The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

maybe some were supposed to be after SF3 timeline if they are still alive?

You really have no problem with Ken having his classic Gi and haircut in SFIV, to having a completely different hairstyle and updated outfit in SFV, back to classic Gi and haircut in SFIII?

I really don’t because he is still the same exact person with his hair styled differently (but similar length) and wearing a different top.

Why should he? Have you never changed your hair or clothes?

It could be his wife buying/washing his clothes. Man buns might not last long as a fashion.

There’s no reason to over think it. If you really need an explanation.

SF3 was released what? 15ish years ago. Pretty close to SF2 so the changes weren’t that great. SF4 comes along and its kinda a reboot so people are happy to see classic looking characters. SF5 comes not long after SF4 so to differentiate a few tweaks are made. Characters are still recognisable but ‘revamped’ enough so people aren’t thinking ‘same old shit’.

If you really need a canon reason for Ken…

Alpha, young Ken has long hair. SF2, Ken cuts hair. SF4, Ken likes haircut. SF5, manbuns are in and Ken gets a UA sponsorship. SF3, Ken looses sponsorship and manbuns are out.

No problem, here dude

i add Elena too

Why does Elena have feathers instead of hair?

Akuma has always had a red aura in his intro.

Red aura, but his Ki manifestation (fireball and the ground spikes) were always purple, same for the Raging Demon hit animation

SNH is a sister power to Psycho Power hence the purple flames. Bison also has a red aura in some of the anime prologues/epilogues of SF4. So Akuma having a red aura but purple flames as a physical manifestation of his power isn’t unprecedented.

why is evil ryu on SF4 always have the aura always on?

Same reason why Oni constantly emits the blue aura - SnH is out of their control so their Ki goes crazy all over the place, while Akuma is still somewhat in control of his mind and the aura only appears when he prepares a strong attack (e.g. any of his SF3 supers)

Just sketched braids :smiley:

Arroyo Hawk

There is a character for maniacs, huh.
He’s Thunder Hawk’s father.
A hero of the Thunderfoot tribe.
It’s said he fought against Lord Bison in the past.

Name: Arroyo Hawk
Height: 212cm
Weight: 140kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: Juni 30
Home Country: Mexico
Favorite things: Clear water
Dislikes: Lies, alcohol

Father of Thunder Hawk.
A virtuous person who won’t forgive a lie.
He’s always fought only to protect the sacred soil of Thunderfoot tribe.
Doesn’t like useless fights, nor vengeances.
It seems he was a grappler!

Why couldn’t Seth and Elena look that awesome all the time?

Arroyo’s bio makes it sound like he survived the fight with Bison. However I feel that’s unlikely (cuz PSYCHO POWAAAAH!). It’s good to see them giving some shit about Hawk though.

Whoa, liking Arroyo’s design, I was worried if we ever saw him he’d just be a slight alteration of T. Hawk.

edit: @Daemos yeah when I first read it I couldn’t tell if he was still alive or they made a tense error.

6’11.5" 308lbs, well we know where T.Hawk got his size from.

Clearly Shadaloo acknowledges the fight but omits the details…

Really? Cause I feel like he’s exactly that.

First time I saw the picture I was like “Is todays article an alt costume for T. Hawk?”

Well the statement “he was a grappler” suggests that he is dead, but not necessarily dead because of Bison.

These bios would’ve been perfect if they had a “Where are they now” stat to fill.