The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Yeah, I’m definitely going to consider it. How far into Unlimited are they?

I honestly hope the Story expansion doesn’t suck. I’m not expecting any Grade A writing, but make it interesting at least.

I like the official artwork over Kiki’s. His art is plain. It’s good for profiles but it would suck ass as promotional material.

You are right that Noembelu was never directly tied to Hawk in any of the games. It was assumed that Noembelu was from Hawk’s tribe because:

A ) Several people were kidnapped from Hawk’s village when he went searching first (Source: Alpha 3)
B ) Noembelu is native American.
C ) Noembelu has been kidnapped by Shadaloo.

The circumstantial evidence points to Noembelu being from the Thunderfoot tribe, although she does not actually have any relations with Hawk himself besides that. Hawk as of SF4 was specifically searching for Juli and not missing villagers (he saved what he could of his village and that plot is closed). Hawk’s Alpha3 plot was largely ignored and his SF4 story picks off from SF2 with the detail of Juli still being missing (from Alpha 3) added in. I also don’t think his plot was a total a waste, it just goes to show you that Shadaloo really like their dolls.

*If *Juli is rescued, the best I think we can hope for is Hawk appearing as a Bengus art somewhere thanking Cammy or whoever for bringing her back. I doubt Capcom will invest in a Hawk DLC.

Idk, they’ve been doing that for quite a few character bios just for the point of fan service. Why mention Retsu knowing something about Oro or Dhalsim, or B. Widow being mentioned in Yoko’s entry, or El Stinger in El Fuerte’s, or Sasa Nikishi (whoever he fuck that is). The least the could’ve done was link Juli to Hawk in his bio with a small mention. Maybe elaborate more as to how they’re connected. He is the one went against Shadaloo who killed his father (also not mentioned). I’d say out of all the profiles so far T. Hawk’s is a letdown because it has so much more potential than it actually has.

Jokes about the Shoryuken and Condor Dive aside, T.Hawk has more against Shadaloo than the Shadaloo officer (glares at Nakayama) infers.

*No mention about Bison killing his father to take his land for Shadaloo.

*No mention of how Hawk fought Shadaloo itself to get it back.

*No mention of his previous endeavors to get Juli

All and all it’s a profile with wasted potential. Not only in information but in the writers “character”, as Hawk is probably on of the top offenders against Shadaloo and has a lot of history with them. Why wouldn’t a Shadaloo operative acknowledge them (like they have for Rose, and Delta Red)

Because the AAC guide basically implies that theres no reason why Juli’s from Germany, but also from T.Hawk Native American tribe
隠し キャラクター ベガかに洗 脳 さ れ て シャドルー 戦闘部隊 (ベガ 親衛隊) の 一員 と なっ た 女性。対 CPU 戦 で は つねに ユーニ とともに 登場 する。 栗色 の 髪 に つり、グラマー な ほう が ユーリ。 ユーニ と 似 た 技 を 使う が 、 胸 が ジャマ する の か ユーリ より も 技 は 少なし 。 E.本田 の エンディ ング で は ユーニ とともに 彼 に 拾わ れ 、 相撲 の 稽古 に 励む 。 ユーニ 同様 、 コンシューマ 版 で は 専用 の ストーリー と エンディング が 追加 さ れ か って T. ホーク と 同じ村 に 住ん で い た こと や 、 ジ ユリア という 本名 が 発覚 し た 。 もっとも 、 彼女 は ドイツ 出身 の はず で 、 その 名 も 「 7 月 」 を 意味 す る ドイツ 語 に 由来 し て いる の だ が 、 なぜ メキシ コ に ある T. ホーク の 村 に い た の か 、 謎 は 残る。

Appearing as a hidden character who is one of the women who has become brainwashed by Vega to serve as one his combat soldier “Vega’s Elite Guard”. She appears in Thailand with her partner Juni during a CPU game. She has thin lifted eyes (high cheek bones?) and chestnut hair, overall Juli is glamorous. Her techniques are similar to Juni’s, although her larger bust makes her techniques somewhat less effective (boobs get in the way?). During E. Honda’s ending, she takes Sumo classes with Juni. Similar to Juni, she receives a dedicated story and ending featured in the home version, where it is revealed her true name is Julia from T.Hawk’s village. However, she is supposed to originate from Germany and her name is supposed to mean “July” in German, therefore, it is unknown why she is a member of T. Hawk’s village in Mexico

Cammy’s stated herself in SF5 that she’s made it her mission to save all the Doll’s, therefore, she more than likely will without the help of Hawk (because he’s not in game).

This is why I suspect that Hawk’s stories are retconned because they keep leaving the topic ambiguous. They won’t even state that Juli could’ve been taken from Hawk again, sure it’s lightly implied, but Juli had been kidnapped by S.I.N before that according to the Juri OVA, which Juni’s story followed in the game (Cammy rescues her), but Juli’s again tied with Hawk when he mysteriously finds her again in SSF4, when she shouldn’t be free necessarily (last time she was in Juri’s custody).

I really can’t say which or what’s a retcon, but as far as the whole Juli/ Hawk thing goes I can see why Capcom’s not touching it and just leaving it open ended for now for both Juli and Hawk.

They’re on issue 7 issue 8 is on the 8th of June. They’re only a few quid each. Wonder if we’ll get to fight characters that aren’t in the playable roster

Well, the only reason I can think for all this is that… after all, we’re reading a SHADALOO archive. It’s likely they censor anything that could tarnish their image of Bison. And slaughtering an entire village (for no reason whatsoever, on top of that) certainly is not an image booster :tongue:

Yea but out of the 4 people who originally had history or beef with Bison from SF2 era (Chun, Guile, Cammy, and Hawk) the numbers dwindled down to 3. Because apparently Hawk’s narrative of avenging his father and reclaiming his homeland and people from Shadaloo has been forgotten (even by Shadaloo)

The father bit has been buried and forgotten indeed. The homeland thing was closed in his SF4 prologue. But I get what you are saying. This was a missed opportunity to tie up loose ends in his story and streamline it - be it by canonizing something or retconning another. Either way, Hawk deserved something better.

Has anyone noted the inconsistency in Akuma’s appearance? If this is how he looks like in SF5, it doesn’t make sense as his hair started to go white just barely in SF3. Unless his bio is from the future.

I mentioned that earlier too, when I made that giant post on which redesigns I liked/disliked.

Thinkin on it more, I really would have liked his new outfit if they fixed the hair and added some purple to his outfit, darken it up a bit at least. It’s a little too bright for a character meant to be such a dark character, especially if he is supposed to contrast Ryu who is in all white.

As for the other points, I also noted that in a couple of places the art is inconsistent with how the characters have appeared in game, at least for their default outfit. There has been appearances of alts or outfits not even used (Birdie’s first picture). There is a possibility that Akuma may be like a vision of the future storyline or something. I dunno. If he appears in that outfit, complete with hair, in game in a non-future scenario then we can assume Akuma is so vain he dyes his hair. That would kind of humanize him a way, and also would give a kind of funny quip for Birdie to ask him for hair tips or something in a win quote XP

Well, it’s june. That means cinematic story mode SHOULD be released this month. Super excited for it. Lets hope it doesn’t suck. but should I keep my expectations low?

If Capcom REALLY like their Dolls like it seems…hopefully, they’d be willing to divulge more about who they were before they kidnapped and brainwashed then.

That sucks.

It shouldn’t be THAT difficult to come up with a reason! Capcom could use the Udon stuff if they wanted to. It’s as simple as saying she moved to a different place for humanitarian aid purposes to help out the ThunderFoot tribe (since we barely know jack about her anyway). They could have used her Udon doctor dad and made up a link with the Chief as old friends. Heck, I used her Udon doctor dad and had him be old friends from the past with Arroyo Hawk or something. It really shouldn’t be that hard, even if you don’t include the Udon stuff.

A Caucasian woman in a Native American-like village? I’ve seen that in movies, books (romance novels), history, TV shows. I don’t consider that kind of thing new. Germany even has the whole Native American fascination thing going on.

Why do Capcom feel the need to make things ambiguous?
Why does Juli/Hawk need to be open-ended anyway?

I remember when things were vague/ambiguous with T.Hawk/Juli/Noembelu back during the dark days of between SFA3 and SF4! That horribleness dragged on for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS! I REALLY don’t want to see them go back to that time again. I thought SF4 was a light in the tunnel and would lead to better things for Hawk.

This makes sense at least! I didn’t see your post until just now.

T.Hawk’s clearly not important to anything at this stage. He’s spent years failing badly at making any progress against Shadowloo:
-Chun Li came to terms with her father’s death and moved from avenging him to protecting the innocent
-Cammy defected from Shadowloo and liberated Juni during/around SF4
-Guile … is going to have a very interesting June laughs evilly

I suspect the Dolls storyline will finish without even a passing mention of him.

They waited until 2 days before the end of May to tell people that the may update was coming in june. They’ve been using the same time frame to add every update. Wait till last like 4 days - show trailer - release next day or two. Considering their “big surprise” for the event was “SURPRISE, YOU AIN’T GETTIN SHIT THIS MONTH!” I’d keep expectations low. I mean, hopefully, this delay means more polish, but you don’t tell everyone there is a big surprise coming AND don’t communicate anything else properly the rest of the month.

I want to think the cinematic mode will be good, they make some good CGI, but at the same time, they are poor communicators.

The story mode should place cursors on the screen like wears Waldo things to find.


Such a shame…
I thought he had one of the best stories in SF. I think there’s a lot of gold there imo!

From the lounge

So we have to wait till the end of June for this.

Sucks, but I can’t pretend to be surprised.


So a reveal at the end of may but nothing overall, THEN a character release with story mode. Oh boy…people are gona be angry.

This isn’t true.

Mainly because he technically spent only a few months to a maximum of 2 years (I am being generous here) directly dealing with Shadaloo/SIN since SFA3 = SF2 and SF2 takes places months before SF4 which itself takes course over about a year. Hawk succeeded in reclaiming his land and began rebuilding his village. He just can’t seem to keep Juli, but he tried and succeeded at rescuing her in one out of the 2 attempts. That’s a 50% success rate thus far.

I’d agree that he’s not important to anything at this stage. Someone more prepared will rescue Juli for him most likely.

Logan from WSO said the delay was only 4 days. Now it is the end of the month. This is quite tragic.

Fixed that for you. :tongue:

Also…the first delay of a monthly character delayed by a month.

Shit is going to start hitting the fan. This is going to be a sign of things to come. Mark my words.

Few quick edits for teh lulz


Those are all fantastic (Except Neo Remy). Can you fix Akuma? His hair is causing a disturbance in the STREET FIGHTER CONTINUUM that threatens to rip apart the very fabric of space-time itself. Fix please!