The Hunter X Hunter Thread (New anime series has begun!)

(So I’m guessing that’s a “no” for looking at the cartoon.)

Weird. I’m pretty sure that page already said Alluka was his sister despite the use of male pronouns earlier. Meh, whatever. It will likely be resolved later, even if it’s result of Alluka’s power (somehow) or mere hermaphroditism.

…However, if Alluka isn’t male, then who the fuck is Illumi talking about and why would he suddenly be relevant after all this time?

Apparently Illumi used the term for sibling not brother, so it really is a she.

holy shit. that’s a fucked up power, i’m hype again.

haven’t watched new anime but it’s gonna be hard to top the quality of the first OVA aka Kurapica vs spider arc.

Any word on the manga continuing state side? I’m hoping Viz will publish volume 28 soon.

New chapter is out on Mangastream.

It’s amazing how Hisoka can look at someone else and call THEM out on being screwed up.

this chapter was proof positive of making a good chapter with absolutly NOTHING actually happening. More details of how her power works and the impact it would have, and more election ‘talk’, but nothing really happend, yet it wsa a good chapter.

  • :bluu:

so i totally forgot about this manga, i read it back when the creator was super duper sick and was making issues wit basically stick figures. that was hard to read physically and mentally, but im guessing he’s been good for a while and this manga is beastin? guess its time to re-read my old chapters.

just got done wit 1-5 of the new anime…pretty crisp and nice animation. hows it compare to the old anime for you guys?

(Seriously, people. Link to things.)

Chapter’s out on mangastream already. It came out really early compared to last chapter, possibly because of all the interest in and confusion about Alluka–heh at that note of “it’s not just us mindfucking you”. Oh, Togashi.

Geez, Milluki being a lazy bastard really becomes even worse here even though it seems like everyone in the family abused “her” power besides Killua and maybe the grandparents at least once just to test it; hmm…this reminds me, I wonder how Killua’s grandfather is reacting to Netero’s death.

I didn’t think that “Die For Me” happened in real life. Good to have confirmation “her” power is DOES seem to control “her” at times, though.

Hey, he at least admitted he was screwed up too during that accusation. Illumi’s arguably even worse, minus the bloodlust, because he’s never done that to my recollection.

Yeah, I’ve said this a bunch of time. To be fair, though, a lot of the time that it is just talk (in manga besides Hunter x Hunter), it also tends to be “recap”, which tends to make things fairly boring when nothing else happens.

Let me see if I have this straight: Illumi is saying that Killua will wish for Gon to return to normal then remain with Alluka to fulfill the grandiose requests resulting from the wish? Pretty noble of him, I guess.

(Still wonder what happens if Alluka gets left in black mode. Probably nothing good…)

Ha, thinking about it, I just realized I haven’t even been remotely disappointed that Leorio hasn’t been shown again like I thought he was going to be.

Still makes me wonder why Kurapika didn’t vote, possibly twice in a row. Perhaps he’s still searching for Kuroro, but then again, I don’t think Kurapika is even aware of Nen removers. He’s obviously not with Melody…

That sounds about right, especially since he keeps insisting he knows Alluka better than anyone. I’m not sure what he’ll have to do with Silva, though…

He wasn’t sick, except sick from overwork. HxH is a one man show, and it is almost impossible to put out 20 pages a week all by yourself and still get everything done. Jump now waits for him to finish a batch of chapters at his own pace, then they publish that. Series still sells better than Bleach so this seems to work.

It is easy to have “empty” but satisfying chapters when you are basically a monthly series. Look at the last five or six chapters of OP. Lots of stuff happening, but nothing really happening.

The “die for me” thing was them playing around as brother and sis… bro… playing around as siblings, not a real request.

Kurapika sealed his nen, didn’t he? He might consider himself retired or something.

I think I’m going to be sad forever about Hisoka not being in the ant arc. He would have gone fucking NUTS.

I got it to mean that he’d have someone else make the wish and then stay around to try to fullfill her demands.

I understood that he will ask for someone else(Gon) and pay the price himself while other family members use other people to wish for them like the tourist guy
I think the new anime has some fillers and is feeling more light but liking

(So there are some people liking the anime? Maybe I’ll give check it out despite not really watching the original.)

Yeah, I’m pretty sure Killua is going to make wish himself after fulfilling the remaining requests and then fulfill the (much larger) requests from the wish to restore Gon. I can’t see any other way that Illumi will have time to try to kill Alluka if this isn’t the case, but who knows.

Yeah, it’s pretty much inevitable given the size of weekly manga versus monthly ones.

Are sure about that? Her requests to Mistuba seemed pretty much the same fare, as did the “wish” that Kid Killua made. It’s really difficult to tell with her ability.

I really don’t recall that happening, but, then again, I don’t recall why he let Kuroro go in the first place. Oh, right. Wasn’t he trying to get Gon and Killua back? I really need to go back and read the end of that arc since it’s the only thing I can’t recall.

As strong as he is, he probably have died, if only because he got the attention of the King.

Kurapika knows that there are Nen removers. During the Greed Island arc, Gon or Killua called him to tell him about the existence of Nen removers, to which Kurapika basically replied “Yeah, I’d know immediately if the Nen was removed somehow. It’s obvious that there’re people who can remove them like DUH.”

So no idea what he’s up to. I wonder who is the one vote for Gon though. It’s definitely not Gon, and it’s unlikely to be Killua.

Pretty funny to see Biscuit in higher rank than Tsezuguerra (sp?).

(Not going to get distracted by SRK today, but…)

Heh, it shows spotty my sieve of a memory is if I don’t remember that scene.


Oh right. That makes all the more likely that Kuroro hasn’t had the limiter removed yet.

Mr. T was the lead-hunter over the Greed Island arc, right? I could see him or Hanzo voting for Gon, though they both probably voted for themselves; the same goes for Biscuit. I could also see Ging voting for Gon since it doesn’t really seem like he wants the job, but I highly doubt he wants his son to have the job either, especially since it would make Gon finding him that much easier; he (and all of the other Zodiac) just want Pariston not to have it. There aren’t that many more people who know him (who Hunters) outside of Leorio, Palm, a couple of judges and that gorilla guy from Greed Island. Of them, I find Palm voting for him a lot more likely than the others if she even voted at all; that’s a decent chance she voted for Novu, though.

This reminds me: Has Melody even ever met Gon or Killua? I want to say “yes”, but I honestly can’t remember.

Yeah it’s been nagging me as to who’s been voting for Gon. Palm makes the most sense.

you can always count on Togashi to humanize monsters.
watched the first 2 ep. Stabby’s predictions were on point. pace seem slower than original and they’ve added shit (i think).

@theDamned, i’m pretty sure Melody never met Gon/Killua

I disagree, I think they are going waaaaay faster.

Ep 6 of this new series is ep 9. But ep 1 was basically 3 episodes of the old one.

I like this so far because it is more interesting than the beginning of the old series, since the old series was REALLY REALLY BAD up until the island part of the hunter exam. It’ll be easier to compare once we hit stuff like the tower, or the ryodan arc, or greed island-- and these dudes have some big shoes to fill.

Also, the original anime started in October 1999, while the manga had started in March of 1998. When the anime was coming out, they were just learning how to use nen with Wing. This one has the foresight to be able to skip the bullshit, and has enough of a backlog to last.

HxH - 323
OP - 645
One Piece started eight months before Hunter. :eek:

yea that’s why i said “seem.” haven’t watched the original eps since 02.
not interested in the election at all.