The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

I thought the term was “Noone likes to get caught.”

Is he wearing a straight jacket with the sleeves ripped off?

You would think Belger would have been the one to cultivate those informants.

Yep, I thought the same. At this point, I wonder what will they say about Belger… But thinking it through, it sort of makes sense Belger avoided being directly linked to his henchmen, at least initially.

I’m sitting here imagining myself a jet plane crashing down burning, and while it’s getting closer to the surface - a green electric furball falls out of it and heads straight down, falling from a height of several kilometers

And laughing my ass off thinking about it

This Damnd guy would give me nightmares as a kid. I thought he was the predator.

According to this bio Damnd is 7’2" 443lbs. Isn’t that more than Hugo? Wasn’t he only 440lbs?

Well, I think we’ve already had enough proof that at Capcom no one knows how to conceive a believable measurement :tongue:

Also Damnd just carries Jessica around, so having Hugo proportions makes sense

DAMND! Awesome to see him again. Hmm, I always thought he was from Barbados not the US?

edit: interesting point, I didn’t notice all the new scars he’s got on his body, cool touch.

They did that with Ibuki. I feel that the most important aspect of Ibuki visual design is she’s a ninja. She’s still clearly a ninja even with the school uniform.

Damnd ever reminded me this guy from that old van damme movie

but dressed more like one of his minions

Haven’t played FF1 in so long so I thought this was the case at first, but actually looking at it it’s not that unbelievable:

Considering he’s a little bit hunchback in this… yeah I can buy it that he’s taller than Hugo (Andores have the same height right?).

Hugo is 7’10.5" he is almost 9" taller than Damnd.

Why would you have to buy that he is taller than Hugo? he is clearly not by the stats.
Hugo is 2,40 m & Damnd is 2.18 m tall.

Damnd weighs more than Hugo by 1 kg, which means he somehow has more mass.

So guys. I got bored. Sorry for the massive wall of text in advance. Side note: I’m sure my Japanese move names are all wrong. I don’t have that Bakfromon tech.

*Name: Ann Hibiki

Nickname: The Invincible Tiger (Muteki no Tora)

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese (Born in Hong Kong)

Height: 5ft 7in(1.70m)

Weight: 145 lbs. (66kg)

B/W/H: 35-23-36(89cm-59cm-92cm)

Hometown: Hong Kong

Appearance: Ann has shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, with a black head band, and has light brown eyes. She wears an orange sports bra, sleeveless black leather motorcycle jacket, blue jeans, and brown leather motorcycle boots. The back of her jacket has the kanji for tiger emblazoned in orange.

Likes: Dan, Her Motorcycle (she built it herself), Restoring Buraiken (Her father’s martial arts style), Kasujiro (a simmered dish)

**Dislikes: **Sagat, Cooking, Losing

Fighting Style: Buraiken (Go Hibiki’s style)

Tone: Ann is very serious and focused fighter. She’s spent the last decade meticulously reconstructing her fathers fighting style.

Origins: Ann never knew her father. She was born 8 months after he died fighting Sagat. Growing up she idolized her older brother Dan. She learned everything she could of of Dan’s Saikyo style, but was frustrated by Dan constantly “letting her win” during sparring. In effort to learn more about and honor her father she endeavored to restore Buraiken. She’s spent the last decade training with friends and rivals of her father Go Hibiki so that she can recreate his style of fighting.

Her Rival: Laura

Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3


P+K: Tomoe Nage  (Overhead Judo throw. Ann grabs her opponent by the shoulders, puts her foot in their chest and flips them overhead) Mr. Karate’s Art of Fighting 1 throw

<-P+K: Ippon Seoi Nage(Judo Shoulder thow. Classic Judo throw, Ann grabs her opponent and shoulder throws them behind her)

Unique Attacks:

Sokutougeri – F+ MK: A single hit side kick

Hyouchuuwari – F+MP (A single hit overhead champ)


Tora Tsukikaeshi (Tiger Riposte) - MP+MK: Ann takes a defensive stance. She intercepts any high attacks and counters with a powerful open palm strike to the chest.

Tora Ukenagashi(Tiger Parry) - D+MP+MK: Ann takes a defensive stance. She intercepts any low attacks and counters with a powerful sweep kick.


Tora No Seishen (Tiger’s Spirit): Ann is surrounded by a glowing white aura. The startup and recovery frames on her projectiles is reduced. All projectiles travel full screen. All projectiles are larger in size. The Shojun Tora Ken gains start up invincibility. Kuki Nensho Toraburesu becomes available. Using enhanced special moves drains her V-Trigger faster. 3 bar V-Trigger


Kuki Nensho Toraburesu(Air Burning Tigers Breath) QCF + P: (In Air)A fiery projectile one handed projectile. Moderate recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (60° Angle, MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). **Only available in V-Trigger
Nensho Toraburesu (Burning Tigers Breath)-QCF + P: A fiery one handed projectile. LP Slow startup and recovery, moderate speed and damage. Standard size. Full Screen. MP Faster startup and recovery, slower speed, higher damage, half screen travel distance, larger projectile. HP Fast startup and recovery, point blank range, highest damage, largest projectile.

Raiko Ken (Lightning Tiger Fist)-HCB+ P (Command Hit Grab): Ann strikes her opponent with powerful left punch to the gut, strikes them with rapid right hand punches, and send them into the air with a left upward palm strike to the chin. Resembles Mr. Karata’s Zanretsuken.

Shojun Tora Ken (Ascending Tiger Fist)- F,D,DF + P: (Combo Extender) Left handing rising uppercut. Puts opponent in a juggle state. Has projectile invincibility and no strike invincibility. Despite appearances this is not an anti air. Resembles Mr. Karate’s Koho.

Nensho Tora Hizageri (Burning Tiger Knee Kick)- QCB+ K: Ann attacks her opponent a flying double knee, double flying kick combination attack (HK). LK is double knee only (anti air, no invincibility), MK is double knee following by a single flying kick. Better version of the Dankukyaku

Critical Art:

Koshin Hiza Danmaku (Tiger God Knee Barrage)- HCFx2+K: Based on her father Go Hibiki’s ultimate technique the Shoten Buraikyaku. Ann grabs her opponent by the head and hits with with rapid fire succession of knees to the face. Resembles Mr. Karate’s Shoran Kyaku.

Reasons to be in SFV:*

Ann is eager to test the effectiveness of Buraiken against the world’s best martial artist. Her brother honored their father by “defeating” Sagat. She wishes to honor their father by showing the strength of his art to the world.

*Ann is Dan’s opposite. She is serious and talented fighter. Her adoration of her brother Dan blinds her to his actually ability. She truly believes he defeated Sagat and that he was taking it easy on her in training. In truth she surpassed him before she left on her Musha Shugyo (Warrior’s Pilgrimage).

Nigga did you just post an OC

It’s the dreds. They’re actually rather dense.

Hugo should be at least 250kg