The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

The problem is always the same: we’re reading bios compiled by Shadaloo. If the present whereabouts of a character are embarrassing to them (it’s not like they can brag "WE’VE BUTCHERED 'EM, HAR HAR HAR :devil: ", come on :tongue: ), they simply overlook it.

Fantastic! I wasn’t even expecting Arroyo Hawk. It’s really nice to see a legit design for him.
Man, I’m really excited about his bio. Lol. I’m surprised…

Or maybe he was a grappler and isn’t any longer because he’s retired? There’s a lot of ways to take that since they don’t really say he’s dead.

I admit my first impression was alt costume for T. Hawk too

But is also true that i find it a nice design, better than standard T.Hawk imho

So, I remember @Caio_Lins saying he couldn’t get an imgur account to make an album for these images with the backgrounds cut out. So I’ve decided to start keeping one myself.

You can view it here.

I’m sure I’m missing a couple. But that’s all the ones I had saved.

True but these Shadoloo drones seem a bit oblivious to Bison’s true nature. I don’t think the bios will confirm any deaths that Bison was directly involved in.

Not to mention that it’s generally bad practice to leave files around with you confessing to a bunch of murders. Especially given how often Shadaloo’s computers get raided.

They’re not even stating that he could be dead, by Bison’s hand or not. All the other dead characters are listed as dead or missing, so if Arroyo Hawk isn’t listed as being dead than we can’t say for sure what his fate is. His bio makes him seem like he’s just retired and he had fought Bison in the past with no repercussions.

Obviously some things have been omitted like Gouken beating Akuma, or Seth probably being dead, but usually the background characters who have a specific fate are listed as such

Goutetsu- Dead

Go Hibiki - Dead

Geki Sr.- Dead

Dorai- Missing

A. Hawk- ? (dead in old canon but who knows now?)

Perhaps the evolution of Akuma is his discovery of a counter for Mu just like how Kaioh was able to manipulate his own evil aura to counter Kenshiro’s Mu technique in Hokuto No Ken.

Well, facially and bodywise; Arroyo has a more squat face and wears his hair differently and he seems a bit bulkier whilst also being shorter. I was almost expecting a simple recolour.

Second tweet is real interesting. Expect some information about not only the story expansion, but oother upcoming features as well.

Cinematic Story trailer #2 is out!

I’d say the best depictions of ki and aura’s to go by would be Alpha series and by extension SF4 series as they copy the Alpha series aura’s right down to having Ryu’s Hadoken tinged a bit purple and Kikoken and Sonic Booms schemed blue and yellow.

Psycho Power is blueish whitsh purple.

Soul Power is basically Psycho Power colored but adds yellow

SnH is Red when dormant, and purple when active (imo because the contaminated red hued energy mixes with the user pure blue energy to become purple)

When Akuma has become Oni he is burning through all his latent energy and maxes out his SnH like Evil Ryu does at all times, thus he gets a purplish Psycho Powered colored hue, because like you said they’re both brother and sister power.

At least that’s my theory on it. I feel the game depictions of aura’s and ki are more consistent than others like the animes.

I really can’t find it in my heart to hate that movie. Legend of Chun-Li, on the other hand…

Also, considering Sawada was canonized, I wonder if the story mode actually will make light references to things from the movie (not to say the movie will be canonized, god no). I’m sure a “Tuesday” or cartoon-related reference such as “killed my father too” will be made even though SFxT milked those to death.

I dunno if it’s because I was more of a Mortal Kombat fan long time ago, but I absolutely hate the Street Fighter movie (except for Raul Julia, obv) and love the Mortal Kombat movie.

It feels like MK movie was just perfectly executed in terms of adapting the original canon from the games into the cinema. Of course they fucked it up with MK Annihilation but still

I remembered watching that SF movie in a theater and watching it music videos… but MK movie is better even have a winning catchy soundtrack during my childhood. I was more of a capcom fighter in early 90’s just manged to enjoy MK during MK3…

I remembered someone’s theory on a forum about Ryu hair being red is because of the satsu no hadou hair being present in him.


Satsui no Hado?

I also added the Shin Akuma bios to the Misc album. Hopefully you can see them better now. Let me know.

@“Doctrine Dark” that nigga is hella creepy

Thanks bro!!!


The conehead looking nigga?

That’s my mans Saturn. All the bitches be riding his dick…head. They need to put him in Marvel Vs Capcom 4.