The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Personally i think it’s fine as it is, simple and balanced colour scheme ever been SF trademark in SF2,3 and even 4
FF1 Cody fit well if you place him next to Ryu, wich still is the stilistical standard (no idea how they fucked so much Alex redesign)

Tbh i will just left FF1 Cody as FF1 Cody

Maybe with handcuffs since it’s part of his SF style, but that’s it

When they started add gadgets, tattos and shit to his alt they missed the point

Original Cody was a charadesign made to be super regular/simple in comparision to the punks he was going to bitchslap (same contrast that there was in the movie)

If anything i will like a new SFV version even more mature,simple clothes and tired of all that shit

And FF1 Cody as Story alt

Keep the brawling spirit, keep the mix of bored/cocky attitude, keep him having actual fun punching skulls, drop the dressing as an asshole 17yo while being 30something

A little longer hair and it would be perfect

Cody’s design would lose out next to Ryu because Ryu has color balance and Cody does not in his old-school outfit. Ryu balances his plain white with the red on his gloves and his headband. Cody lacks that amount of color balance so his design would need just a bit more to look right.

Damn straight. Now all we need is a Daniel Jackson Milo Thatch alt for Nash.

I just noticed that she wrecked that dudes balls in the first gif. RIP to any potential children.

What goes around comes around.

Came back to SRK at least check this thread as I do occasionally, figure it doesn’t have to do with discussing the actual game.

FF Concept art pre-release. Been over this before, I think even with you involved in the conversation. I dunno why it was brown in the game itself, in the games intro it’s kind of a dark sandy blond however everywhere else in-game it’s brown. Outside of the game it’s always been blond.

Final Fight SNES/Super Famicom manual artwork, released in 1990. A year before SF2 World Warriors

Sega CD version released in 1993, 2 years before even Alpha 1. His hair is actually blond in-game for this one but only on one sprite:

Skip to 10:13 if embed didn’t work. It’s the results screen for time attack mode only on sega CD version.

This is the sprite itself if you don’t wanna check:

The original Final Fight arcade cabinet features Cody blond on the marquee, and also wearing boots for some reason:

His shoes you can’t change. The blue / white adidas are a key part of his design. It’s always been there, even on his criminal outfit. It also fits his color scheme of Blue/White. I mentioned a while ago that it was pretty creative, if maybe not intentional, that his original outfit and prisoner outfit actually have neat similarities. With the elbow and hand wraps his classic outfit goes - White (shirt) - blue (elbow wraps) - white (more shirt) - blue (jeans) - white/blue/white/blue/white (sneakers). His striped prisoner outfit works with the adidas as they have a distinct stripe pattern on them:

If you are gonna change him you can’t veer SO far away from his color scheme of white/blue that is used in his two official designs. Look at the redesigns for most of the SFV characters. Even Ken keeps his color scheme they just emphasized part of it. The black top with red highlights matches the classic Red gi with black belt. They kept Alex’s green/red design, they replaced his upper body stripes with suspenders. They changed his outfit but the overall color usages are retained. I think everyone but Guile has generally retained the color schemes.

Probably they wanted keep him closer to the original source

Tom Cody was’nt platinum blond, more like light brown:

Btw i will prefer if they recover old very light brown color, same for Claw (SF4 Claw>SFV DiCaprioClaw)

Lemon yellow is spammed as fuck in SFV

I’ll be honest, i like new slighty longer hair Elena, but is also true that it give her an even less african design vibe

Considering that albino hairs and azure eyes don’t help, she being super tall with short hair kinda helped

If they go even longer hairs imho they should try to give some ethnic vibe to it, something like

Or keep last artwork we seen, but made as white mini-braids

Never really got the whole criticisms with Elena being African and having white hair. It’s not like it hasn’t been done in an artistic work over the decades.

Although I definitely would’ve enjoyed to see Elena with longer hair and mini braids.
Maybe incorperate a home country theme to base her costume colors and make them resemble the Kenyan flag, like how Ryu’s is based off of Japan.

I remember reading somewhere that one of the devs was asked about the Tom Cody/Streets of Fire thing and they said they hadn’t ever seen the movie. hard to believe them but that was the claim. I can’t cite teh source so take it with a grain of salt.

As for the claw thing, IIRC it’s stated somewhere that Claw dyes his hair. It’s not even an SF4/SFV thing it’s actually a consistently inconsistent aspect of his character:

Street Fighter 2

Street Fighter Alpha

Capcom vs SNK

SNK vs Capcom

Another thing I can’t prove as there is no source.

I’d love to know where he got that info that the intro was originally planned for Final Fight. On one hand the art itself makes sense. The intro has absolutely nothing to do with any part of Street Fighter but works under the idea of Final Fight. Neither character is featured in SF2 and there is a pan up to a skyscraper, which is the end goal of Final Fight as that is where you fight Belger. On the other hand, Street Fighter 2 came out just a smidge over a year later than Final Fight, either they chose not to use the art and then changed their mind for whatever reason, or they created the art after Final Fight was released. I think that the latter is more likely.

The info on Joe vs Cody for SFZ3 kind of makes sense, but also doesn’t. They had put in Sodom and Rolento into Alpha already so it kind of made sense to balance it out by including a second Final Fight hero. Plus Cody’s moves aren’t based on Joe’s. There was, however, several SF1 characters returning. Also the punching through a wall thing was originally Joe’s, though Cody punches through glass towards the screen in the Sega CD intro for Final Fight.

The only move Joe and Cody share is Cody’s hop kick, which Cody has in Final Fight as well, in the form of his jump kick and desperation attack. NONE of Cody’s other moves look like Joes.

As for Elena, the plain long hair kept down like in the animated gifs would be cool. The closest ones to that hair style that is in Street Fighter is Rose and she still has that weird magic pony tail thing going on, the next closest is Karin but still not really since hers is all giant pieces of rotini not straight hair kept down. Poison has it too, now that I think about it she is probably closer than Rose. However her hair is like a giant bush attached to the back of her head, heh.

Ugh, I hate that. It’s so corny, and there’s like a half a dozen characters that do that now.

It was very common for 2D videogame characters to have brown hair so that they could reuse their skin colors.

“does’nt help” =/= what you have done, it’s fucking forbidden!

Thing is also other elements did’nt helped much give to the only african char (and only african woman) the ethnic SF vibe
Example see Storm ever had very african facial features, white hairs on her don’t risk to interfere with her design
Mostly because Capcom first step was just take her

You can keep white hairs, but keep work on other things
Example i liked how she look in that artwork, they gave her nice facial features that separated her from the super-tanned swedish she seem in other (mostly done after) artworks made by artgerm, udon, in SSF4 etc

And aside that SF3 did a great work on her proportion and lines

For the same design reasoning give her super long Atlantis straight hairs will push in the other direction… wich don’t mean don’t do it, only that you have to consider a way to implement it

Btw Elena was one of the few SF3rs that i found so well done to be legit as the SSF2rs main cast (wich is the iconic image of SF)

Imho best SF3 designs were: Alex, Dudley, Yun, Ibuki, Elena and Urien.
Hugo was kinda good too, in his bizzarre way.

Speaking of Storm, I really love her look from the X-Men anime:

When I first saw Storm in the anime, Elena quickly came to my mind.

So you’re what you’re saying is basically 60% of the “New Generation” which were the first round of “SF3” characters were good enough to be in SF2?

I always thought Elena’s default outfit was too bland to be something someone native from Africa would wear. Especially in artwork.

…Elena’s outfit is revealing none the less, but not colorful enough. The Kenyan flag color scheme has enough colors to fill in the gaps in Elena’s otherwise bland outfit.

Yes I know people like Ryu, and now more recently Laura, have overused this concept, I’m just saying that Elena is just a bit bland overall and would definitely benefit from a colorful costume change in general, the flag color scheme would be a start.

I actually like the short hair on Elena, though for a resdesign, I wouldn’t mind some of the braided looks shown in the pics above.

Well, they’re full of shit XD
More or less like Mike Bison was’nt Mike Tyson, they will say whatever it takes to not have to pay rights


had to resque his red-dressed GF

kidnapped by punks

…and i almost forgot the cop Ed, EDDIE for friends

Yes, specially Alex and Dudley

Alex was just brilliant under many points of view (some ruined in SFV)

If i don’t consider the Tyson tribute, Dudley is even conceptually better than Rog, more layers of design on him and all well made
Even if i must admit Rog’s Las Vegas stage give him a great visual boost to the point that’s almost unfair judge his design without the stage

But also others

Yun was a ridicolous good cliche with elements (hat, skate) placed perfectly to rep a kinda rebel “new generation” of martial artist, waaaay better than some others there just as “i’m new i’m young i’m teh new gen lulz!”

Ibuki was a really cool simple complex design, first pure ninja since Geki… that being SF1 does’nt even count lol

Elena bring many new and well done design/concept elements

And all of them had solid concepts, great lines, great color schemes, strong world vibe and generally all respected very well SF style.
You can easily mix them with SSF2 and will feel like something that don’t contrast but even enrich the whole group