The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

End of June, aw man…

Random thoughts:

  • Yeesh at all the complications with T. Hawk. I keep forgetting his connection to the Dolls is so complicated. Hope they can iron things out
  • It’s unpopular but I dig the Udon books. I’m behind on Unlimited, but jumped to the latest issue to get my Blanka fix and enjoyed Ryu and Oro’s connection. The only thing I’m baffled about is the idea of Gill going public in the particular way he did. Overall though, I’m enjoying what I’m paying for so no real complaints here
  • I’m very disappointed that in the English translation for Yoko’s bio, they got rid of Black Widow’s involvement. Anyone have any thoughts as to why? @bakfromon
  • I’ve been hopeful about story mode and still am, but despite being interested in how Ibuki’s shaping up, I was hoping for more than just a trailer after the promise of a surprise over the weekend. Now finding out that she’s been pushed back makes things more disappointing. I really really want this game to succeed, but they need some outside help to get things right logistically with this model and for the love of all that’s holy…GET…BETTER…PR. The silence is hurting this game. It’d be nice to connect with capcom a bit and hear what’s going on more often than a blog post once in a while.

@Cestus yo those are unreal bro. Shame they will never make it into the game, I love the Remy personally.


Sigh, they better come up with some kind of trailer this month to get hype up again. And they dropped the ball with Ibuki release, i’m gonna be so pissed if they have to delay this shit. I think they should either release Ibuki AND story mode earlier than June, OR give us some kind of consolation after missing their monthly deadline.

That’s how I like my individual character art through.

For promotional material, I like big group pictures with tons of characters on them.

Thanks dude!

You are wonderful. Ty.

@Cestus how do you do this!?

probably with witchcraft AND sorcery

Great job, Cestus.

what happened to guy’s shoe game tho…

A story trailer at E3 is pretty likely.


and some minutes of photoshop :smiley:

Can you give Seth some pants?

Not much to discuss but here is some quotes from the WSO from tonight. More to come at 7PM PT during Capcom pro Talk.

Karin to Ibuki - "Just what I exepected from a friend of Sakura’s. I had a lot of fun "
Ibuiki to herself - "Since you change into me, how about you go to school in my place"
Ken to Ibuki - “You’re not closing in with any conviction. Focus on the fight!”

He got married and Rena put him on an allowance.

This makes no sense.

“What I expected” maybe?

I think he means “Just what I’d expect from a friend of Sakura’s. I had a lot of fun”

Oopsie. ignore.

That Akuma is SO different I am really wondering what it could mean.

Even his ki is red instead of purple like normal. I am wondering if this is hinting at something…