The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Bison Tokusentai!




Sagat…whatever respect I held for you (and it wasn’t much) is now gone…

Balrog doesn’t need a posse of bodyguards when he is a bodyguard himself. Its redundant, its like having bodyguards for the secret service.

[quote=“Magegg, post:7563, topic:177027”]

I would like to have a “beat 'em up mode” similar to this, these Shadaloo guys could be opponents.

[/quote] Something like this would be really cool. It'd be quite the twist if Cinematic Story ended up being a great mode lol. I'm totally expecting a MK9 story mode with mediocre cutscenes though. ;)

Is that all Balrog is in the games? A bodyguard?

He’s a paid bodyguard of Bison’s which makes him important, but that’s pretty much what all the 4 Kings are. Bison just hires them because they’re the best of the best fighters in their specific field.

@Magegg thats somehow similar to the obsecure mode of Pocket fighter’s “Running mode” without dialog…

I enjoyed this ideawhen i first saw it… with no in-between battle pause and change scenes while fighting continuosly and simultaneous like in “World tour mode” Guy’s survival

Another better variant “Survival bonus mode”…I always wanted this mode to be like destroying a Psycho drive/Shadaloo Weapons/Psycho device with Shadaloo troopers…

When SFEx3’s End Credits the Guys grows bigger every knock down. It’s just an end credits but their is “FUN” in it.

Capcom had alot of creative source for fighting numerous guys, Cyborg monitors, Shadaloo Troopers, Seth Clones, Generic Dolls, Twelve prototypes, Geki Ninjas, Street Punks, Shadaloo Soldiers and etc.

I missed the days when Capcom was some who brings the best and ideas modes in their product.

Times when SNK was their rival … one of the exciting bonus stages of the Second Art of Fighting : Strength Training (next training stage on the video bellow)


Imagine Good Beat em up Bonuses with some Interactive Cutscenes but not “too much” like MKX or SC3 but better Responsive Controls and Instructions.

I literally saw this as I walked over to my apartment and had to stop walking.

I ever seen them more like the classic mafia movies stereotype

Dictator- the Boss —> that’s easy

Sagat- bodyguard/Right-hand man —> was the closest to him, back to SF2 after reached tailand you had to beat him to face Bison. Even as gameplay was his bodyguard (notice the other 2 were in Spain/USA, too far for being useful in that role).
Also he was the previous leader in that area, so probably back to SF2 he was the one that give direct orders to the men (as #2) in SF2’s shadaloo-thailand HQ.
Also strong sense of honor is a common trait

Claw- hitman —> we see him often used as operative, send in places to kill or do stuff. He’s smart, and seem to have some skills (stealth infiltration, acrobatic to escape, pilot, know computers). Plus he’s a fucking sadic sociopath killer that like see blood on his blades.
Also on general he’s the youngest/cool looking guy of the group, give to him the hitman role it’s kinda clichè too

Boxer- goon —> i guess the best use you can do of him is send him to break bones and heads, he’s “the muscles” of the group. As long you give him his fight money he will crush skulls
Also have a retired boxer/famous boxer as hired muscles is anothe clichè both as use and as prestige (if we assume that in Cap universe Rog was famous as Tyson)

Similar clichè roles can be applied to later additions like Juri, Fang, Cammy or Birdie

Carlos is now Brazilian “again”

Boxer always kinda goon guy…

it suck, being the first from Argentina was better than #23 brazilian capcom char

That doesn’t seem to gel with the process shown in FANG’s story mode. And Vega always seemed more like an offensive assassination tool than a bodyguard.

I was always under the impression that Bison used the Dolls as bodyguards. And the 4 Kings were commanders of sorts(to which Sagat did no commanding during his time, because he didn’t care).

The Four Kings are paid enforcers for Bison. They served as his bodyguards during SF2 era when there technically weren’t Dolls in the canon. So I’m going off of how the group was originally introduced, not what Fangs story mode implies.

Bison pays each of them graciously to do his bidding, whatever that maybe. All of the Four Kings can kill someone in their own way, it’s just some are better suited for the art of assassinations.

Even when Vega’s originally introduced as a bodyguard he is still suited for a tool of assassination because that’s in his ninjutsu skill set. Just like Fang with his poisons. Just like a good portion of his Dolls are suited for the same thing because they use stealthy clothing gear along with guns/ swords/ or their bare hands to do wet work for Bison.

Balrog is literally bodyguarding in SF4 when he’s charged with guarding Ed, which apparently is still his task in SFV according to Fang in Nash’s story (he probably sees it as babysitting so ditches him).

Bison can use his Four Kings anyway he wants to because he pays them to do so. Bison can use his Dolls anyway he wants to because they’re all brainwashed to do his bidding.
Dolls are more reliable bodyguards because of the brainwashing thus they make up his Elite Gaurd, but the Four Kings can be tasked with the same thing in either case because he pays them to be his right-hand henchmen.

Granted the title of ‘Shadaloo Kings’ is likely more synonymous with high ranking officers now (SF5) more so than body guards (the statues say a lot). Vega and FANG for example appear to have a vested interest in the organization itself. Boxer on the other hand seemed only ever interested in the money. Balrog in SF4 was hired and tasked by Bison to guard human incubators for example like Bakfromon said. He was literally guarding Bison’s ‘bodies’. We’ll see what motivates him this time around soon (probably related to Ed).

Balrog probably just likes the money and power. So what if he has to punch an elephant every now and then? Does a disgraced heavyweight champ have anything better to do?

Yeah I find it a little weird that someone as self-absorbed as Bison would erect 3 statues of his mooks to stand beside his, but eh it looks cool.

[quote=“Magegg, post:7563, topic:177027”]

I would like to have a “beat 'em up mode” similar to this, these Shadaloo guys could be opponents.


Tekken Force Mode :smiley: