The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

The original was “Ando…”, but I was trying to cover Andre the Giant in the joke. And being Andore actually a mistransliteration of Andre, there was no other option.
It’s not clear whether the speaker is confusing Hugo with Andore OR has inadvertently given his real name (and he obviously shouldn’t have), though.


Yup Andore is Andre (アンドレ)

I guess Hugo doesn’t want to associate with the name Andre to escape any links with his past life?

Although the way the past articles have been written usually other character names are mentioned in an article within the context of confusion; ie Mike being mistaken for Balrog, and Scott being having to clarify he wasn’t Cody (originally).

Oh, poor T.Hawk is right! I sure hope they explain it!

Is there going to be individual profiles for all the Dolls? I’m just wondering. I just expected there to be but I don’t know. I hope so!

I sure hope there is more details on this too! Ya know, what are the chances T.Hawk will end up looking for Juli in the SF3 timeframe as well? At this point, I wouldn’t even be surprised. That would suck! :bawling:

I don’t really understand why Capcom keeps making T.Hawk do the same thing. I would expect him to keep looking for Juli(a) for SFV. I’ve always thought there’s WAY more potential for her outside of Shadaloo! Why can’t he just get her back? Is that too boring or something? Is that just going to officially end his story? They can’t come up with something else to do with him?

I’m not exactly happy about learning Juli is still in Shadaloo.
But please don’t joke lightly about suicide. That’s a serious thing. It’s not something you should laugh about honestly. To me, I consider that in poor taste.

I wish Capcom could come up with something else for T.Hawk to do besides making him look for her again.

I’m guessing the leotard is his wrestling attire.

Lol, exact same pose

Random question I’ve been meaning to ask: what’s everyone’s opinion on the Final Fight series? I played Final Fight 1-3, completed them, and really enjoyed them all. Most people I know played the first, but none of the sequels. I actually had no idea Final Fight 2 & 3 were console exclusive until about a yr ago. I actually thought they were originally ports back in the day, but I guess I wasn’t paying much attention. Just wondering what the consensus is on the classic portion of the series. I still have yet to play Streetwise, but I need to give it a try someday.



Don’t you dare mention Final Fight Revenge or we’re gonna have serious problems

Ya know, I wish T.Hawk would get a fresh visual makeover! Something that would get the fans excited about him. He’s always been unpopular so why not try something new? I think it would help him out. I would hope it’s not just him taking his denim vest off, lol.

I would like to see more of a badass/unleashed T.Hawk! I was thinking maybe he would be more desperate to find Juli(a) this time, lol. Somebody on here pages ago mentioned a T.Hawk that was more concerned about only caring about the ThunderFoot Tribe and anything associated with him. It was some sort of Neutral thing going on. I know, I know…it was basically Charlie Nash 2.0 but I thought it was an interesting idea. I thought there was some potential there. It probably doesn’t jive with his character but I think that whole idea would be better than what he’s doing now. I REALLY feel he needs more of a shake-up!

I was also thinking, maybe to go more into a mystical bent with him? He seems to have some sort of a connection to spirits. I assume he communes with them. I would like to know more about that! Who are these “spirits” exactly? Nature spirits? Animal spirits? Deceased souls/his ancestors? All of the above? Maybe T.Hawk can ask for aid from these spirits in some way. I had an idea that T.Hawk could be a gateway or repository for spirits or souls or whatever it actually is (for communication purposes?) and through that a Necalli connection could be established (if any of them are strong souls). I had another idea that Necalli could be used as a mythic/legendary figure in the ThunderFoot oral traditions passed down through the generations.

I don’t know, just some ideas shrugs:slight_smile:

No doubt. But it still looks bad.

The difference is subtle, but significant.

Hugo is rubbing the back of his head in the anime equivalent of going “Uhhh…”

Remy is brushing his hair back like the douchbag that he is.

They’re beat-em-ups. All 3 were great at the time. But they suck to play now simply because there are games that do that so much better now.

I hear what you’re saying…

I’d actually love a South-west biker kind of T. Hawk. Kind of a modern day cowboy. A 7+ foot Native American chasing down Shadaloo on an equally MASSIVE motorcycle would be all kinds of bad-ass. Plus I could just see an awesome entrance with him screaming in on a bike, hitting the breaks to launch himself off it then Hawk-diving down into fighting position opposite of his opponent. Change his vest to a brown leather one with ruff and give him matching chaps over jeans and big ass boots. Splash a huge hawk across the back of the vest and have him wear a cowboy hat with a feather in it that he takes off before he fights. He’d be SUPER bad-ass.

So I put all my Bison Dollars on Twelve for tomorrow, and Gill being Friday.

Street Fighter Biker Bros: Rufus, Maki, T.Hawk, Necro, maybe one of Birdie/Poison/Sodom

A friend of mine from Capcom Unity drew a pic of T.Hawk with a modified variation of his Aztec alt (or was just inspired by) mixed with his default costume.

LOL. John Redcorn.

Actually I was talking to a guy a year ago about his T.Hawk John Redcorn-looking new design! You might have already seen this. It was certainly different!

If there was an alternate universe-T.Hawk, I think it could possibly fit.

Interesting stuff! Sounds good to me.
Now I’m just imagining this T.Hawk fighting Rufus (in biker alt) with both their motorcycles around.

I think there’s potential in giving T.Hawk something more interesting than what he normally wears for his default.

The outfit would be fine for the SF universe. It’s just the character that’s not T. Hawk there. That guy looks way more like Nightwolf.


I think your friend pretty much got what he wished for in Dhalsim’s redesign.

No pls

Does’nt look Capcomish, Sf style or even T.Hawk style

If they really want took that route they should keep it exagerate capcom-style or will be out of the game art line

Maybe that predator dude they took as inspiration for T.Hawk

But i hope they don’t

SF don’t need try hard serious characters, it’s just not what SF charadesign is supposed to be

Fuck it, give him a red shirt

V-skill force opponents to jump for easy anti-air

V-trigger activate Pumaman theme in opponent’s TV at max volume

ROTFL. No trash Italian movies from the Eighties, please. :lol:
Although it would be funny as hell to see Hawk yelling “JUMP” in all seriousness and the opponent just doing it, maybe even interrupting what he was doing in fear “o - ok…” :lol:

“Hahahahah! No-no, you look great”

Lol Vadinho was the real hero of that trainwreck (but fantastic MST3k episode), but yeah, I wouldn’t mind giving T.Hawk something new and more motivation. I don’t mind the biker idea, but as Cestus said, a bit more Capcom-exaggeration would make him stand out more.

Where is this secret button? Please provide link. Why there is no mention of Juni in the list? Are there high resolution pictures of the dolls?

Thank you for the great translation!!!