The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

She’s R.Kelly’s main for a reason…

That’s just unhealthy at that point. By human standards that’s just not right…not even in hentai.

I can just imagine him blessing Ingrid with a golden shower.


The reason is two fold, which was covered by Bak, Dark, and Doc.

1- She realized after her last encounter with Bison (Alpha) that he has become way too powerful for her and that she cannot stop him. Only delay him if anything.

2- She has foreseen that Ryu is the one who has the potential to stop Bison but she is afraid that if Ryu faces Bison too early, not only will he lose, but in losing, he will grant Bison a host body so powerful that he would become utterly unstoppable. An unprepared Ryu facing Bison is a risk she is not willing to take, that’s why she tries to beat some sense in Ryu who is blissfully unaware of what lies ahead.

I look forward to see if Capcom follows through with Rose’s prophecy (especially with the prophecy that foretells Gill’s arrival coming to play). It doesn’t seem that Ryu is completely ready in SF5 (which really only takes place 12-18 months after SF4), so maybe SF6? We’ll see how this literary masterpiece unfolds.

I do find it funny how Rose is adamant on keeping Ryu away from Bison out of necessity for the future, yet when Guy tries to do the same, she basically tells him to get the fuck outta her way. She does in Alpha 3, anyway. Her reaction to Guy isn’t nearly as bad in SF4.

Guy and Rose have had rival encounters since Alpha 2. That’s some history there.

If SF5 truly is the end of Bison, then that full opening cinematic is rather peculiar. While it obviously doesn’t show the full story, it seems to me that Ryu winds up fixated on fighting Necalli while everyone else takes on Bison. I believe a decent approach would involve Ryu accomplishing something twofold: destroying Bison and ridding himself of his temptations to fall to the Satsui no Hadou for good. Then again, this is pretty much exactly what happened in the Street Fighter Alpha animated film.

My point is, if Ryu doesn’t fight him, what was the point of Rose calling him the last hope?

I really don’t want Ryu to be the ONE to be Bison. I feel the anti-Shadaloo forces (Chun Li mostly) being deserving of beating him. Ryu only gets this prophecy crap because he’s the designated main character. Even with Bison wanting him as a host body, his interaction with him hasn’t been as major in comparison. Ryu’s not constantly looking over his shoulder for fear of Bison or Bison’s not constantly shouting to the heavens in rage with his name bursting from his mouth akin to bitter flame.

The early SF5 version had concept arts and gameplay builds of Ryu and Bison doing some final battle type of shit in a Chinese skyscraper. So it’s clear that something is gonna be cooking between the two and Necalli may get involved in the same way Garuda intervened between Kairi and Akuma in SF EX.

I wouldn’t take the CGI cinematic at face value or literally. The story may not necessarily unfold like that at all.

Going back to Rose’s predictions, she predicted that Bison will bring about doomsday. Bison told her in Alpha 3 of the inevitable ‘day of doom’. Subsequently, Bison’s plot in SF5 is his most ambitious yet in terms of worldwide mass destruction mirroring a would-be doomsday scenario. The Illuminati predicted an unstoppable doomsday event (with very odd parallels with Bison’s plan) will precede the coming of the savior (Gill’s tournament should be 18 months away from SF5’s tournament).

I’d say Rose’s predictions so far have been spot on and I don’t think that it is a coincidence how all these prophecies are converging into one main plot. Whoever is behind the SF5 story has paid heed to all these details (stuff that only fanatics like myself would recognize immediately) and this gives me hope. I don’t know how Necalli fits in yet (Deus Ex Machina?), but let’s hope he doesn’t eat Bison (even though he’s delicious!).

Yeah sorry, I meant to clarify that I was curious about her predictions surrounding Ryu in particular.

Still though, now that you mention it, Ono really does seem serious when he says that they’re taking the story very seriously.

There’s a difference between who should beat Bison and who can.

Who should?

Chun-Li. Without a doubt, Chun-Li is my man for this. Girl Power. Khaleesi. Slay!

But I doubt this will happen as her story has moved beyond personal vengeance and SF5 retconned her Alpha 2 ending where Bison tells her they will fight again (after revealing he killed her father). Vega x Chun-Li now makes perfect sense after her prologue.

But who actually can beat a fully powered Bison in SF5?

Ryu (deus ex machina)
Bison (self-destruction; realistic)
Necalli (deus ex machina)
A squad of heroes that include Nash, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy, (Maybe overkill but realistic)

Considering even Dhalsim warns of Bison’s own undoing, it may very well be a glorious battle where Bison loses for every possible reason.

I’m a big fan of the self-destruction angle. Bison wins, he actually gets what he wants but it becomes his own undoing.

His prologue, some shots in the cinematic, and Gill’s prophecy both suggest that the apocalypse scenario happens in some capacity, meaning this whole CHAINS plan does actually follow through and it could not be prevented. So it would be a nice consolation prize if Bison ends up killing a few million people on his way out. A parting gift that only the most spectacular of villains can give. :smiley:

As long as it’s not ryu doing the deed then it can be however…or necalli either.

Chun Li wants to capture Bison
Guile wants to capture / kill Bison
Nash wants to kill Bison
Juri wants to kill Bison
Rashid wants to capture / beat ( ? ) Bison
Cammy wants to capture Bison

It only makes sense that Mika is the one who is going to kill him.

Watch it be some shit where Guile, Nash, Chun-Li, Cammy, Ken, Dhalsim, Sakura, Zangief, Karin, and Gouken hold hands and give all of their energy to Ryu. Ryu obtains gigantic power and reaches a level far beyond Satsui no Hado called Super Denjin Ryu. Since most of this energy was composed of ***natural ******hatred ***for Bison, he also absorbs a huge portion of it and his Psycho Power far surpasses his normal limits. He’s now Demon Bison, and has enough power to wipe out all life on the planet. Knowing this, Ryu has to defeat Bison or the world will be at stake.

Then ingrid shows up.

“You and Bison and show promising power. Perhaps you two will become my rivals. If you come and train with me on my planet.”

Bison and ryu put aside their differences and become rivals. They train on ingrid’s planet. Ryu trains his super denjin. He also combines it with the dark hado dubbing it “super no hadojin”. While bison combines psycho power with satsui no hado (since bison had it all along he just didn’t know it." Dubbing “Psycho hado.”

Why does this all sound familiar to something…

C.Viper, Not-Fat Gen and classic Sambo Abel + MMA Abel

This time, Bison will learn everything he can from Ingrid. However, no matter how different he might seem to be, he’s *still *Bison. Once he’s done playing the good pupil, he’ll kill Ryu and Ingrid with the Demon Crusher, leaving no one in the universe around to challenge his power. With all of this vast power available, Bison decides to journey out into the cosmos, conquering various planets to stave off his boredom.

Bison wins.