The Hwoarang Thread

That’s something I don’t get about the dynamite heel. I guess it could make a frame trap, but the MP and HP versions inflict same damage, same active time, same recovery, but longer startups. Wouldn’t it make sense for it to cause a little more damage?

Yeah it’s weird. Happens with kazuya’s qcf+p as well and i’m sure many other moves.

Heavier versions have more range and push hwo further forward on startup.

The lp and mp versions can combo off a light attack, while the heavy version leaves at least a frame (probably 2 or 3) gap, making it pretty good for counter hit fishing, since you can combo after it on counter hit.

Speaking of DH ch, what is the go to combo(s)?

So I’ve been considering Hwoarang, and I’m curious on the consensus of his Flamingo Stance. Is it necessary to use that stance in order to be effective? At first, I thought you could change stances during a move but it seems like you have to time it properly in order to use it in a combo.

No it’s pretty useless. The best usage is cancelling the recovery of mk,mk to have frame advantage, but you can do the same with dash cancel heel. If flamingo stance combos do less damage than just doing xx whatever, so don’t bother with combos at all. The best thing about flamingo is the 3 frame s.lp, but it’s neutral on block and you’re slow as fuck so you can’t really pressure with it like other characters.

Though now that i’m writing this, it seems to have good reach and is special cancellable…i might look into punishing things with it. I believe there’s no startup in flamingo stance so that might be possible.

Very basic question, but what are some ways to get in and start dealing damage with Hwoarang? I’m a total scrub, so I’m just jumping in and getting people off his st.lp because it hits low, combos overhead, and is one of the few BnBs I know. Of course, the range is terrible, so how would I go about starting combos without it and does he have a nice overhead-involved combo not starting from there?

I had a match against someone who used FLA LK as a mixup after I think MK MK. Since it hits low, is faster than regular LP, and still has Hwoarang standing, it is a bit ambiguous.

Is MK a good poke in and of itself?

What are Hwoarang’s best AIR to AIR’s.

Fla takes 1 frame to start so its the same as a 4frame move

In response to a few of the previous questions:

Ways to get in that I can think of:
command dash into dynamite heel. It’s hard to react to, closes distance really fast, and puts you at plus 1.
crouch hardkick cancelled into lk air raid.

Best pokes that I can think of:
light hh, cr hk and st mp are nice. St mk is not as good as st mp. Go test in training against Ryu’s cr mk and you’ll see.

Best air to air:
His air target combo! Flashing trident: lp mp. Starts off with his quickest air attack which is really important in this game when trying to beat someone in the air. If you connect but not on counterhit, at least you didn’t lose. However if you connect on counterhit, his mp of the target combo also connects. This floats the opponent in the air a bit longer and makes it 10 times easier for you to land in time to continue into a high damage juggle combo. Very useful.

Mixups once youre in:
Typically you start off with a light low attack cancelled into his strings, but you can just start with the strings if you want to, less damage scaling. There’s pretty much two strings you can choose to do, but the first string has many different options to choose from.

Attack string 1:
mk, mk, hk string.

On hit: cancel into your hh or special of choice or super or launcher, etc.
On block (option 1): cancel the hk into command dash then quickly cancel the command dash into dynamite heel. It’s sort of like a frame trap, puts you right next to the opponent again and at plus 1 to go for another mixup string. Use this option to stay next to your opponent. If you’re finding this too hard to do, you can just do the dynamite without the command dash, but you won’t be next to the opponent and your pressuring ability will be somewhat lost.
On block (option 2): hold forward to cancel the second mk into flamingo. Use his flamingo kick combo (lk mk). The lk hits low. Use this option if you feel you’ve conditioned your opponent to block high to defend against a chainsaw kick. The mk of this string is sp cancellable, but the string is rather hard to hit confirm so you might have to guess if u throw out a hh and be ready to switch if they blocked the string. Otherwise throw out dynamite heel for a safe but less damaging special. Maybe you’ll have better reflexes than me at hit-confirming this string.
On block (option 3): If you see your opponent blocking your mk mk high in fear of an overhead, you can throw out a chained cr hk after the mk mk for a very quick knockdown low attack. Like option 2, this is just another low attack option.

Attack string 2:
mp, lp string

It’s his chainsaw kick, an overhead that ground bounces if it hits. Use this sparingly as it’s -8 on block. You’re pretty much either goin for this or not, unless you have insane reactions and can judge whether mp hits or not in time to decide whether to go for the chainsaw kick or not.

Up close, Hwo has strings that lead to overhead and low mixups that all lead to combos. He also has the tools to stay right next to his opponent at frame advantage if his strings get blocked. You really have to utilize all his mixups to be scary. It can be technical and require a lot of creativity, but if you master it your opponent should be very scared of you.

People need to stop posting this. FLA is not useless. Longer, faster pokes aside, I haven’t found bnbs that do more damage than my fla cancel combos. in FLA stance is ridiculous damage(120). Does more than most fierces/roundhouses. Fla cancel lets you combo into it off almost anything. There’s a combo starting from and into sweep that more than likely does more damage than your xx w/e(unless you’re using meter).

It lets you extend your block strings and create frame traps. Mk, mk, fla cancel,, works as a nice frame trap and it’s special cancelable. If you do mk, mk and fla cancel into normal, it pushes you forward, allowing more hits before you’re pushed out. Can actually do mk, mk, fla cancel,,,, and none of it whiffs, even on block. It’s difficult, but it’s useable, and it’s there. If that cancel is to hard, just hold down forward and cancel to,, confirm sweep).

It’s not useless at all. Just unexplored. I use it several times every match.

Just noticed the guide has as a mid attack and it isn’t.

What does it matter if does so much damage? Afaik you can’t cancel it and there are no cancellable FLA strings that use it. If you’re using ex, xx ex hunting hawk is more damage than any FLA combo. Hwoarang can hardly break the 300 meterless damage mark unless you start with something ridiculous like a jump in, so you should always either use ex HH or tag cancel, and in both cases the extra hits from FLA hurt your damage output.

Frame trap usage is legit, but so is dash cancel heel or command dash. This is by far the best use of FLA stance.

His question was: “is FLA stance necessary to be effective?” And the answer is a clear no.

You can do FLA MP > MP > 6, HK xx 214HK or FLA MP-HK xx 214KK. If you hit-confirm from a light attack, it’s possible to do 410 with 1 bar.

Edit: Turns out the meterless variant of this combo can’t actually be done from a hit-confirm.

Less than with alone.

cancelling chains into air raid and tag cancelling on hit is an ok approach.,, fla cancel,, xx ex hunting hawk,, xx hk hunting hawk 475 damage

More damage, and you get time to actually hit confirm. This combo will also use a lot less meter.,, fla cancel,,,, xx hk hunting hawk 299 damage

This combo is simple as hell, and gets him to 300 damage, meterless.

Stop calling it useless, because you haven’t spent the time to figure it out.

You’re right, i didn’t realize FLA had two hits and that’s why i was getting less damage. The damage increase is negligible imo, but the extra meter build is definetly worth it, plus the extra hits allows for some specific gems activation…hmmm.