The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Edit became more of a jumble of different posts from last couple days that never went through as i remember the content of them, bad connection i think

Makes sense, thought his Nationality as “Argentina” felt off anyway.

Now if Capcom were to make Lucia design inspired from the films “Saat po longS.P.L(Kill Zone)/Dou fo sin (Flash Point)/Te shu shen fen(Special ID)” . I strongly feel an essence of the main actor of those films was applied in her character for her native debut appearance. Potential to transfer well into a SF roll if paired up to contrast Maki’s character. Expand on this friendship Lucia has with Cody pls; and show her telescoping baton some love.
In fact, i would like to know how Cody’s current status effects the rest of the Metro City circle beyond Guy. After Belgar’s leap of faith took a turn for the worst leaving him unable to take full advantage of a very lucrative incontinence undergarment sponsorship contract, Was Haggar blackmailed into scapegoating Cody for Scott’s & Joe’s past and/or present life choices; which by the trial finale left a down in the mouth Jessica with an inconsolable Cody, only because Cody’s defense wasn’t strong enough to prove a probable link between the lack of a proper ph balance during beta testing phase and the side effects of induced asphyxiation for Belgar’s prototype anti perspirant for a new male hygiene product line “Billy Sid;” so then Lucia leaves the force to conduct her own private investigation to clear Cody’s name of wrong doing?
Are Haggar & Jessica reminded to lose a family member? Do they even visit him at all in some shape or form?

What i noticed and appreciated about FF3 Music is that it feels like it references a mix/fusion of synthwave/elements of urban sounds prevalent from the crime/cop genre from around the '80/'90s peppered with some jazzy undertones you’d associate to in noir genre

I would choose pints and punks to be Lucia’s character theme, straight to the top for Dean’s theme. if there were a Metro City Prison stage where round 1 stage theme could channel Law and Disorder round 2 channeling Explosive Situation

The take away from this post:


Just keep in mind Bears are hiding in the woods + no more swingin, something to prove to ones peers, might transcend to some kind of duel wielding badass?

What is Capcom doing?

would have like to see for redesigns to emphasize more distinction between pallete swappeds characters, added profiles that supplement depth/Connections to characters with more background info examples Andore/Roxy to Hugo/Poison, Genryusai/Rena to Maki, Zeku to Guy

Don’t get me wrong here, i can appreciate that Capcom has been putting in the time to disclose significant amount of character info but contrary to the popular opinion there is a segment of the enthusiasts who would like to know about those extra profiles, as well as to serve as means to engage initiates new to Street Fighter.

some other stuff but i don’t remember them now but essentially CFN blog profiles comes off like a Shadowloo gossip piece, so just a suggestion here Capcom capitalize by fleshing out connections/designs no matter how small. end of the day even the small tibits can add up to something. Don’t waste this or is it too late?

Wait people are talking Ingrid!?

You still ignored the point of one the most famous maximum security major prison that still uses it. Just fucking admit that your reason is just “I don’t like it” you don’t have any decent objective reason. You just don’t like how it looks, end of argument.

As for racist stereotypes? Guess we should get rid of Zangief’s russian stereotypes, only thing missing is vodka drinking. BTW “Stereotypes” aren’t bad unto themselves.

Definition of stereotype

That doesn’t mean it’s a negative, just simplified idea. A stereotype is usually an assumption based on how something looks or what you’ve heard or culture of a particular place.
Let’s see how many characters are stereotypes, good or bad:

Guile is a stereotype of american militarism. Fuck that, make him a barista. Not really racist but nationalist
Dudley is a stereotype of the upperclass brit, always drinking tea, has a butler, all about class and stiff upperlip, better make him a DJ playing underground hip hop and smoking weed while looking/acting like that.
Sakura is a stereotypical anime schoolgirl that is super optimistic, you see her in a billion mangas and anime. Not racist, just a stereotype/trope.
Karin is a stereotype of the upper class ojou. Not racist just a stereotype.
Deejay is a stereotype and a bad one.
Fei is the stereotypical Bruce Lee clone, he kind of goes beyond an homage as his story, personality, and quotes all are practically identical. He is just a straight up clone. You see him you instantly go "O’ that’s Bruce Lee."
You see Bison in the SS uniform you are going to assume he is a dictator or tyrant or something along those lines, would be racist if he was german. As is, it’s just a stereotype.
Zangief danced with Gorbachev and wrestles bears, he kept the hammer and sickle until 1998, 7 years after USSR disolved. He loves borscht and cossack dancing. Pretty nationalist/racist
Dhalsim is a yogi stereotype, a bad stereotype even if the character is portrayed as smart/important. Kind of racist towards indians.
Honda is the stereotype sumo wrestler in looks and personality, constantly touting classical japanese food and sumo itself. Not racist, nationalist.
El Fuerte of course is a nationalist and partly racist stereotype.
Rufus is a stereotype of american consumption and ignorance, pretty bad. Nationalist and insulting.
Gen is the stereotypical classic kung fu assassin, you see that facial hair and outfit that is exactly what you are going to think of. Not racist or nationalist, just a stereotype.
T Hawk is of course a racist stereotype.
Other than wearing sneakers Guy is a pretty stereotypical ninja barring some of his history, but the personality follows the standard ninja, he even does the f’n hand symbols and the iconic chest/head super far forward speed run.
Geki is one HELL of a stereotype.
Balrog is an homage not a stereotype, much closer to an homage than Fei.
Hugo is same deal as Balrog.
Sodom is a japanophile taken to the Nth degree
Q is just a rip off of robo detective K, of course if we start listing rip offs we’ll be here a while (See Yun/Yang with Gundam Wing Duo/Trowa)
The Gouken archetype has been used in a plethora of media, his personality and look aren’t original whatsoever and pretty stereotypical for a martial arts master/teacher character. Especially the beads he used to wear that Goutetsu probably gave him that Akuma probably stole
Oni is a stereotypical DBZ level up
FANG is another stereotypical kung fu movie character
Lee is as well
Ryu is the most basic stereotypical martial arts wanderer, down to his fucking gi.
Chun isn’t a stereotype but she is still wearing an incredibly anachronistic outfit even for kung fu practice and even dress for special events, you glossed over that point.

Man that’s sure a lot of characters to get rid of and or heavily change. Many of which aren’t exactly “shit designs” you can set to the side like Dhalsim/Honda. You apparently hate, ~23 character designs including most of the iconic characters from the series. Your reasons are either shit or simply you dislike street fighter designs in general, because that’s nearly 1/3rd of the cast who are stereotypes either in design or personality or both. Do you really dislike Guile, Chun, Bison, Ryu, Karin, Fei, Dudley and Gen? Those aren’t the annoying designs like Fang or Rufus.

Stop trying to give any sort of “objective” reasoning and just say “I’m not a fan of Street Fighter classic designs, I don’t like how the characters pull from easily identifiable tropes/art styles to create simple but instantly recognizable concept. I feel they should go for more unique designs, but also ones that aren’t too off the wall like Twelve or Necro. I want this very specific middle ground that is believable but also will eventually become dated as the world moves on.”

Funny thing is, all this and I specifically said earlier that the orange should be kept but that I wished it was an alt, that I understand why some people don’t like the classic outfit (because they associate it with the hamburgler because that is their most known reference, often due to lack of history or simply not caring. Alternately simply because it looks kind of like pajamas as the stripes are typically a 2 piece instead of 1 piece). I also said I understand why they went with it since they had scott go with Cody’s classic outfit, plus they decided to, ugh, make streetwise canon, which means that he kind of has to stay in jail and Cody wears that outfit in streetwise so it makes sense to go with it.

I just think your reasons are weak and you keep using them for one specific case or to shit on a couple of characters you don’t like and saying that they are objectively bad or should be changed when there are tons of holes in your reasons and there are so many other characters that many people love, many of which are among the most popular characters in the franchise, which fall into the same “issues” you give.

I was just about to go looking for that entry, too!! I actually thought it’d be a bit tough to locate.

Now I don’t have to :bee: Damn that’s awesome.

Good thing I didn’t say “stereotypes” unto itself. I said “racist stereotypes”. Nice work trying to cherry pick my statement in a way that DIDN’T make all those examples you subsequently listed a complete waste of time.

If those stereotypes are of a race, absolutely. If it’s a stereotype of a martial art, then no.

Ryu is a stereotype of a Karate guy. He’s fine. T. Hawk is a stereotype of a Native American and…that’s basically his entire character. He sucks.

Race? I’m pretty sure 90% of the SF characters are human…which is a race. I don’t recall being a colour or being from a certain country or whatever counted as it’s own race…which…makes no sense.

The guy who constantly cherry picks my shit complaining about cherry picking? That’s a lark. You literally just did it. You haven’t covered how Chun’s outfit is extremely out of date or any of the tons of other things I mentioned. You still ignore that one of the most important prisons in the USA still uses stripes. You cherry pick constantly.

I think this is as far as the debate can go. I present tons of evidence/examples/other things that go against your attempts to create a flimsy reasoning beyond just not liking it because you don’t like it, you cross your arms and go “nope, I’m going to ignore all but this one part I can argue against halfway.”

Your history/anachronism reason - falls flat in the face of examples of it still being used and plenty of other characters using that exact same type of anachronism/historical outfits.
Your “racist stereotype” reason - falls flat as Cody isn’t a racist stereotype so it’s simply off topic. If you just try and go with pure stereotypes it falls flat in the face of a third of the cast doing the same thing.
Your “it should be modern” reason - falls flat as very little in the game is modern or aged, in addition the game and series doesn’t age. For fucks sake the timeline in Street Fighter is a mess, it’s also not set in the real world there is a reason they no longer provide exact dates for anything. Technology is all over the map in terms of era, as is fashion. Look at the back of the London stage in SFV.

You have no “objective” or “design” reason that doesn’t have MAJOR holes in it but you refuse to admit it, just like it took fucking pages to get you to half way realize that Birdie’s jacket is intentionally not able to close despite providing you with a half a billion pieces of evidence. You subjectively dislike that specific costume and some of the other SF character but not others based on your own taste. Not because they don’t fit, not because they are “bad” you just don’t like them. That poison outfit I said was “bad”? It wasn’t objectively bad, I just didn’t like it. Some people probably do. There really isn’t anything WRONG with it other than maybe some weird proportions but that’s based on the artist. I just don’t care for it because I think it’s ugly. You think Cody’s is ugly and silly. You think Dhalsim is goofy and find it offensive to you, I am offended by it too but maybe an indian person doesn’t, many mexicans actually like Speedy Gonzales for instance.

In the end you dislike it because you dislike it, nothing beyond that no matter what your rationalization is.

That is my closing statement, it’s now your turn for closing statements just like any good debate.

There’s a difference between not responding to large portions of your 2-page response, and editing out part of what I said to COMPLETELY CHANGE WHAT I SAID to fit your argument.

You spent a half an hour writing up a ton of evidence/examples that were COMPLETELY irrelevant because they were directed at a point I DIDN’T FUCKING MAKE. I’m not going to waste a half an hour of MY life going through them line-by-line, explaining why each one is wrong FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON.

These is also completely irrelevant anyway. Capcom has obviously finally realized how fucking stupid the costume was, even if you haven’t. Which is why they’ve changed it.

Sure, but it’s still much less dramatic than being unconscious for years, waking up as a Franekstein-like being and being out for revenge.
What Charlie does in SFA3 is nothing else but what he would have done had he discovered the corruption without getting shot in the back. The fact that he fell down a waterfall seems to have no effect on him. His mission is only based on the corruption in the military, not on his personal fate. In the new games, it took a secret society to revive him. In the old version, he probably just left the river and went on.

The fact alone that SF4 retconned SFA3 means that Guile’s ending was a non-issue by then. In light of SF4, you don’t need to “reinterpret” Guile’s SFA3 ending because nothing in that ending has anything to do with anything anymore. Because that ending wasn’t canon anymore. That talk between Guile and Chun Li never happened.

Even the 4 new are stereotypes

Necalli- culture stereotype (atzec)
Laura- both martial and social stereotype
Rachid- stereotype and anti-stereotype
Fang- both martial and social stereotype

Honorable mentions: Azam, Helen, Zen, the indian cop etc etc

And work well

I DON’T want a SF char that is’nt the stereotype of something, be it his martial art, his nation, his race… whatever

A totally no-linked design in SF will feel baseless

Because simply it’s the main theme of SF chara design, mix characters from every angle of the world and play on contrast/differences to obtain a various and colorful cast

Well, it doesn’t say much.

喪流 Sōryū [“mourning style”] (SFZ2 / SFZ2A / SFZ3)
One of the two styles Gen uses. Compared to 忌流 Kiryū [“abstinence style”] has more easy standard moves.
Soul Power (SFZ series)
The power Rose commands. Being a force of will made physical due to her righteous heart, it can be assimilated to a form of “ki”. It conceals unlimited abilities, but a mistake in its use can led to disaster. Compared to Psycho Power, on-screen seen as a pale blue light, Soul Power is represented with a yellowish light.

Then speaks about the Soul Bees from the Darkstalkers series, but that doesn’t matter here.

The main reason for it being common sense: if you’re a fugitive convict, why the hell should you continue to wear the first thing alerting everyone that you are a convict? I know Cody could simply NOT CARE, but even he isn’t immune to bullets…

ROTFL. Well, I don’t have a problem admitting I like her, and very much so. I’ve seen she’s a sort of semi-taboo here; but I should point out that, as was the case with Remy as reimagined by YagamiFire, she CAN be used for a good narrative. I could elaborate on the reasons I like her and how I would use her character; but I’ve seen there’s too much sensitivity on this forum, in no small part due to a troll I won’t name, so I think it’s best to gloss over it.

Nonsense. Don’t let stigma or drama get in the way of talking about what you like. If others have a problem with it, that’s their own doing.

This is about Cody, right? Didn’t Jessica break up with him because she couldn’t take his fighting addiction and then left to go to Europe?

I wonder what her current state of mind is concerning Cody anyway. I’m sure it’s been a while since she broke up with him. Does she at least regard him as a friend? I would like to see a conversation between her and Cody sometime!

Question about “Ki-ryu” and “So-ryu”

I’ve been translating them in the guide as “Mourning” and “Memorial” style and I was wondering if that could you explain which would be more suiting?


Ew, Blanka

Quick! kill it with a fire!

Also, here’s some Makoto concept art.


He learned from electric eels how to discharge electricity from his body, and violently rams his opponents while spinning!
(He should’ve hurt himself pretty badly, the first times…)
He’s Blanka. Real name, Jimmy.

Name: Blanka
Height: 192cm
Weight: 98kg
Blood Type: B
Birthday: February 12
Home Country: Brazil
Favorite things: Tropical fruits, Samantha, Arapaima¹
Dislikes: Army ants

A savage kid; the plane which he was on crashed when he was still a child in the deeps of the Rainforest, and he survived by learning how to defend himself.
He toys with his opponents, and has distinctive unhortodox movements.
And he loves Samantha, his mom!

¹ This fish. Remember it from his SF2 stage?