The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

You should keep stances in mind there. Necro is obviously way hunched over in that pose. It doesn’t represent his actual height.

Here’s a better comparison:

Maybe these shorter heights are cuz they’re younger and going to grow more? That height is definitely unusual for Remy who’s art has always put him as pretty tall. Weird.

As for Vega’s hair, I’ll refer to my earlier theory that he has dirty-blonde hair like myself that’s common to some of the fairer-skinned folk of Spain & Portugal. My hair looks brownish in low-light but is clearly blonde in brighter lighting.

Also…gonna say it…I’ve never hated or even disliked Remy. I wouldn’t even mind if he made it into future DLC so long as they changed him up a bit to delineate him from the other boomers. Give him more cool kick stuff and make his V-skill the ability to hold down MP & MK to guide his booms up or down on the screen.

Then troll EVERYONE and reveal that Remy & his sister are Bison’s kids that he is unaware of…which is why Remy’s sister is a blonde. Dem Cammy-style Bison genetics. We already know from previous art that Bison is a ladies man. They were both born after his Psycho Power awakening…the emerging psycho power killed/incapacitated Remy’s sister as she grew older just like it’s strained Bison’s body…but Remy doesn’t have it or channels it differently for his fighting style or something. Fighting lets him channel his powers and grow stronger…perhaps hoping to draw out Bison not to destroy him but to find a way to help his sister so she can live a normal life. Otherwise Remy wants nothing to do with Bison…it isn’t a revenge story. Remy hates fighters because they are self-centered and focused on their own improvement and can ignore other things in their life (something guys like Bison & Akuma and even Ryu do) but Remy fights for a purpose. He’s not a fighter…he just fights. Maybe even throw in a curveball and have the lluminati be the ones pointing him in Bison’s direction…or offering to help using their technology.

Hell, his V-trigger could be some crazy-ass Psycho-Power mode to riff on Iori’s RoTB

Play up his attitude and make him an asshole towards “fighters”.

to Ryu: “Your path is a dead end. You should have learned something from your American friend”

to Bison: “I don’t care about your Psycho Power garbage! I just need your technology!”

to Akuma: “…such power. You truly are everything wrong in the world…”

to Guile: “You should take your own advice and go home to your family, man”

to Charlie: “I like your moves…but otherwise, you’re a mess!”

to Karin: “All this power & wealth and you choose to fight? What a waste!”

to Ken: “…we fight for similar reasons…but I wish I had your optimism”

to Chun-Li: “A cop, huh? That’s a good use for your skill!”

to Rashid: “…I hope you find your friend…”

to Necalli: “…you consume…? My sisters power… Could you…?”

to Cammy: “Keep fighting for your sisters. If I had the time…I’d help you”

to Dhalsim: “If you don’t want to fight…don’t fight!”

Actually develop Remy so he has a personality beyond “generic pretty boy”. That pretty boy look actually already gives him a lot of advantages as a character because it’s a popular archetype but you gotta make him at least a bit of a bad-ass with some “cool” factor to him so a wider range of players will like the character.

Yeah, it’s what i mean, even hunched is clearly taller as even with both legs and torso bending is still tall as normal standing Ryu

my thought is (counting bizzarre SF cm/kg)

Ryu: 175cm/84kg
Remy: around 185cm/70kg (official stats 173cm/62kg)
Necro: around 195cm/90kg (official stats 174cm/64kg)

I actually thought those were official quotes for a second :amazed:

You’ve nailed down the essence of his character in all of those quotes. Love the quote to Sim!

I honestly don’t think Remy will ever have a connection to the Sonic Justice bros other than being their SF3 replacement:

-the way his signature attack works is in a different medium (he uses light, Sonic bros use ki for a speed boost and fire off actual sonic booms)

-Remy looks like a young adult or in the last stages of being a teen, so if it was 10 years ago that his father left, that creates problems:
[*] looking at bakfromon’s translations of SF3, Remy is stated to have grown to hate is father in his absence, thus indicating that he knew his father and wasn’t the product of a one night stand.

[*] Things are a bit muddled with the retcons and such but around 10 years earlier, would Charlie or Guile be roaming about on their way to kill Shadaloo’s spread?

[*] Guile is mr. responsibility and was singleminded in his approach to find Charlie/get revenge on Bison, I highly doubt he had time to find a random French woman, father a child or two, stick around for a few years and let the kids get to know him then leave. Charlie, I can see as more of a bachelor and ladies’ man, but even with that, I can’t see mr. Justice leaving a woman alone to raise kids all by her lonesome. If he didn’t know she was pregnant, that’s another story.

[*] If Remy is a product of a one night stand, how’d he learn how to fight in a way that’s somewhat visually similar to the Sonic Boom bros.? This isn’t a series where techniques are genetically passed down. Certain people may have more of an aptitude, but once you hit puberty you don’t inherit a signature attack or two.


I think what’s likely to have happened is that in his travels, he met and trained with someone who taught him his maneuvers. The thing is, it then becomes a question of who could have trained him to learn such a similar technique? It may be reconciled by simply stating it’s just due to the way he throws the attack with a slicing motion. Many fireballs look similar to the hadouken across fighting games, but within SF, Chun Li’s kikoushou looks a little similar structurally, but at the end of the day, it’s a fireball, they tend to have vaguely similar shapes.

Honestly, there’s nothing to gain by making Charlie or Guile Remy’s dad. It tarnishes their character for being a deadbeat, and it cheaply ties Remy to them. I don’t have anything against him, but he just has nothing there. Instead of it being nothing in terms of solid deteails but mystery and hype (Q) he’s got a minor unexplained detail tied to, what I feel, is a somewhat boring story. I mean if there was a bit more of a hook - did his dad disappear because he was a deadbeat, did his dad start wearing suits and calling himself Urien? If there was a hook I’d be invested in trying to find out WHO his dad was and why he left, but as it stands it’s a sprinkled detail without much else. He’s not especially weird compared to the other fighters, so there’s no hunting for his origins.

I would give Remy a weaker version of his SA3, Blue Nocturne, as a V-Skill. “Guile with a counter” sounds legitimately terrifying.

@YagamiFire Well dang, now you’ve done it…you actually made me interested in Remy… :bawling:

There is no chance. Nash rescued Abel during his investigation of Shadoloo during the Alpha series. Even if you assume this occurred during SFA1, that puts Abel’s rescue 4 years before SFIV and 8 years before Third Strike. Remy clearly isn’t 7 years old.

Remy is SF’s Jon Snow, Guile’s Ned and will pretend to be Remy’s father to cover his sister sluttiness

Remy half Targaryen confirmed

I’d be totally fine with that, if they completely change his moveset in SF5. Which would be fine, because they’ve done that with other characters.

But as long as he uses other characters moves, there should be a reason for it.

Put that in a spoiler tag for the unsullied please.

Remy is obviously the love child of


At bakfromon’s request, I’m going to post here the complete translation of the discourse F.A.N.G does under the secret button in the official site. My comments are in footnotes, and the most interesting sentences in bold.

Niiishishishishi… So you’ve noticed this button, huh? I’m Lord F.A.N.G, Number 2 of mighty Shadaloo. Nice to meet you. If you came here, it means you are a fine member of Shadaloo! Our aim is World conquest, World improvement, prosperous business and safe driving, all for our sublime Lord Bison! This “Shadaloo C.R.I.” serves exactly those purposes. It’s "Shadoken"¹ for short. It’s a site evolving day by day. From now on, I’ll work on improving this Shadaloo underground GQ. Oh, those beautiful statues you see behind me… From the right, there’s “Number 2 Strongest Man in the World”; that’s me. Next is claw-man, that cruel narcissist with a really bad character. Then there’s Lord Bison, the Perfect Leader, born to rule this world! Last comes the boxing man. I’m going to improve this splendid room at any time. Electricity here in Shadaloo’s GQ all comes from geothermal sources. It’s ecological! Shadaloo’s slogan is “Easy on Earth”! It’s for this reason this room is so hot. This will be a great daily exercise! Endurance is perseverance! That’s it. Endure after having poisoned your enemy! Dodge his attacks in order not to be hit! That’s showing your worthiness along the principles of Lord F.A.N.G’s combat style. If you aren’t hit, you can’t lose, it’s simple as that. In this game, where assaulting your enemy is vital, perhaps I’m a standout character. Well, sorry, I’m basically repeating the same things I’ve said before this Shadoken opened. This is a database of all the fighters of the World, uhihihi! There’s all we know and don’t know about that fighter, that despicable woman detective, and even that muscular wrestler. Of course, we’re going to discover plenty of information about Shadaloo, too. As they say, if you know him and know yourself, you will never be defeated! It’s good to work hard to fulfill Lord Bison’s ambitions! With that device², that plan and this database, World conquest is easy as taking candy from a baby. Easy as a pie… Speaking of which, have you eaten? They are running a curry festival at “Shadaloo Cafeteria” on 13th floor underground; personally I don’t like curry that much, but they say theirs is infused with Psycho Power, so it’s all for good health! After dinner, you can rest for a while and then go to the training facility. In Shadaloo’s Room 48³ you can dramatically improve your strength. Trust and accomplishments can arise if we don’t neglect our daily duties: if you’re slacking off, you’ll end like Balrog, that good-for-nothing… I still can’t believe that bloke is one of the Four Kings. How I wish Lord Bison would change his idea… The best punch in the World? I, the invincible Lord F.A.N.G, could even poison that! And I can’t stomach that pretentious guy with the mask, also. I can’t forgive his attitude of despising everyone! And he’s certainly not so faithful to Lord Bison! A true Shadaloo soldier would sacrifice himself for Him! And you should aim at becoming the best Shadaloo soldier, by using this C.R.I.! Of course you can take part in Story Mode and collect fight money in order to unlock other fighters. Although, no matter whoever comes, I am and always will be invincible; this won’t change! Because I am Number One!.. Aargh, no, no, Lord Bison is Number One, I’m Second! I’m the second best! Wow, that was close. It would bring me bad luck… Huh? How can you become strong, that’s what you are asking me? That’s simple! All it takes is mastering poisons! Take my V-Skill, Nishōdoku⁴: it’s unblockable, and slowly floats towards your enemy. Therefore, you can simply chase it. You can use it as a constraint and, as it slowly drains opponent’s health, prickle your enemy, keeping him from reaching you with Nishikyū⁵ or Sōtōja⁶; neat, huh? What? You don’t want to do it? How can you say that! Well, if you don’t want to learn poison, you still can do Online Battle and fight adversaries all around the World! Real battles are the quickest way to become stronger! Obviously, before fighting, it’s best for you if you collect info data about all the characters; not only that, studying their habits and peculiarities is interesting and useful. That’s the purpose of this Shadaloo C.R.I., it’s for newbies like you! With this at your side, even you can become a top-class Shadaloo soldier!, and all I have done until now was explaining just that. Being a secret society that operates in the dark in every corner of the World, as I think you certainly know, means we have a great number of engineers and programmers working for us; all of them maintain the Psycho Power and strive for World Peace. Of course we don’t overlook anything here: we do experiments to surpass the human strength potential; research methods to stop food rotting; and, obviously, develop new weapons. All wages are paid in ZENNY, and don’t worry: to deal with the World Conquest, we have prepared appropriate uniforms. By the way, they are provided with the same awesome shoulder armor Lord Bison has, and are all color-coordinated. We change the color every four years. Being this exactly the year of the change, now you will sport a lively blue, instead of the sickening mustard that was the norm before; it suits you! It comes with its hat; lower-rank soldiers are required to put on a helmet while on duty. It’s for head protection, and as it possesses a Psycho Power Receiver you can also instantly toughen your body. While out of service, there’s a stylish red. I’m sure it will suit you well. Regarding duties, a Shadaloo soldier will be required to fight: punching, kicking, all scary activities, huh? But! Even you will be fine, just by learning Shadaloo martial arts! From a seemingly harmless guard position you’ll go for a mighty tackle, and unleash a flurry of hard punches. This combo is the legendary “Shadaloo punch”! Moreover, if you make your eyes like those of a dead fish to distract your enemy, and then grab, spin and toss him vertically (no attack hitbox here), and when he’s falling you kick him hard as you are treading a coin down, then that’s “Shadaloo kick”. These are techniques required to pass the intermediate exam, so remember to master them!⁷. Ah, during the battle I recalled: besides the Four Kings and I, the magnificent Lord F.A.N.G, there are other people intimate to Lord Bison: his elite female bodyguards, the Dolls. They are specially trained, so they are quite talented; if you have a chance, go spar with them. While we’re at it, I’m going to describe them to you; let’s start with the one with pink curls,
Enero: she’s the provisional leader, and guides other members and refines all the plans for special operations. It seems she also takes part in battles quite often, as she knows how to fight. She is specialized in vocal mimicry, and uses it to confound the enemy. Then there is
Février: she uses two submachine gun, and specializes in firearms. She’s terribly sarcastic, so beware! Her charming points are her hair and glasses!
März: she is specialized in info gathering and cyber attacks. She can’t physically fight, but she seems to more than compensate with that. Not the type you’d want to upset!
Aprile: she carries a medkit, and takes care of her colleagues. I, Lord F.A.N.G, have bestowed upon her a finely developed neurotoxin, so that in case of danger she can use the poison and attack.
Satsuki: a japanese samurai-style fighter. The number one fighting member in terms of offensive capability. Her beloved samurai sword cuts anything! Well, if she ever turns her blade on me, I can simply melt even her sword with my poison.
Juli: a fighting member using Sniping Arrow. **It seems a lot has happened in previous operations, but she’s safely back to Shadaloo to support our World conquest.**⁸
Tháng Tám⁹: a member specialized in spear fighting! As she has good eyesight, she can spot the enemy from high grounds. She can execute her duties with accuracy. Her beloved partner is Kiki, a Golden Lion Tamarin.
Jiǔ Yuè and Yáng Yuè are twins. It appears to me that the one fighting with nunchakus and sporting a classical Chinese Opera face paint is Jiǔ Yuè, while Yáng Yuè is the one that fights with acrobatics wielding a stick; I tend to confuse them often.
November is the powerhouse of the Dolls. She wields two hatchets, one for each arm. Her spinning attack is devastating. She rarely speaks and is very reserved. Lastly there is
Dekabr’: the most powerful of all members, due to her being infused with Lord Bison’s Psycho Power. Could it be that she hates our former member Killer Bee? I can’t say it for sure, as I don’t know a lot of past things…

¹ “ken” here stands for “studies” instead of “fist”, nice play-on-words.
² the Psycho Drive, I suppose.
³ in Japanese, “48” when used with “hand” also figuratively means “every trick in the book”, coming from the 48 basic moves of sumō; thus it obviously carries this double entendre here.
⁴ “4 liters poison”, literally.
⁵ “Two dead balls”
⁶ “Two-headed snake”
⁷ It’s blatantly obvious F.A.N.G is referring to Abel’s two Ultras in SSF4. While the part about the “eyes like those of a dead fish” made me laugh, that poses an interesting question: is Abel’s combat style really actively taught in Shadaloo as the standard for its soldiers? Or rather is F.A.N.G mocking Abel because actually he’s speaking to him and Abel is our “newbie avatar” in this situation, and F.A.N.G is subtly insinuating that he actually has recognized him?
⁸ Well, that’s news to me. Poor T.Hawk… I wonder how Capcom will explain that. Or better, “I wonder IF Capcom will explain that” :stuck_out_tongue:
⁹ Yes, I’m transliterating them with their REAL names. “Santamu” doesn’t mean anything in Vietnamese, while it’s intended to. Just because we’ve had asinine transliterations until now, I don’t see why we should continue to insult all the languages that aren’t Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish or Italian. And, in November’s case, even English isn’t safe… I know they canonized the horrid “Decapre”, but I simply don’t care. A mistake remains a mistake.

Capcom and the fandome should UNITE Cody and Joe into one character = Joe Cody (like they did with Charlie Nash). Mike and Mike Bison (Boxer) are one character already anyway, regardles of the official position.

Actually the math should go even further:
Joe + Cody + Scott = Joe Cody
Mike + Boxer + Max = Mike B.

Regarding Remy he should be made into a real unique savate fighter of Street Fighter. Make him the former student of Tom (Jean Reno). And make him look classicaly french!
Like this:

Except … they’ve been established as separate characters, and have explicitly said they aren’t the same people?

Joe is a cocky pretty boy, Cody is a relentless brawler that was once a hero. Mike is an honorable guy who’s cleaned up his act and began to walk the straight and narrow, Mike Bison is a greedy ass fuckboy who’d sell his own mama for Fight Money if need be.

Merging them isn’t necessary.

I like Remy to return somehow in SFV since Nash has been redesigned and we lack a character that has flash kick as a super move.


They also explicitly said that Akuma killed Gouken. It’s called a retcon.

If they can’t find something interesting to do with Joe or Mike(which, from their SF5 profile, they haven’t), then I’m totally down with them getting replaced by Cody and Balrog.

I would have said the same thing for Lee as well, but they DID find something interesting to do with him when they made him a Drunken Fist user.

I think FANG is, personality-wise, slowly becoming one of my favorite characters.

“Decapre maybe hates Cammy for some reason. I don’t know a lot about past-things.” Good research buddy.

I believe even more now that that Shadaloo soldier that Ryu is shown fighting is actually undercover Abel.