The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

I’m not saying her being a deity with a personality is the problem, it’s way too out there to have one as a person on the roster of this game. That’s the problem. I’m a broken record on this, but I’ll say it again, my fear for SF is power creeping into the DBZ method. I don’t want Akuma and the rest of the shoto bros to become so powerful, the rest of the cast is immediately irrelevant. Same applies for Ingrid and other similar characters. When you have a deity in a cast of characters that are pretty much superheroes at the most, but no one breaks into the cosmic arena, it’s badly skewed and it ruins the balance immediately. I don’t want every installment afterward to introduce new characters as part of a pantheon of rivals to Ingrid. You do that, then you can kiss most of the cast goodbye and have to invent some BS to build Ken and Ryu (c’mon who else would it be?) to somehow become insanely powerful to stand a chance. Once that’s done, you’ll never be able to take Ryu vs Guile, Ryu vs, Chun Li or ANYONE seriously again because he’d be Enlightened-Holy-Justice-Kun-Ryu.

Bison is plenty powerful, but can be beaten by some of the insane martial arts skill that’s shown to be in the universe (plus psychics jumping bodies are an old sci-fi trope so he’s not that outthere). Having to beat a goddess who can time travel ruins story integrity. No one poses a threat to her and everything would stagnate. Even if she’s holding back, it still wreaks havoc on things.

It’s like having a street level Marvel heroes movie (let’s say all the current Netflix characters – Daredevil, Punisher, Elektra, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage vs Galactus). Even though they’re in the same universe, it wouldn’t work without getting other characters involved. None of these guys would stand a chance one-on-one. That’s why in these events, you’ve got Reed Richards threatening and out-smarting Galactus with his own ultimate Nullifyer or getting help from Silver Surfer. It works in that medium, but in a story where people are mainly fighting one-on-one, you can’t do that.

If this was a game with multiple dieties and things of insane power then it wouldn’t be such an issue. While Ingrid doesn’t totally fit with the Darkstalker’s motif of movie-monsters, power and aesthetic-wise, she’d fit in with the other characters of the Maki kingdom.

None of the SF-ers would survive in that world. We previously talked about this in Ye Olde thread, but descriptions put conditions of the Makai kingdom to such dangerous levels, none of the top level SF-ers could last. We’ve got acidic land masses, oceans that are frozen and 100’s of degrees below Absolute Zero and forests filled with creatures that can rend souls.

I’m not against Ingrid, I just don’t want her in SF. If there was some new series where she was the lead and it was a magical girl show with super powered creatures or even a game of the same genre, then I’d be fine with that. She just simply doesn’t fit in with SF in my opinion.

Lesbian innuendo, in my opinion

What if Ingrid comes back as figurehead of a cult? Make all her followers basement-dwelling neckbeards and I think you’d please both sides.


Gonna start handing out SRK’s to those who keep dissing my baby Ingrid. I’m tired of this shit.

But seriously, Street Fighter isn’t a great setting for her. She seems more fit for a Capcom All Stars type of game instead.

Personal moveset built around countering SRKs

I wish Rival Schools, Darkstalkers and Star Gladiator were still around to soak the character designs that don’t belong in Street Fighter.

I’d be totally fine not buying Ingrid’s game.

So apparently Hanna Ackerson isn’t just a random face after all and has been introduced before.
She had been mentioned at the very end of Cammy’s SF4 Japanese prologue story on their SF4 site.


…Go on

That aint no 125lbs… and she looks like she has alot of cats.

I’d say 140 in my opinion but we’ve already established Capcom doesn’t know how to depict body proportions in terms of Street Fighters (See Sagat, Elena, or Seth for better examples)

Aye. Her design is bad, but lots of SF characters have bad designs. It’s her backstory that single-handedly ruins all of SF were any of it actually canon that’s the problem.

I’ve said this before, but if they just made her, like, the Illuminati’s light elemental user instead of a time traveling goddess, I’d be okay with her being in SF. She’d still be on my list of bad SF characters, but at least she’d be a SF character.

Personally, she has always seemed like the queen of crossover games. If they just kept her in the Capcom Vs. games, hell, even if they made her the main character in next one, I’d completely support that.

Talk about a mighty midget. 5’1? Geez…

And she’s taller than Ingrid.

Can anyone explain why Rose’s rival battle in SF4 is Ryu? Makes little sense to me

Ingrid’s shorter then 5 feet?

Unless they change it. Ingrid was last listed at 5’ 86lbs.

Rose is actually one of Ryu’s rival battles in Alpha 3 so it’s a continuation of their encounter in that.

She believes he’s the only one capable of ridding the world of Bison forever someday , so she doesn’t want him to unnecessarily risk his life fighting Seth or Bison at that point.

Bakfromon addressed part of it. The other part is that Rose’s tarot cards tell her that Ryu is the only one that can stop Bison. However, he isn’t ready. So, she trying to prevent him from crossing paths with Bison until he’s strong enough to defeat him.

Ah…mix to things together. Loli and midget…one of the newer trends. It all makes sense now.