The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Great stuff I’ll hav it up along with everything else from SSM so far.
But…, just to clarify, is there any story info on the original “Slam Masters”/ “Muscle Bomber” (Duo), or both? They all seem to have a tiered storyline like SF where each iteration adds something onto the overall plot and I need a full scope of Muscle Bombers to complete everything. Eventually, I’m going to split Misc. section into “Street Fighter (EX)”, “Final Fight” and “Muscle Bomber” sections for the best clarity, as each offer fitting preludes to the “SF” story.

Astro from “Muscle Bombers” actually introduces the “SF” playstyle into the story by adding different rules from the first “Muscle Bomber”; No pins or submissions or ring escapes were allowed, which were fully a part of the first game. Only a set of best out of three KO’s were allowed, and Ortega put his Championship belt on the line to prove his wrestling organization and style as the best against Astro’s.

Overall it’s a pretty in-depth story for its time (more than likely written by Tetsuo Hara “Fist of the North Star creator”) and I wanted to get it in full if you could.

Oddly enough, there isn’t. This is the only game listed in AAC. I just double-checked again and couldn’t find anything else.

Wow, Oh wellll…

guess I’ll just have to use the official arcade manual story I just found.

Sheamus turned himself green and shaved the beard.

Just a few days ago I started looking into the Street Fighter story, particularly the earlier installments that seem to be poorly documented in English. Imagine my surprise when a friend linked me here to a group who is trying to do the same thing! Very cool.

I had a couple questions. I’m a newbie at this, so maybe someone can shed some light for me.

What is the origin of the claim that, after their fight in SF1, Sagat offered his hand to help Ryu before Ryu scarred Sagat?

I see lots of very specific story details like this one on resources like SFWiki, with no manual scans or in-game dialogue to back it up. Are the vast, vast majority of Street Fighter plot details rooted in obscure literature from Japan?

Thanks all, and I’m glad I’m not venturing into this endeavor alone.

The idea of Sagat extending his hand out to help Ryu was based off of a misinterpretation of a translation, I believe. There were no actual bios that mentioned Sagat trying to help Ryu up. Outside of the games, yeah, most of the background stories are often found in variouns Japanese books. There are some books like Street Fighter Eternal and Udon’s SF Encyclopedia that are available in English.

Here’s a SF guide the community has been working on for the past few months. There’s a lot of information in it and we’re not done yet:

Here is something interesting to note: None of these redesigns could be their default outfit if included
Look at Birdie’s page. Here is his first entry:

and his second entry is his story costume, an alt not default:

They don’t even show his new outfit except for his headshot from in-game
Likewise, Guile has so far only been shown with his story costume IIRC. Though he hasn’t gotten a bio page yet.

I actually like a number of the redesigns but IMO a bunch of them veer too far from the original color schemes or original character designs. For example, Guy’s alt costume just seems off the wall. Blanka has been slowly turned more and more from beastial to slightly sharp toothed human. I mean I get he was originally a human it just feels like it’s veered really far from his original beast like face. A couple of them feel to me more like alt costumes, not something you’d identify the character as but just a fun side costume. That’s just my take. I don’t like em, fairly weak reasons but my personal preference.

Here is my feeling on all of the redesigns we’ve seen so far:

Characters I’ve liked

Sodom - The hair is a little weird, it is a call to Kabuki which plays on his japanophilia, it changes his overall character silhouette. They keep his armor but tweak it, he retains his color scheme so I think it’s pretty good.
Rose - unchanged, doesn’t progress but it’s her look everyone knows.
Ken - other than the hair I think it fits. They kept his gi but just progressed on it with his top. His color scheme is retained with red/blond/black
Haggar - it’s basically his classic outfit but in a more professional setting. Glasses show a time progression. Color scheme retained (green/brown with black boots). White is added but overall the same.
Cammy - just adds accessories tying to her job in the military and shows she has more than her legs and hands for weapons. Her alt costume with the jacket also is nice as it retains her color scheme. I’m glad her alt is an alt.
Rufus - They mirrored his colors but they are retained just the emphasis on which are the core are retained. His hair is changed a little and they added an accessory. It’s actually a fairly subtle change over all but enough to feel different.
Retsu - basically the same as he was before just more detailed
Geki - same as Retsu but they did change his weapon, this helps make him more distinct from Vega.
Mike - another instance of the character’s original look having a progression of his original design as it’s basically the same but more detailed.
Joe - same as Mike
Lee - same as joe/mike but they change his fighting style a bit
Eagle - other than changing his weapons he is pretty much the same as his original Street Fighter 1 version. They are showing his original outfit rather than his CvS2 look.
Gen - basically unchanged
Adon - basically unchanged other than adding text to his shorts.
Sagat - unchanged
El Fuerte - unchanged
Gouken - Unchanged
Akuma - Odd, I don’t get why his hair is entirely white when SF3 takes place later and only has white temples. That is the only part I really dislike. Not big that they removed the dark purple from his outfit. However I feel it was important to make him more distinct from Ryu/Ken which is the only real reason I like the change.
Goutetsu - unchanged
Carlos - other than the open jacket he is identical
Maki - unchanged, they even kept the same style sneakers but swapped colors which I guess is ok. I’d prefer the original color emphasis but they still retained the cor design.
Yun - unchanged
Yang - unchanged
Q - unchanged
Oro - unchanged
Makoto - unchanged
Elena - the hair change is probably just the artist. Even if it’s not it’s very subtle and otherwise she is the same. I actually wouldn’t mind longer hair on her. Color scheme retained.
Dudley - It feels a lot like his classic but still different enough to be different. They change highlights, like yellow stripe became white, but all colors are retained.
Necro - we don’t know if he still has the neck brace thing, which I feel is kind of important, but otherwise he really feels like necro still. Same key colors, same recognizable aspects just shifts on parts placements and accessories. Overall similar enough to feel like the character but different enough to feel fresh
Alex - They did a decent job on this. They retained core colors, they used suspenders to give the impression of his classic strap tattoos. His hair different but similar enough to feel close.
Mika - The new costume feels like a different version of her original costume. Like others it is different enough to be refreshing but similar enough to remind people about her original costume. Her classic costume was already pretty fan-servicy and this one takes it up a notch which I’m kind of “eh” about. However they retained the identity of the original outfit and the color scheme
Zangief - barely changed at all
Remy - it’s basically the same outfit, they increased the size of the omega symbol on his chest and unzipped the jacket.
Karin - it feels a lot like a grown up version of her classic outfit. It still feels a lot like her SFA3 outfit but no longer a school girl outfit. It feels different than sakura now. I actually think this was by far the best redesign in the game.
Vega - feels like a pretty natural shift on his outfit. All colors retained, his pants are basically the same. They removed the yellow on his pants but he now has returned to yellow hair again and retains gold claws.

I don’t really like

Guy - I don’t mind the hair change, I’m ambivalent about it, it’s pretty close to the same just with an addition, people change hair styles and it’s close enough to be ok. Ditching the red in his outfit is ok because in Final Fight he was actually orange and he has orange-ish colors in some games instead of red. In addition in many Alpha 3 artworks his outfit is orange The change on his shoes is not acceptable to me. Yes he wore boots in FF but after that his shoes being nike-inspired was a recognizable key part of his design. The different styles of shoes between Maki/Cody/Guy are all a fun and interesting difference. Guy/Maki both wear shoes based on same brand and Cody wore adidas. Cody’s shoes match classic and prisoner color scheme. Yes Guy is still wearing sneakers but they have no color, no swoosh, they aren’t lace up anymore. I do not like this. It’s weird his hair color changes on his alt costume from brown to black. The alt outfit is a little weird but it’s very classical japanese which fits with the character. As long as it’s an alt.

Sean - not a fan of the new hair, yeah it’s close-ish to his old style but I still don’t like it for whatever reason. I can’t really give you any sort of reason for it, just rubs me wrong. They’ve kind of white washed him but it’s not as bad in the artwork from the website. The new costume feels really casual. I like they tried to veer him away from the gi to make him more unique, and I like that they retained color scheme. Overall though it feels too casual compared to old costume, feels like what he’d wear to go jogging. Especially with the headphones.

Scott - No. I very much dislike this. They took the iconic look from Cody and copy pasted it down to some of the lowest highlights. They had the opportunity to at least give him different pants/lower body. They severely changed Max so there is NO REASON they needed to make Scott like fucking IDENTICAL to Cody. Period. Some of his bio is even similar.

Cody - I think it’d make a great alt, and I hope it is. They completely ditched his color scheme, this is the worst part. I actually think I’d be not as annoyed had they retained a core blue usage somewhere in the outfit, even if they added a lot of orange. Changing his main color scheme is a big no-no for me on ANY character. The new outfit may be more “modern” in some respects but it’s not as stand out to other characters. There are plenty of characters with mostly solid orange colors, Chang in KOF14 is using the same orange prisoner costume as well. Pretty much NOBODY in any major FG, that I can think of, has ever worn something like the classic prisoner outfit. Even as much as I hate Final Fight Street Wise THAT outfit would have been MUCH MUCH better because they kept the white/blue part of his outfit, I think I would have been ok with that look. Disappointed a little bit that he isn’t classic FF outfit or the fact it is FFSW but overall I could accept it. Again, ditching color coding for a character is a big thing for me. It was actually one of the things I liked most about his stripes outfit was they retained the white/blue/white/blue of his original outfit. Blue and white were always equally important parts of his outfit. I REALLY hope that they at least keep his shoes striped, even if it’s orange striped instead of blue. Not because it’s stripes but because it gives a highlight to his shoes and makes them more interesting. If they want to go modern, go FFSW style and add jeans.

Poison - she lost the blue part of her outfit, it was never a HUGE part of her color scheme since her shorts are so f’n tiny. However I think her shirt looks a little silly. It looks like it’s about to fall apart. I don’t know how she even gets it on without it ripping. The way it’s setup is a little busy. I actually really like her little wedding garter. I think it adds a nice accent to her leg. They could do a much better top that is different from classic and I’d be happy. I don’t think her losing her riding crop is actually going to stick, I think that the cuffs are just for that picture. I also don’t think she will be THAT skinny. I’d put it in middle if I didn’t dislike her top SO much.

Birdie - I don’t care for him getting fat even if it follows his story. I understand that they changed him because he was fairly unpopular but making him fat, even if he is still ripped on his arms and legs is kind of lame to me. They turned him from a badass with a jokey aspect (his hair being SO important to him) into just a pure joke character. The only part I like is that he is an effective joke character which is nice. I love his playstyle overall, he is very fun and even if you don’t like his jokey stuff his v-skill has so much cool stuff you can do with it.

I’m kind of in the middle about

Tom - he was a minor character so I don’t care much. I’m not big on him but I don’t really dislike it either. I understand why they changed it from Jean Reno, though he still has tiny bits of Jean in there.

Max - they needed to make him original and veer him away from making him look like Balrog/Mike. I think it’s a little over the top but I can’t really give a negative as he was basically a non-character.

Blanka - it could just be that particular art but his face doesn’t really feel like a beast anymore. Just a guy with sharper canine teeth. His new hair is ok, it makes him feel kind of like a buzz-saw which is pretty interesting considering all of his rolling attacks.

Hugo - I think the new outfit is kind of boring but at the same time it’s not bad. I prefer old outfit but I don’t really dislike new one. They kept same color scheme by making boots brown. I do think they simplified it a bit too much. Overall shrug

Juri - I think it’s a good outfit, but they ditched her white part of the color scheme. The purple was always what identified her the most but half of her original outfit was white. Adding the eye patch is kind of logical, as long as she removes it when she goes into FSE mode. Her new outfit really feels like a battle suit. I’m pretty ok with this costume, they just need to add a white stripe or some highlight in it to make me happy. Again, I don’t like completely ditching color schemes. I’m a little less angry about ditching color scheme just because purple was by FAR the main color for her design with all of her special moves using purple. Even though white made up half of the costume she had, the main core colors always felt like Black/Purple to me. Still, give her a white highlight somewhere…

Overall I think they did a decent job, but some of them I don’t like. Some I have shitty reasons (so picky about shoes, lol), or no reason at all, they just rub me wrong, heh. Actually, after typing this all up I realized I liked more than I thought I would.

Anyways, I do think that it’s interesting that some of these outfits shown aren’t the characters main outfits, so keep that in mind if you don’t like an outfit. I know there are some that people in here LOVE or absolutely abhor. I know Darth fucking HATES Birdie’s new look with a passion for instance. I don’t like it either, even if they kept him thin I would have HATED his young look with red hair and a blue shirt. It didn’t feel almost ANYTHING like Birdie, they don’t even have his fucking bullhead symbol…

Schoolgirl Ibuki confirmed, 10 more years of “CUTE BOYS”

Seriously man. Yung Balrog isn’t this salty.

Maybe; I haven’t been this disappointed with a character reveal since Laura.

Ugh, not liking that. At least it’s not sailor fuku sakura/classic Karin but still. STOP FUCKING WITH CLASSIC COLOR SCHEMES! She has BARELY any brown. BROWN WAS HER ALMOST EXCLUSIVE MAIN COLOR. Making her main colors blue/white is like making Ryu’s main color green. I guess she has a decent amount of brown on her legs but it’s not remotely the main color and she was OVERWHELMINGLY brown in her classic costume. It should have been the core color.

They could have gone with this and altered it to a darker brown, it’d be darker than her classic but still brown. At least make like the skirt brown with black top or SOMETHING. Ditch the white on her costume and make it brown / blue. ANYTHING just make brown more of a core color.

At least they kept the face mask



Her skirt had a maximum length requirement at the concept stage b/c “PANTSU”


lowers expectations

It will be decent.

I got the same theory earlier by failure of experiments on his body and to hide himself from authorities but kinda doubt that now after reading some info and opinions in this thread that he could be dorai…

I hope blanka would return with chargeable special attacks…

ibuki reveal, wow ddark… traits like birdie… bombs

Here’s the actual post I made on the topic.

@“Lord Vega” provided the AASFZ entry about Sagat to what we all believed was the proof that Sagat extended a hand to help Ryu after he had fallen during the conclusion of their first fight.

After further examining the text of that certain entry I came to the conclusion that there was nothing about Sagat’s actual fight in terms of details, and most of it had been explaining how shamed and distraught Sagat was over loosing.

Ultimately the fist he would be picking up would be his own, in the context of treating your fist as a broken weapon to reforge anew.

Thus he developed the “Tiger Blow” (precursor to the “Tiger Uppercut”)

My full description is here.

[details=Spoiler]So I went over the text and and its seems to mostly go cover the account of how Sagat developed his Tiger Blow. I’m not finding any specifics about his first fight with Ryu, only that he lost. This is my understanding of it and you may correct me if you see an error.

サガット。 数千年 も の 時 を 刻み , 静か に たたずむ 遺跡 が 点在中 る 森 の 奥 に 、 屈辱 に まみれ た 1人の格闘家 の 姿 が あった。「 この 俺 が 負ける はず など ない!」何度 も 巨木 に 打ちつけ血まみれ に なっ 己の 拳 を 見つ め , 苦しみ の 叫び を あげる 男。それ は かつて ムエタイ の 王座 に 君臨 し, {帝王} の 称号 ま で 手 に 入れ た 無敵 の 虎, サガット だっ た 。タイ 格闘界 の 頂点 に あっ た 中 で の 予期 せ ぬ 敗北。 ただ 勝ち続ける こと によって のみ 支え られ て き た 己 の すべて が 、 拳 を 打ち込ま れる たび に 崩れ落ち て いく よう な 感覚 … それ は、 サガット の 中 に 大きな恐怖 として 残っ て い た。この 言い知れ ぬ 恐 怖 を 振り払う よう に , サガットは 突然 夕ィの 格闘界 から 姿 を 消し、1人孤独 な 修業 を 始め て い た の だっ た。しかし , いきなり 地 に 叩き落とさ れ た 敗北 の 混乱 は 、 サガット を 大きく狂わし , ただ 拳 を 空しく打ちつける だけ の 日々 が 繰迄 さ れ て い た 。… あの 運命 の 闘い から , いくばく かの 時 が 流れ た。 降りしきる 雨の 中 、 立ち尽くす サ ガット の 考 「 俺 は もう 2 度 と 負け ん! 奴 を 打ち砕く パワー と 、 この 胸 を えぐっ た " あの 技 に 対抗 し うる 拳 を 必ず手 に 入れ て やる!」 すべて の 迷い を 自ら の 精神力 で 断ち切り , サガット が 再び闘い を 決意 し た 時 , あの リ へ の 事 と 怒り の 感情 が 全身 に 躍動 し 、 握りしめ た 拳 に 凄まじい気 が 集束 さ れ た 。 「 ぬおっっ! 」 打ち放た れ た 拳 は 次の瞬間 、 大きく巨木 を 引き裂い て い な …。それから 数カ月 … 朝日 に 照らさ れ た、 かつて 帝王 と 呼ば れ た 男 の 姿 は、 まさに あっ た。 二回り も 大きく鍛え上げ られ た その 体 は 、 自ら の 存在 を 誇示 する か の よう に 溢れ ん ばかり の 力 を みなぎら せ て い な そして ついに。そしてついに 完成 さ せ た 、 復讐 の 炎 を 宿し た 拳 ダイ ガーブロウ。圧倒的 な 力 と 新た な 必殺技 を その 手 に し 、 絶対 の 自信 を 取り戻し た 今かつ て の 恐怖は もはや どこ に も なく 、 憎悪 と 怒り だけ が その 拳 に は あっ た 。 リュウ を 水 め 、 サガット の 王座奪回 の 旅 は 始まっ た …。
Nestled behind the ruins that dot the forest landscape each passing second seems like a millenia, as the figure of a fighter is covered in shame. “How could I have lost!” the man says as he strikes a bloody tree repeatedly, staring at his own fist screaming as he suffers. He was once the invincible tiger who reigned on the throne of Muay Thai as the “Emporer”, but he suffered an unexpected defeat during the height of Thailand’s global fighting dominance. Supported only by the thoughts of his many victories, he collapses each time he strikes his fist, and all that’s left for Sagat is a sense of great dread. To shake off this unexpected fear, he disappears from the fighting world to train alone. However, his thoughts concerning the confusion of his defeat and exile only increases him madness, to the point where he repeatedly strikes his fists in vain attempts on a daily basis. As time passes from that fateful fight, Sagat stands in the pouring rain and remarks “I will not be destroyed and lose to that man twice, I will certainly develop a fist that can match “the technique” that was able to scar my chest”. Cut off from his mental hesitation Sagat is determined to fight again, with the emotion of anger flooding his body as he clenches his tremendous fist in focus. “Nou’tsu!” a strike emanates from his fist, then moments later a huge tree is split. A few months pass, another morning shines on the the man who was indeed once called the King. Refining his body twice over, he is overflowing with power as he finally gets to show the others his strength and technique. At last he has completed his fist conceived in the flame of vengeance; the Tiger Blow. With a sense of overwhelming power and a new special technique at his disposal he regains his confidence, no longer are his fists full of absolute fear, but of hatred and anger. Wait for me Ryu, Sagat’s journey to recapture the throne begins…[/details]

Here is an example where I can accept but am not too keen on a color shift.

Nash went from Orange to Yellow and his pants were green or blue (depend on art) in A3, his skin has large parts that are Green. They added brown as a core color which was previously a highlight from his belt. Yellow is close to orange and can remind you of it. They didn’t ditch his core colors much, green may not be his pants but the green on his skin makes up large parts of his body and his boots are still green. They can remind you of the same colors. Going Blue - Orange or Brown - Blue are NOWHERE CLOSE to the same.

Arghh, this is one of my biggest pet peeves.

I’m glad the drabby brown is gone.

I don’t care if it was drabby. It was her core color scheme. That is what is important to me. Characters can easily be identified by their color patterns.

It’s part of their design.

But that’s not as important to me. Never liked to see her in brown. At the end of the day, you can change the colors.

Basically different priorities. I like characters to keep what made them originally, I feel characters should progress naturally and remember their origin. What’s important to you is what is exciting to the eyes. Fashion is more important to you from what it sounds like. That sound right?