The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Then he hears ghost sagat “your fists are empty. You’re not the king.”

“quiet of ghost of sagat. I am no mere king…I AM GOD!!!”

Well shit, guess I don’t need to wait to play the story mode. Thanks for all the leaks.

Then Space God Akuma Raging Demon’s Bison on Uranus and all is good in the hood. No body jumping or Shadaloo scientists to save his ass now. GG.

Then Cosmic old perv oro shows up and throws space god akuma into a black hole.

At the end of the day…

Could be worse.

Oh and don’t worry about the leaks. It’s just a placeholder. Thank you for your patience.

Our synergy is kinda ridiculous. Bout to hit up Udon with a screenshot to see where we stand.

I wonder if Juri, Urien, Ibuki, and Rog will have a part in it, or if the story campaign will receive updates. Hard to tell right now, but it’d be nice.

Ying and Yang man. Balance.

It’s what Kain tried to do and understand.

Character card’s ready, alls we need now is a profile.

Where did the card come from? Twitter?

Yup :tongue:

Lt. Hanna is present in Masahiko Nakahira’s Cammy Gaiden manga with a different look. They’re using a lot of these characters first appeared in other medias, adapting them in a smart way.

I’d like to see a Smart Raven profile page.

I totally forgot about her in the Cammy Gaiden manga.
She’s the one with black hair sitting next to Cammy.

Ironically Col. Wolfman in the manga is a completely different character than what he’s portrayed in the game, but the actual canon Col. Wolfman from the game makes an appearance towards the end of the manga with the other members (he’s nameless in this portrayal)

These last series of posts have been golden, I can’t even stop laughing.

I just had a random thought.

Blanka. He was described as being pale by a Spanish speaking denizen of Brazil, originates (apparently from Thailand) and has a mighty, orange mane…could he be related to ADON?!

Hah, jokes aside, where is Blanka really from? A few years ago, I started seeing that he and Samantha are apparently from Thailand, but Jimmy crash landed in Brazil. Is there any basis for this?

Also, with Rashid’s “Are all Brazilians electric?!” comment to Laura does this mean he’s met Blanka at some point? I think the two would get along since they’re so easy going and hold friendship in high regard.

Bison’s power levels, along with Akuma’s, have ballooned since their original reveals, then they added Oni and Necalli. At the rate they continue to grow eventually Ingrid wont seem out of place. What will seem out of place is characters like Ken.

Bison throws a little flashing red orb to Ken and it enters his body. Ken can desperately shakes his arms and legs but is no longer able to move an inch. Bison rises his hand and Ken soars to the sky and the moment Bison tightens his fist in a deathly grip BOOM! Ken is no more in any SF game.

HELL YES. Keep it going in that direction. It doesn’t matter if Ryu gets blonde and joins Bison’s hate club as long as Ken is dead.

Aside, I just remembered the seething hatred I have for The Beyonder and suddenly began to understand why people may dislike Ingrid. I think she could still be kept as a neutral magical trickster like Mr. Mxyzptlk who pesters and jokes with everyone while not affecting the curse of events in any band’s favor (this also plays right into Ono’s style) but a retcon ala Dark Requiem would still be dope.

Ingrid can be like Bat-mite or Mister Mxyzptlk…

wow… sawada card? hope they would bring info from sf anime or cartoons as well like nida in malibu comics and satin hammer in cartoons. i hope their a chance for gouken’s daughter or niece to be canonized in sf universe

I like it when super powerful beings (we’re talking godlike entities such as things in the DC and marvel universes) things like cosmic powers on a grand scale just sit on the sidelines. It’s really lame when such a being just “finger flicks everything”.

“I is OP!!!”

I like it when the fights are more even for the most part. Unless of course a fight is happening between such beings and ONLY such beings.

I don’t know from where he is, but they missed the chance of give him something like that as home

Just imagine Dudley trying to teach him like an english lord should act, and an alt like that XD

Not going to make another long post about it, but any major character is able to beat a fully powered Bison if the writing is decent.

So, the important thing is indeed who should, not who can.