The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

sorry for the delay but to quite busy with college, I’ll post later today Thunder, Arroyo and Blade.

Height/weight almost identical too

Height: 192cm
Weight: 125kg

Height: 193cm
Weight: 125kg

Also was’nt Gunloc Guile’s brother?

Popcorn is also Gunloc’s favorite food. XD

I like Blade. I wish an unknown foot soldier like that was a playable character. Kinda like a Hunk from Resident Evil.

Blade, Laser and Blazer actually looked cool and had awesome powers but they were more like Mortal Kombat characters.

Nakayama, KIKI and everyone involved in creating these bios are having a lot of fun.

I made him a traitor, lol Granpa Helio Kinjiro will not be happy XD

At the end the Matsudas ar the Gracies of capcom universe

In theory if was an official artwork i should have invented a similar logo but using the “M”

Btw i liked also that the logo shape is a triangle since iirc they said Fabio’s signature sub is the triangle choke

Who the fuck is Gunloc?

If Blade is indeed Gunloc, Guile’s brother… holy shit, we might finally get an interesting plot in Street Fighter!

Yes, I say interesting because the Gouken vs Gouki drama is now officially lame

A character from Muscle Bomber/Slam Masters.

Nope, we wouldn’t. That is Capcom USA brain damaged logics…

I’m all for going full crazy and making Gunloc a Bison trooper and Guile’s brother, and make it a conscious decission of Gunloc. No brainwashing or crap like that; make it Gunloc made some poor choices in life and ended working for Bison and thus we have full drama with good characters.

Gunloc = Blade ~= Doctrine Dark

Granted but, so is Blade’s existence at all. And now look.

From AAC
「 フロリダ の 荒馬 」 の 通り名 を 持つ 、 スラム 育ち の レスラー 。 幼少時 に 両親 を なくし、スラム街で ストリート ファイト を 行なっ て い た とき 、 プロレス の 世界 に スカウト さ れ た 。 いまや 全米 プロレス 界 で も トップ クラス の 人気と 実力 の 持ち主。 ザラゾフ とは 同門 で、 互いに ライバル 視 して いる。 もっとも性格 はザラゾフとは対照的に、短気でケンカっ早い。 ジム の 先輩 で ある ハガーの 娘 • ジェシカ に モーション を かけ 、 ひんしゅく を 買っ た こと も 一度 なら ず ある。

The wrestler who was born in the ghetto, his nickname is the “Wild Horse of Florida”. He lost his parents during his childhood and he had fallen in line with street fighting in the slums, which led him to become recruited into the world of pro wrestling. He’s fellow students with Zalazof, his rival. His personality is the exact opposite of Zalazof’s, as he is short tempered and quick to start a fight. He tries to flirt with Jessica; gym captain Haggar’s daughter, but he’s been turned down multiple times. (guess he became evil and turned to Shadaloo after this?)

All Muscle Bomber characters are a part of the guide

Interesting. Never heard of the guy. So he’s Guile’s brother?

This is only highly implied, and only in the North American version of Muscle Bomber (Slammasters)

His Western profile said he was rumored to be related to a famous street fighter, and I think he had a flash kick at least in one of the games. Then Blade’s ending in Street Fighter: The Movie (The Game) said he was Gunloc, Guile’s brother, in an undercover mission, I think (which would also be cool if they don’t want to make him evil).

Of course, nothing of this is supposed to be canon (yet), as it was all overseas and movie stuff.

Ah, I see. It’d be cool if this all became canon but I highly doubt it will. Thanks for the explanations guys.

EDIT: Actually, the name Gunloc rings a bell. I think he’s in the UDON character encyclopaedia. I’ll take a look at my copy.

EDIT 2: Yep, found him. I took a quick picture

He wasn’t the only character in the game to have a “Flash Kick”

Also, Gunloc and Zalazof had a “Sonic Fist” attack and Zalazof had a “Sonic Boom” style attack called the Trinity Fist