The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

The first day I heard about SF3 was the first day I played it. Was so caught up in the Vs series that I totally missed it.

I was pleasantly surprised by the graphics and change in characters. I wondered where Chun-Li, Cammy, Blanka, and a few others were for a bit, but I didn’t really care that much. The game was super fun.

I didn’t really care too much for SF4 after hearing and seeing it for the first time, either. That game grew on me after awhile.

In terms of hype, I don’t think anything will ever reach the excitement I felt when playing Alpha 1, 2, 3, and EX Plus Alpha for the first time.

To be fair, in my opinion SF5 is doing the things mostly good about the roster, it’s what SFIV should have been: Redesigning/aging some the classic characters like Dhalsim, Ken or Bison (although is weird that characters like Zangief, Ryu and Chun-Li still look the same) and adding guys from the other series including Alpha, IV and III, as well as a big bunch of new characters. That was a good move.

I’m simply saying, I think it’s fair if this is the final part of the Shadaloo storyline, but please don’t keep it going anymore, we want to see what comes next for Street Fighter, not just keeping recycling an evil organization from game that’s almost 30 years old.

Also, Street Fighter has amassed a huge roster of characters along the years, and a lot of good ideas to grow up, I won’t accept them to keep giving a 70% priority to the old “Champion Edition” cast. Geez, characters like Bison, Balrog, Vega, Zangief and Dhalsim should be retired ASAP. But I have to conceed that at least they finally tried to give a spin to their gameplays in Street Fighter V.

I actually I want Guile to rest and be with his family… be the family man thing. I think that suite his happily ever after. He could also re-appear as a selectable character but not a someone to be in a plot against Secret Society or after hiatus of Shadaloo. He should comeback with newer better specials along with Rose, Abel and Cammy when Bison comes returned or the former Shadaloo has risen under Fang’s lead.

Don’t hate me with this I want Nash to replace Guile since Nash has more interesting move set and he can now have his own conflicts sets with the Secret Society. I believe Capcom could find a way since Secret Society had been involve with mutation, clone and necromancy I don’t know if they are possible with subconscious and conscious transference.

Nash along with Adon, Akuma, Vega, Viper, Juri, Q, Necali and Balrog are characters that should be now part of a alternating sets of mainstay anti-heroes, mercenaries and neutral characters of the series future installments. Because this characters are now flexible, independent and had no commitment other than to themselves. The best factor is they ain’t like those others fighting for a car, honor and something that is personal.

If Final Fight had a chance I want Sodom be a pit fighter that is a mercenary for hire.

For SF1 I’ll go for Eagle and Geki with the similar thing that is for hire also makes them legit in anything else.

Things I wanted closure and expanded in SFV is with Thawk/Noembelu, Delta Red and Tom.

No, fuck Shadaloo.

i like the art style and mysterious vibe of NG, I do not concern other characters at first since I was a fan of Ryu but like anybody else was lured more into Zero 2, SFex and specially the versus series.

EX was an easily adoptable and learnable game that time

Versus was kind a dream come true since I was of Xmen cartoons that time.

In the Zero series it was A2 was that lured me in was the custom combo, the mini crossover feels from final fight and the SNH Saga.

I’m a fan of the SNH Saga but never wanted it to be revisited believing it would be just ruined and might turn Ryu into a confused and messed up teen trying to prove something in the age of 40s because of trying to sellout with this generation.

I have no problem with the roster in SFV.

In fact, the characters are about the only thing that Capcom has done right with the game. It has my favorite roster of any Street Fighter.

Agree thats where it indeed shine and better the previous.

Too bad Nash was treated like shit in this storyline :confused: I almost would have preferred him to stay dead.

It’s almost certainly both.

Other games that still had a bunch of SF2 characters in them still managed to do relatively well even with the death of arcades.

The combination of nobody going to arcades anymore, combined with having almost no recognizable SF2 characters, is the reason nobody cared about SF3.

I only saw it in gaming magazines at the time and never saw it in the wild.

The first time I read Tiamat’s plot guide, I seriously didn’t know what a bunch of the SF3 characters I was reading about looked like. I distinctly remember not having any idea what Dudley looked like as I was reading his backstory.

Eventually I ended up just playing them on a Dreamcast emulator. And then later on, bought Anniversary Collection, which was the first time I was able to actually 3rd Strike with other people.

No, fuck you!


People still think SF3 killed SF for 15 years? So the fact that 2D games in general died at the same point in time and 3D games took off is complete coincidence. It’s not like the SF3 port was only available on a niche platform that died after two years. Oh wait, it was.

And yet, there were still other 2D fighting game franchises that continued to make games during that same period. Weird.

I’m not saying the genre didn’t drop off sharply, but other franchises didn’t stop completely, while the biggest franchise in the genre did.

Soul Calibur was also only available on the same niche platform. You know what they did? They put their next game out on a different platform.

SF didn’t bother to MAKE another game.

True, but let’s also not pretend that the fact that SF2 was swept under a rug and never to be heard of again for SF3 did not impact mainstream opinion. Until Moment 37, most of the people who LOVED SF2 either did not know SF3 exist or they did but consciously avoided it like the plague. Moment 37 brought some much needed acceptance and fame for the entry, but only enough to cement its cult status in the FGC. After the tremendous success of SF2, the Alpha series and dream matches were simply a more natural evolution for the public. Even if SF3 was released on game consoles it would not have garnered the attention to save its own life.

The SF2 characters are the most iconic characters in fighting game history, and some of the most iconic video game characters ever. SF3 had no respect for video game royalty. The only way SF3’s roster could ever get some mainstream appeal and acceptance was through associations with the SF2 characters ironically.

In a way I respect SFIII for trying to stand on his own and not rely on previous games’ nostalgia and characters, and in the end SFIII produced some great characters that added a lot to the series as a whole.
At the same time I think SFIII was an experiment that should never be repeated, it ended up producing good stuff but at the cost of damaging the series in the short and mid term. I’m happy about the results and the significance SFIII had many years after it came out but I’d rather avoid having the series going through the loss of iconic characters and established plotlines for the sake of all new stuff again.

@Phantom_Miria YAAAS! Such a sensible person. I’m glad you decided to start posting and join the conversation. :heart:

SF3 did some great things

I love SF3 and good parts of it

SF3 did some crap things too

Some just idolize everything of SF3 because it’s theyr muh edgy nerd fetish game, and because Ono restoring justice with maybe excessive force back to SF4 burned theyr deluded anus

Despite all it’s problems i LOVE what SFV is doing cast wise, even more considering very few are giving credit to it

It got many of key SF characters and some heavy fan requested too, plus they’re taking the risk (in an already difficult situation) to refresh things adding a lot of new characters too.

Great tradition AND fresh innovation, that’s what SF3 cast should have been and never was

For me game still need Sagat and Gill (and Tom pls), and it’s a good 2 (and half) seasons away from be complete but already is easily shaping up as the GOAT SF cast



Hot shit, this could do wonders for even more story and lore content. The book costs 77 bucks, not including shipping

While I disagree with some of his points, I can see where Magegg is coming from and I can see where the disagreement from the opposing side comes from.

Yes, the “death” of SF3, in my opinion, isn’t just about the lack of returning, characters, but it doesn’t help. The climate of the arcades weren’t the best to do such a drastic new change. Overall, we may not know definitively what did it.

I remember avoiding SF3 for the longest time, then started seeing the sprites in the Mugen community and got curious, then I finally heard word from people around me that it was fun and years later played and loved it.

I love SF more than any other fighting game out there and want to see the series flourish and grow. I don’t want it to stagnate and like Magegg, I don’t want a rehash of all sorts of past elements. That being said, like Cestus often mentions, the SF2 roster made the series what it is and kept people’s interest. I’m for retooled storylines and temporary breaks for some characters per “arc”, but characters like Cammy don’t need to be shafted. Heck Rose is tied to Bison, but with her fortune teller, overseer aesthetic, I could see her being the narrator of the SF universe (alongside Viper) and function like Uatu the Watcher, being a silent observer of the weird and ominous and be an explorer of knowledge in the more mystical side of SF, become a guru, anything. There’s tons of room to evolve SF. It’s almost 30 years old in its entirety but we circled the drain with a lot of rehashes and non-canon games for a looooooooong time. It’s only recently that they’ve been pushing for something greater plotwise.

I think that because of the series being so old, but, being fixed on the SF2 era without drastic new chapters to the storyline, it made a bigger impact when SF3 showed up. People wanted to know where the old generation was, get some closure, or see them interact with the new guys in a way. Ease into it, rather than throw a flashbang and have a whole new environment.

I like that KoF and Tekken keep around characters but in KoF’s case, allows for different arcs to be headed by different protagonists. I don’t want the same song and dance into SF8+. I love Bison, I get that Shadaloo is SF, but if we don’t move things along in another way, it’ll get boring. You can adopt the halo thing to show that Bison’s dead and keep him playable, but after his inevitable return, I don’t to repeat the rise and fall every couple of games.

You can have Guile sit out a game or two and have him pop up in another entry for another story that doesn’t have to be Shadaloo, you can have Cammy stick around with all the future titles. I mean seriously, MI6 agent, or on the run leader of her own band of former super soldiers trying to do good in the shadows (IF SF5’s events tarnished her reputation) you could throw her into a number of plots and keep her interesting. Look at the Ikari team (my favs) their or rather Heidern’s revenge story wrapped up in KoF95, but they’re still here till this day and got their own arc during the Nests. You can have some of the anti-Shadaloo forces stick around to keep an eye on things without Shadaloo being there and you can have some people stick around, but go in new directions.

Storymodes in the future don’t have to be settled on just one story. Heck lets say SF6 is dealing with an underground tournament and a mysterious band of assassins in China are the main focus. You can have that as the main story, while having a secondary plot thread featuring some characters not in the main story. Their arcade modes could plant the seeds and have them encounter characters specific to their corner of the story while slowly weaving it into the main story.

There’s a lot you could do. Without clearing everything out.