The Hwoarang Thread

Which low light attack are you using the most?
E.g. For the standard high/low mixup I use st.LP-MP-LP
The stLP is only 9 frames startup and I think I also tend to get beaten out sometimes.
Should I better use the cr.LK or cr.LP instead?

Also: is anyone using the EX Heel with success?

Imo st.lp is really bad to start ur blockstring with most the time, its cool cuz ur standing and its a low but the nine frame startup makes it easily interupted I use it for mixups for when I know there blocking but most the time I use cr.lp just cuz I could hold downback. But I think I should start using more because its 4 frames. Also mp to lp target combo is really punishable don’t uss it much. I just use or

Yeah, thought the same the dbLK command normal can be annoying. No I obviously don’t use Chainsaw Kick much, was just an example. I usually use now cr.LP-MP-MP … Heel if blocked, TC/HK HH if it hits.
What do you mean you use f+MK or HK? As OH Mixup? Yeah they are amazing.

Ya as an oh and there supposed to be some setup with ex heel after u aa with cadc fwd, ex heel is supposed to be a crossup and OH

Well I know that Hwoarang’s ex heel can be used for some dirty ass resets, and since they cause a groundbounce you can follow up back in HH and get more damage off of that, that’s what i use it for anyway, still workin on combing it though

Sorry, but someone explain these Ex Heel Tricks a bit in detail?

Well the way i use it, i use the “flamingo frame trap” combo which is standing lk>mk>regular heel>forward>lk>mk>regular heel, usually then the enemy either jumps up or goes low, if they go low i do ex heel and it avoids their low attacks and gives me a ground bounce.
What I’m workin on right now is seeing if you can combo from it when the enemy is high in the air like after Ken’s DP or Juri’s pinwheel kick, since I can combo super’s into them it’s probably likely i can combo ex heel as well.
Edit: Nope I tried and I couldn’t combo it the startup is wayy too slow

o and btw his backstep kick aa’s too

u mean back MK aa’s??? wow interesting

I think he’s one of the coolest characters in Street Fighter x Tekken. I just wish i was skilled enough to use this beast!! :3

yeah but it doesnt work in the corner and the timing is specific, but its really good to fight against steve, who i feel is a terrible match for Hwo

I got to try it in a match sometime. I usually use it for rolls or on ppls wake up. And I have noticed people using his Air Raid alot more.

Can anyone tell me how much and in what ways Hwoarang benefits with a counterhit stored? My Hwoarang/King team allows me to tag cancel from King’s various command grabs, giving Hwoarang a hard knockdown to better utilize his mixup oki game and in the case of Liger Bomb and Swing allows for a free charge to counterhit. Does anything of his stagger or crumple?

The only real benefit of storing a counterhit with Hwoarang is that a normal anti-air such as 2MK will allow a follow-up combo. Dynamite Heel is +5 on counterhit, but it’s far more practical to use that move for actual counterhit setups than to try to land it with the stored counterhit bonus.

Bah. Well at least the free knockdown/crossup chance helps.

Is Flashing Trident really +14 on block? That’s really cool. Is there any way for Hwoarang to really take advantage of it though? I guess he can frame trap but most people are not gonna attack after being jump attacked anyway. The only thing I can really see trapping is a HK HH (good for tagging I suppose). Dynamite Heel has good startup for it but you could just string into that anyway. Does it work to try throwing afterwards? If Dynamite Heel was full body invincible this could be nifty…

Speaking of frames, why do the different Dynamite Heels have different startup times if they have the same damage, recovery, and frame advantage? Do they have differing hitstun lengths (I remember hearing there’s so much stun on this you can safetag, but +1 does not make it seem so. Guess I’m confusing hitstun and frame advantage.

You could use the Flashing Trident blockstun to follow up with 5LP or 6MK (Tsunami Kick). In some matchups, you may even want to go for FLA MK.

Stronger versions of Dynamite Heel have a little bit of extra forward movement. I generally always use the LP version.

I am new to Hwoarang and just have a question from the following Weird Neo vid.


At 2:11 and 2:17 he does the same combo, following it up with Special Step - Throw. It looks damn cool. Anyways, what is the combo he is using? Does it involve FLA since he is holding forward? I know the inputs are on the screen but due to buffering/plinking etc sometimes its hard for a novice to follow.

Edit: The pressure he puts on with these block strings at 5:00 is ridiculous. Can someone teach me the ways :smiley:

This is one of Hwoarang’s most important tools. The CADC. Charge Attack Dash Cancel
You use a normal or a string that is (specialmove canceable) into his Dynamite Heel, which is chargemove. As you surely know, you can cancel a charge. To do this you hold the Punch Button for a moment after performing the move and dash forward (or backwards) to maintain pressure.

I think he uses the MP-MP-Heel or the Mk-MK-HK-Heel most of the time. I would try to practice it with the MP string. The other good thing about it is, that even if you don’t dash cancel the heel, it’s still +1 on block :slight_smile:

Man, I haven’t played this game in months. Patiently waiting for July 31 when the bulk of the nonsense that made me quit gets fixed. I read in some news post that every single character is getting changes. I honestly think Hwo doesn’t need many changes, but I’ll list possible ones:

  1. change input for spinning trap kick to something else - It sucks that you can’t do his fastest low attack (cr. lk) from a downback position and instead you get his slowest low attack (trap kick). This move in general is really bad and needs something about its frames changed.

  2. Slightly increase the range of his st. hp - Ok this is a very matchup specific request. When I fight Zangief, one of my main pokes is st. mp buffered to st. hp. I just try to counterpoke him from max range and chain into a boost combo. The problem is that if I successfully counterpoke his limb with from the very max range, the chained st. hp will whiff and I end up getting punished instead of getting my full boost combo. This matchup is a nightmare for Hwo as it is, and this whiff instead of full boost combo is a serious problem.

These were my two main changes I’d like, but here’s some optional ones that would be nice:

  1. Ex dynamite heal isn’t very useful at all. Startup is abysmal (slowest overhead in game I believe), and disadvantage on block is terrible. Change its frame data somehow.
  2. Let tsunami kick (f+mk) grounbounce on crouching counterhit - I find that I barely use this overhead since it’s rather slow and the payoff is low. This buff would expand Hwo’s versatility and give him a better reason to actually have a counterhit stored.
  3. Maybe slightly tweak lk hh hurtbox or startup somehow so that it does a better job at hopping over low attacks instead of getting stuffed.
  4. Reduce the priority of his command dash to automatically register his dp if a kick button is pressed. I’m tired of getting dp’s during command dash when I’m doing the motion for hh.
  5. Maybe tweak the hitbox/frame data on some of his flamingo strings to have a little more use. His lk mk flamingo combo is the only one I find myself using since it starts with a low and often mixes people up.
  6. Does chainsaw kick really need to be -8 on block? You can only do it from near point blank range and only after you’ve done st. mp. It’s highly telegraphed and people barely ever fall for it at higher levels. I’m not saying make it safe, but even making it -5 or -4 would make it way less dangerous.
  7. His backdash sucks. They must have made it suck on purpose since they gave him b+mk as an alternate (somewhat risky) escape tool. Still, his backdash is up there with Sagat’s for how bad it is. A little buff would be nice, but I’ll live with it if that’s how they intend to keep it.