The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Random “Hail Hydra” memes related to fighting games:

LMAO Godlike.


Metro City Heroes

Now we just need Lucia and Dean.

And of course when Ibuki get’s an article she’ll just end up with lame SF5 art instead of the full version of that awesome picture.

Also, unnumbered character article causing explosive OCD.

Damnd huh? So are they hinting at something here? What if Damnd was influential to Cody’s Downfall? Like say he was to make use of his network to bribe a certain “someone” to commit fraud, in effect sending the authorities in the wrong direction? And if that were the case, just how many other players got involved in this? I suppose that it could also be possible Damnd maybe the one responsible for Lucia’s false arrest on corruption charges? I don’t know, Damnd just sounds like a guy that would go out of his way to mess with you.

This is what i also read/heard somewhere. I would like to know what she went to study for, maybe a law degree? Can you imagine the implications behind this? lol

Awaiting the profiles for Lucia & Dean as well as supplemental profile of Stray and any other “corrupt clowns”

More like they did’nt updated Hugo’s weight to fit SFV more realistic ones, like Ryu being 84kg, Gief 180kg (still light for him) etc
Wich is good, i like Gief weighing more than T.Hawk, fit him

At 240cm tall and built like a fucking bull, Hugo should weigh something between 270-300kg

Maybe added Jessica’s weight to Damnd?

In other matters, I predict that Ibuki’s story mode will actually be a hentai featuring Bandeiras as a guest character.


Hello, in this Special Edition we have the tanuki Ibuki raises.
Tanukis are a puzzling species: animals in the order Carnivora, family Canidae, genus Nyctereutes¹!
Tanukis are cute. Their tails… (omitted)

Name: Don-chan
Height: 55cm
Weight: 8kg
Blood Type: unknown
Birthday: unknown
Home Country: Japan, Shinobi village
Favorite things: Ibuki, Kaki
Dislikes: Cars

Born in a shinobi village. With Ibuki from his birth!
There are numerous other tanukis near the village, but only Don-chan can use ninjutsu.

¹ In Japanese, Carnivora are Neko-moku, Canidae Inu-ka and Nyctereutes Tanuki-zoku. Thus, it’s like we speak of an animal of an order of cats, a family of dogs and a genus named after itself. A joke unfortunately lost in translation.

I was hoping the tanuki to be her V-skill, it will have been the only redeeming quality

That, important bewbs, and SF3 fanservice window


I’m very surprised that the story mode will be launched without Balrog and Juri. I would’ve bet my house on either or both of them being players in the coming chapter. Their potential absence could signal their irrelevance to the main arc, or that there could be more than one ‘general story’ chapter.

I doubt the latter part because SFV’s sales may not warrant further investment in ‘free dlc’. Unless several chapters were already taken into account during the initial budgeting. Or that future chapters will be paid dlc. Which is fine for me, since I liked that story model in Starcraft 2, but I have my doubts about Capcom so…

@Daemos they still might make a cameo there without being playable (plus they’re villain characters anyway)

The ‘General Story’ appears to be using ingame graphics ala MKX for its narrative (none of that Bengus BS). So if they did appear they would be using their ingame models at the very least. This won’t bode well with the community because it will make Capcom look like they are hoarding the dlc content.

We already know that Boxer was playable since Dec in some circles so I am pretty sure all the DLC characters are complete or near complete by now. It’s Capcom being ‘business savvy’ (read: not) that’s slowing their release.

Let’s hope the general story buys them some good PR because they fucking need it.

Tony Hawk

Seems like there’s no mention of Juli and his tribe. More bullshit than anything else according to Google Translate. Hope it’s wrong.

Thunder Hawk

And here he comes! The best character!
The one said to have the Shoryuken and the Spinning Piledriver!
And the Condor Dive… (omitted)

Name: Thunder Hawk
Height: 230cm
Weight: 162kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: July 21
Home Country: Mexico
Favorite things: Animals, Hair ornaments
Dislikes: Lies

A proud warrior, the best of the Thunderfoot tribe.
His big frame grants him powerful attacks,
but he has also a strong sense of justice and a soft spot for nature and animals.
He adorn his hair in the fashion of his father Arroyo Hawk.

As expected, nothing to drive his story further. Looks like even Capcom don’t give a damn about him, mocking him with remarks like “the best character” and whatnot. Sigh

I’ve been trying to tell people she’s probably going to be relevant to Cammy’s and Juni’s story this time around.

She was originally supposed to revolve around Cammy’s story and that’s probably what they’re going to focus on for now like how they did originally in A3 before Hawk was added and screwed everything up.

Not that I don’t like the whole Juli and Hawk story, it was just messed up from the get-go and Capcom needs to straighten it out.

So if by not mentioning it means that they’re retconning Hawk’s last 2 story endings out of canon than ultimately it’s simpler than trying to make up stories as to why T. Hawk keeps losing the same person of his tribe, who was originally from another country, and no explanation as to why because it was a rushed story from the beginning.