The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Q is getting an awful lot of attention lately…
The keyhole thing is exactly what I want to see with him. We don’t get answers, just details that raise more questions.

Alpha Guy too, they are pretty broken as well IIRC but they are unlockable characters anyway. Also liked that it had alternate colors for all the characters.

One funny thing is that the dialogue between bosses changes if you pick the Alpha version of Guy or Cody, I think guy mentions he’s traveled back in time by accident or something lol.

Yeah that boss was kinda like that… he’s like if a bunch of SF characters were fused into one lol. I also agree on Guy’s projectile (well not exactly a projectile, it’s more like CvS Sakura’s projectile), still surprised it didn’t make it in SF yet.

The FF3 OST will always be a favorite of mine, it’s just so good… For Metro City and Explosive Situation are stand outs imo (if Lucia and Dean ever make it to SFV, I’d want them to have remixes of these two musics as their themes, former for Lucia and the latter for Dean).

I’d seriously recommend you trying out the GBA port of FF1, the soundtrack is pretty good too:


I actually played a bit of Final Fight One and got bodied a lot. Still, I need to sit down and try to beat it one day. One thing I enjoyed about the Arcade version was it let you continue where you lost, but the SNES made you start the stage over…

Strangely enough, Rolento appears in Final Fight’s Arcade version, but wasn’t on the SNES version because they had no more space. Instead, they put him as one of the bosses in Final Fight 2. His grenades were mad stupid in that game. Definitely gonna give Final Fight One a serious playthrough one of these days!

I’ve played all the Final Fights, but for some reason the second is the most spotty for my memory, I’m not sure if I finished it. I really dug FF3, at first as a kid I thought Haggar’s pony tail was cool, buuuuuut, I think it’s best left forgotten. Philippe would be cool, I dig clown characters and think he could work nicely.

I’ve excited with all this Q information though surprised to see that today’s offering was seemingly something special. I don’t want it to be Dorai, but worst case scenario, I’ll have to roll with it, and I’d just be happy to play as him. Now that David’s out of the running, I’m curious who he could be. I hope we see little hints of Q throughout storymode as easter eggs. I always wanted the games to do what Udon did and have him there. It’d also be kinda funny if the cinema sequences allowed you to freely move the camera like in the codec conversations in MGS2 and if you aim the camera at all the Q’s in the background you get not only an achievement, but a small bonus of Zenny.

The only thing that keeps me from thinking that Q is Dorai is that Dorai is not that much taller than his daughter, while Q is one of the tallest characters in the entire series. There’s a big height difference between them.

Yeah, his height isn’t officially listed, but looking at Hugo and stuff, isn’t Q like 7’3"-5’? :open_mouth:

Before the SFV reveal, I considered Birdie a possible identity for Q
-Dark skin and blonde hair like the 3S sprite
-Strong, brutish power
-The abnormal stuff could have come from his A3 ending with the Psycho Drive

Now I’m thinking he’s a cyborg/robot or “Q” is a code name within an organization. What if he’s part of an alphabetical hierarchy? The head is called “A”, and the chain of command goes through the alphabet.

You know what else I just realized? That picture of all the 3rd Strike characters being portrayed as actors, while it obviously isn’t canon, the guy playing Q looks like Dorai with grey hair.

It’s funny you say that, early on a bit before I fully supported the" David is Q" idea, I did look at the dark skin and blond hair clues and jokingly said “Maybe Birdie is on the run!” this being street fighter, it’s not impossible for a black man to have blond hair, though I’m left with a few things:

[] If Q is David that means for some reason he’s wearing a wig (or he grows hair quickly and shaves it??? (Not likely))
] If Q Is Dorai, he massively grew after whatever was done to him and may have a darker tan, like Akuma for some reason.
[*] I’ve been completely wrong and Q is Richard Bergman who some how becomes younger, grows several feet, loses weight and gets crazily fit.

The robot army / Doppelganger Teammates theory certainly could be one, though, I have a weird headcanon that Q can teleport. Looking at his dashing punch I at first thought it was a dash of speed, but the last sprite or so gets distorted in striped pattern rather than fade away like Akuma’s warp or Ibuki’s dash:

Though, looking through more, Dudley has a similar striped distortion when he uses cross counter, so I may just be seeing things.

Though to be honest, I may just have been influenced by Diepod’s concept for “Everywhere Man”

I’ve always wondered if the artists purposely put inconsistencies in his art pieces to keep up the mystery? Several of his sprites show he’s got rather dark leg skin, and it would not be affected by light/shadows to the point where he’d be around Elena’s tone, but then there’s the famous “cast photo” pic where his skin looks light and the blond hairs are at their clearest visibility.

@Cestus You said:

That’s interesting, when and where did they say that? That’s some pretty interesting and important info. Wait, he’s supposed to be dead?

I know nobody replied to this but seeing that pic of the Dolls got me thinking "How strong is each Doll when compared to one another?"
If Decapre’s currently the strongest in fighting potential and Mäz is the weakest where do the others fall in line?

I would assume all of the Dolls have the most basic of physical enhancements because they need to be linked directly to M. Bison through Psycho Power.

Here’s my theory on it

(I would assume Cammy’s technically the strongest “Doll” as she was created for that purpose, but since she isn’t a part of Shadaloo I won’t include her.)

Decapre (Psycho Power makes her the strongest.)

Fevrier (SMG’s are just deadly.)

Satsuki (Shadaloo’s Samurai and lead offensive member.)

Santamu (The scout and spear user. Spears have fairly long range and she has the best eyesight so she’s definitely deadly.)

Noembelu (The powerhouse, so she’s the strongest “physically”. Like a girl T.Hawk)

Xiayu and Jianyu (The Peking twins are definitely talented and lethal with their weapons and possible use of teamwork, but they don’t have any special skills mentioned like the ones above them so they’re placed here. Jianyu has the range advantage out of the duo with her staff, but they’re both probably evenly matched in skill.)

Juli (and Juni) (The original Doll duo sent to go after Cammy in Alpha 3. I take it they were the defacto leaders during Alpha 3. They probably had the best teamwork and tracking skills out of the group and Juni could even rate power levels. I’ve always considered Juni the better one out of the duo, but she’s gone now.)

Enero (She’s now the leader of the group, but only because her vocal changing skills and thorough plans.)

Aprile (She’s more or less a support unit, and while she does have access to Fang’s matter melting poisons I would assume she only has a limited amount stored in her medkit. So while she’s definitely a threat in the short term, she’s not meant to be directly in the line of combat and she’ll want to use her poisons and fighting techniques to escape with the injured unscathed.)

Marz (Another support unit but she admittedly can’t fight, so while she may be physically enhanced, in traditional combat this is probably more helpful for protecting herself more than anything. She could be physically more resilient, or physically faster than the normal person, so while she may be the weakest Doll, she’s still probably stronger than a normal person.)

Speaking of which, how strong is Fang’s body that he’s able to withstand it himself? Let alone the other fighters?

Maybe Q is Elena?

I remember reading it, but not if was theyr blog/site or an interview

Btw my theory is simple

I ever imagined Q as an illuminati (Urien’s labs maybe) experiment gone wrong, he’s end up too powerful and crazy and he’s gone out of control.

After got the info that he’s a character we know exist, and after seen the parallel with Nash, i’m end up thinking that Nash is theyr second (after Q/Dorai) attempt at using somebody that hate Bison as weapon against him

Maybe they’ve tried with Dorai and it failed because after experiments he’s end up too powerful and brain fucked, losing lucidity and target, keeping just the generic rage
They retry finding another Bison’s victim in Nash: both fighters, both “killed” by him, both not powerful enough to stop him and maybe willing to sacrifice some humanity (a recurring SF theme) to gain the power needed
Considering theyr fail with Q, with Nash they gone more soft: less power, but less fucked mind, as Nash seem still have a decent working brain.
At the end under theyr point of view they don’t need to brainwash him or to have him as a brainless weapon (like twelve), as he already hate Bison, they just need to get him in collaborative mood as they’ve a common goal

I don’t like the Q=Dorai theory, but it kinda made sense

More than “strong” it seem the result of years and years of harsh and dangerous life-long conditioning, wich explain the mindfuck he got when Bison showed to be immune at the very first time he was exposed to it

Under Fang’s pov Bison is probably the only life being he can’t kill (even if i can think almost 10 others), wich explain his acceptance as #2

It would be cool if you could take a look at it. Probably a weird transliterarion of some Chinese name; I’ve seen it referred as Dou Lai or Dow Lai in SFIIV stuff.

Google translate says 銅昴 means Copper Subaru(Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster).

Honestly, if Q was revealed to be Chun’s “missing”/“dead” father - that’d be the lamest plot twist to ever happen in Street Fighter

Seems like the English site is starting to catch up with daily entries of their own. They now have Pepe Ishiwata and Cyborg up.

Tbh in SF universe we have sakura and karin being consider world class fighters, you can’t out-lame that shit

No. The lamest plot twist would be if Chun’s missing father is Q and he is back for revenge against Bison.