The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

I guess his mom styled his hair and gave him a second anklet since he’s been with her

Now with a mohawk! And…leg cuffs?

Huzzah, loving the return of my original main. I’ll always dig Blanka, though I’d like to move him forward in a few ways.

Right off the bat, one thing that I like is his expression, he’s smirking and overall has a mischievous expression and engaged body language rather than some of the past feral or goofy looks – to me, I feel it shows a bit of change in personality to a more engaged and grown up Blanka. I’ll try to explain. With him in that pose and with that expression, it looks like he’s more in a fighting stance and playing up his “wildman” image, rather than fully being hunched over, slobbering and being wild. I get the feel that he’s fully settled in his personality and civilization now by living with his mom and frequently hanging out with Dan and Sakura; he can choose to act a bit more human without acting savage due to naivety.

Personally, this has always been my favorite Makoto concept art

the chicks back muscles are ripped

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This one looks more like Ibuki concept art than Makoto.

Well, I fear it’s all a matter of preference.
The primary meaning of 喪 is “to mourn”, “to condole”. It has a rarely used meaning of “to destroy, to ruin”, mainly in Classical Japanese works. But there’s no controversy here.
On the other hand, 忌 ki can mean “to mourn”, “to loathe”, “to abstain” (typically as in “things you abstain from doing during a funeral”); and is therefore related to “taboo”, and lastly to “memorial”. I took the “abstinence” meaning, but I have to admit “memorial” takes less effort to link it to “mourning”. And everything in Gen is intimately linked to death and funereal concepts. I’ve seen some other sources choose the “hateful” meaning (from “loathe”), but I don’t know if Capcom has somewhere canonized its English version.

That’s pretty much how I see it. I just wanted to know what context you were using “abstinence”. “Mourning and Memorial style” just seemed to flow better and I wanted to keep the same concepts associated with death that Gen surrounds himself in. Thanks again for the input.

This is how they settled that dispute.

Can’t help thinking to

Down to the same hairstyle.

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I did this few months back. If Ingrid were like this. I actually wouldn’t despise her inclusion in anything Street Fighter related.

*Name: Ingrid Sunna

Nickname: The Embodiment of Sól

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Icelandic

Height: 5ft 10in(1.79m)

Weight: 141 lbs. (64kg)

B/W/H: 35-24-35(89cm-61cm-89cm)

Hometown: Húsavík, Iceland

Appearance: Ingrid has long white hair and red eyes. She wears a variation of the traditional Icelandic Kyrtill. A Kyrtill is a single piece gown with an ankle length skirt and elbow length sleeves that is patterned in design after traditional Viking clothing. She does not wear the Phyrgian cap and veil. Ingrid’s dress is the traditional “smurf” blue. With golden embroidery on neckline and sleeves. She has metallic golden belt with a buckle that resembles the Sun.

Likes: Skyr (Icelandic cheese that’s similar to yogurt), Hot Springs, Isold (Her Grandmother’s) Stories

Dislikes: Pylsur (Icelandic hotdog made with lamb), Sarcasm, Ignorance

Fighting Style: Hnefi af sem Sól (Fist of the Sun)

Tone: Ingrid exudes an air of arrogance. She is the first member of the Sunna clan to inherit Sol’s power since her grandmother Isold. She’s always been the most powerful fighter in Clan Sunna.

**Origins: **According to legend, Ingrid’s family is descended from Sol the Norse Goddess of the Sun. The family name, Sunna, is another name for Sol. The Sunna Clan fled to Iceland after nearly being wiped out by the Clan of Fenrir. The Máni Clan was obliterated covering their escape. (Máni is the Norse God of the Moon.) She’s been trained since she was a small child in Hnefi af sem Sól by her grandmother.

Her Rival: Necalli

Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4


P+K: Trip Slam  (Ingrid grabs her opponent by the shoulders, puts her right leg behind her opponents legs, and shover her opponent to the ground with her right arm)

P+K+motion: Shoulder Toss (Ingrid grabs her opponent by the wrist and tosses them over her head and behind her )

Unique Attacks:

Double Axe Handle Blow – F+ MP (overhead): A single hit double axe handle punch


Sól Charge: Ingrid strikes her opponent with a fiery shoulder charge. Tapping MP+MK Quarter Screen travel distance, safe on block. Holding MP+MK Half Screen travel distance, causes juggle, unsafe if blocked

V-Trigger: Ljós af sem Sól (Light of the Sun): Ingrid is surrounded by a “Solar Aura”. The recovery frames on her projectiles is reduced. The juggle potential of her projectiles and special attacks is increased.


Sól Set-QCF + P: (In Air)A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Very slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (60° Angle, MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle)

Sól Shot-QCF + P: A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (horizontal), MP (30° Angle), HP (45° Angle)

Sól Embrace-HCB+ P (Command Grab): Ingrid grabs her opponent by the neck with both hands and channels ki through her hands engulfing them in flames

Sól Flare- QCF + K: (Strikes Low) Ingrid hits her a opponent with a sliding low kick. Kick button determines distance

Critical Art:

Sól Explosion- HCFx2+P: Ingrid generates massive Sun shaped aura around herself that explodes on contact with her foe.

Reasons to be in SFV:*

Ingrid’s grandmother disappeared after being contacted by an apparent survivor of the Máni Clan. Witness say that her grandmother and the Máni Clansman were overwhelmed by a “God of Fire and Ice.” Ingrid seeks the return of her grandmother and the potential restoration of her sister clan The Máni.

Ingrid with an Icelandic/Norse origin. Not a time traveling Loli Goddess but an actual character.

See, this already sounds better; she’s got familial connections, motives, personality that’s not just tied to “I’m a cryptic divine figure-thing!”, potential connections to a mystical force without literally being a time warping Goddess who easily eclipses Rose and Bison and is the “true heir”.

I’ve seen treatments that make her an Illuminati member, but having her be from a clan that holds issue with them is also interesting. I like to see how big Street Fighter’s world is. It’s nice to see elements outside of Shadaloo and the Illuminati.

Nah, she brought Necalli back to troll Bison; she’s just full yandere for him like that. Watch out Daemos, looks like you have company.

Only since Psycho Power is strengthened by negative emotions, she’s says “I-It’s not like I hate you, Baka-sama”

final episode of Season1, the truth comes out

It’s true, it’s TRUE, I hate you so much Bison-sama-kun-chan! scowling with hearts in her pupils as she grits her teeth. Elsewhere, Daemos has a suiting up montage. Fully dressed as Blade, from SF: The Movie, he clenches a powerful, leather-clad fist.

"Darling…you and your glorious hate-filled heart will be mine.

…I wanna feel safe in her strong arms. :bawling:

Wait, what?

Pretty sure that was always the case. His plane didn’t crash or anything.

Weren’t there some mentions to the plane possibly having been taken down by Shadaloo, even?

That’s just the way @Miðgarðsorm translated that part. The “fell” technically would be “crash landed” (墜落) (at least that’s how I would use it).

The plane crashed, was part of his SF4 concept stage

Awesome stage too

Do Kiki and Bengus have deviantart pages?

Yep, forgot an entire phrase! :sweat: No more rushed translations for me.
It’s “the plane which he was on crashed”.

EDIT: now it’s correct.

Also, great work @“Darc Requiem” on Ingrid! My reply shall be very detailed. =)
