied to have or will grow in power.
Dhalsim has arguably grown in power.
Zangief has grown in power.
Sagat has grown in power.

Bison did grow in power, but not by much. He’s still the same Bison introduced from the SF2AM (who also managed to survive ‘death’ and appear at the end of the movie), but now he has wormholes and can ignite the environment ablaze.

The reason why Bison is not like Akuma or Ingrid is because Bison has very blatant weaknesses such:
1- Arrogant and megalomaniacal. (big character flaw)
2- The more powerful he gets the more quickly he burns through his bodies. (power threshold is actually physically limited and not infinite)
3- Needs host bodies.

He’s nothing like SF3 Akuma, Oni, or Ingrid. Even Gill is nothing like these 3 because at least he has been shown to be quite defeatable even though he has demonstrated feats of power like no other.

Hell even Necalli is arguably not the same as these 3. The character appears to be finite, he can only roam during a fleeting window of time, he’s also savage, unfocused, and beastial implying low intellect and discipline.

Many Street Fighters may or may not have grown in power but we wouldn’t know because they do not get highlighted in the story. So we can only guess where they are now.

We already got a reset in some form with SF4 and now SF5 TBH.

E. Honda

We’re getting down to the wire when it comes to characters that have been playable throughout the series.


Only missing Dee Jay, Dan, Rolento, Juni, Juli, Gill, Twelve, Hakan, Decapre, and of course they still haven’t posted Abel’s article yet.

And I’m still expecting that, once they start doing the Dolls, they’ll do them all in a row.

Looking pretty fucking cool, actually.

“The next related piece of awesome news: all six DLC characters are fully playable in the story mode. That’s right, in addition to Alex, Guile, and Ibuki, that means that Balrog, Urien, and Juri are also playable! The official release of these characters will not be until later in the year, which means everyone will get to play them in advance through this mode. For the DLC characters that haven’t been released at the time the story comes out, those characters shouldn’t be considered final or tournament ready, as they still need to be properly polished and balanced.”



The SFV Story Expansion is a 3~4 hour experience titled “A Shadow Falls” and will be released at the end of this month as free DLC to all SFV players. The 5 chapter story takes place between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III and bridges the events that happen in between the two stories. This is the first time in franchise history that fans will be able to play through this type of cinematic experience in a Street Fighter game.

The Street Fighter V Cinematic Story Expansion, “A Shadow Falls,” depicts the ultimate battle between the evil Shadaloo organization and the heroic World Warriors who rise up against them. Seven “Black Moons” are deployed by Shadaloo, granting M. Bison unimaginable power and enveloping the earth in total darkness. Seeing the moons mysteriously appear in the sky, Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li embark on an epic journey around the world to retrieve fragment pieces that are the key to stopping the “Black Moons” before it’s too late. Along the way, they encounter the rest of the World Warriors, each of whom have their own agendas and motivations in mind. The final battle between good and evil begins now… who will RISE UP?

“Black moons”

Illuminati prophecy confirmed.

Edmond Honda

The greatest adventurer of sumō world!
The super sumō wrestler who even today fights to show the greatness of sumō to the world.

Name: Edmond Honda
Height: 185cm (mage¹ included)
Weight: 137kg
Blood Type: A
Birthday: November 3
Home Country: Japan
Favorite things: Baths, Chanko², Tiramisu
Dislikes: Indecisiveness

A popular sumō wrestler, who attracts an unbelievable attention.
He ranks as ōzeki³, but it’s said he has the strength of a yokozuna⁴.
His early morning practice always becomes a full day routine.
He loves the bathhouse “Kapukon’yu” beyond all else, and attracts public there.
He’s currently searching for disciples and doing a gourmet travel together with Hakan.

¹ The sumō haircut.
² The typical stew eaten by sumō wrestlers.
³ The second highest rank of a sumō wrestler.
⁴ The highest rank of a sumō wrestler.