The Hsien-Ko wishlist

So earlier I thought it was Gong that was just wonky, not working sometimes - specifically when I was fighting Wesker.

As it turns out, it’s Wesker that’s the problem, not Gong. It seems that one property of Wesker is that the hitboxes on some of his attacks will just get bigger for seemingly no reason. This also applies to Samurai Edge, the horizontal gunshot. Every 4th shot or so, the bullet’s hitbox is taller and wider, explaining why it would sometimes blow through Gongs right after they started up, and sometimes it wouldn’t.

I confirmed this by doing an easy test - Hsien-Ko’s standing hitbox is short enough to have gunshots pass right over her. But like clockwork, every 4th shot would hit her.

I did not know this, this is actually useful info.

But really, this makes no sense. Why do hitboxes randomize on attacks?

I’ve only really noticed it with Wesker, and it was pointed out to me by watching one of Maximillian’s videos. I’m not sure how many of his moves are effected by this, but it seems to be on some of his more useful ones - his horizontal Samurai Edge, his 3B poke, and unfortunately his launcher, which ends up having just as much range as Sentinel’s.

The only explanation I have for this is that Wesker is a dick, and so was the guy who designed him.

Hmm… now that’s just weird. It’d be hard to test, but does this happen with other characters? His moves are the only ones that seem inconsistent to me.

And I posted your finding on the GameFAQs boards to see what others think (Should it be removed? Was it intentional and meant to help Wesker out somewhere where the devs thought he would be weak in for some reason? etc.), giving you credit, of course.

I just happened to see this while browsing. I think Hsien-Ko needs to be allowed to build meter while she’s in armor, make her dash faster and she’s good.

Someone was nice enough to point out that the oddity with Wesker’s bullet and Hsien-Ko’s standing animation is actually the result of her being slightly taller - just tall enough to be shot apparently - during a certain point of her animation. Which is lame. :expressionless:

However she is absolutely shorter than bullet range during her backing up animation, and shorter during her standing jab animation.

Maybe it has something to do with her head roll. I’m sure that when one side of her hat reaches its apex, it’s just tall enough to be hit by the bullet. It’s kind of hard to explain, but that’s the best way I can explain my theory.

It does involve her headroll. When her head is ‘forward’ - in the non-rolling position, she’s vulnerable. When it’s rolling, she’s short enough to avoid it. Kinda makes you wonder why they’d make animated stances have hitboxes that weren’t persistent, but whatever~

After trying to play Hsien-ko on point since this game came out, this is what I figure needs to be changed to make her more viable on point.

Invincibility frames on darkforce start up. Darkforce also needs a longer duration, at least 10 seconds.
The speed on her airdash should be increased.
Less damage scaling on her normals.
Tenrai ha should have a set amount of damage instead of it depending on how the balls react.
Bombs should explode if they hit an airborne opponent.
Crouching H should be otg capable
Chireitou should have some invincibility frames on start up.
Senpu Bu should be cancelable with S.
Her J.M should be easier to link after a L. gong in the air
Standing S needs more range.
Her health should be uped to 1,000,000.

I know it’s kind of a long list but our girl is in desperate need of help.

I want more health, more health, and more health - I want it on par with Chris. She’s slow, she’s vulnerable, and she has punishing lag if you put heart in the wrong move thinking it might connect. Give me some boulder punching strength to go with that slow movement speed and unbearable dash animation that I always end up canceling because I think the start up frames are over. Or give me the rush-down I want to use her for thanks to the DHC death she’ll experience if I play keep-away. No, not that silly hit-stun scaling rush-down, I mean something quick and in your face that can be OTG’d and abused when my opponent plays unsafe (predictable). Something like Wolverine’s Dive kick, Iron Man’s Air Dash B, Wesker and Dante’s everything, etc.

Honestly though, I doubt even those changes would fix her, so to bring things on the more extreme side, I say just remove Rimoukon and give her a 5-bar Hyper Armor god mode like DP. It’d be a quick fix, make her broken in the respect players will destroy her as they’ve been doing, and not make me want to tear my hair out every time Dante lands a hit on her.

Faster in every aspect (movement, startup on moves, frame advantage). More damage in every aspect. She needs to play like she did in the game she came from, but on a bigger scale.Getting some of her EX’s back would be cool.

Is anyone else noticing that current SF games are getting more and more Darkstalker-y? It’s like a gigantic beta test for an engine that they decided to cash in on in the process. I mean, they even finally redrew Morrigan for tvc and this. For some, 2012 signals the end. For others, it’s Morrigan actually being redrawn.

Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes.

He command grab is terrible right now. Low range, meh damage, only can be followed up with a super that also does meh damage.

What if Hsien-ko could do what she could do in DS/VS and walk from one corner to another?

Example, you are in the left corner, and Wolverine is just getting in on you. Welp, by pressing Left +Attack+S, she walks off the screen to the left and appears on in the right corner.

That’s Anakaris that can do that. I think her teledash needs to come out just a tad quicker, though.

As for her damage, it just needs to be buffed overall.


I R dumb. :eek:

But it’d still be a good idea, I think…

It would definitely fit with her “weird” moveset…

Y’know, it’s funny… I was playing against a Wesker/Thor/Hulk team with my Chris/Hsien/Tasky team, and I learned the hard way that her cr.:h: is punishable.

Someone point me in the direction of the shrine dedicated to Wesker in the image of him taking a dump on Lei Lei’s chest please. I would like to pay my dues to his obvious easy-mode and her equal yet opposite retarded hard mode.

at the risk of rehashing Hsien-ko, and a little late at that…

Normal Needs (general dmg buff, some spd buff)
:l: (45k)
:d:+:m: (65k)
:f:+:m: (75k)
:h: (35kx3= ~90k)
:d:+:h: (75k) and OTG plz
:f:+:h: (85k)
:uf:+:h: (35kx3= ~90k)
have all 3 crouch normals start up 1 frame faster

**Special Luvin **(lets marvel the move set)
Item Toss: de-randomed, every 4th item is a bomb, every 5th item will dizzy (60k), 20th item will do both then reset.

  • hold :atk: to delay release (gouken style); a full charge releases next two items, can walk/creep while charging.
    Swing: hold :atk: to pendulum up to x2 more, release to cancel anytime after 1st swing. (rinse & repeat x2 more)
    Gong: active for set time regardless if she’s hit, just like the pheonix :h: TK shot. (…which should not)
    Blender Grab: scale up reach so :m: has her current best reach and :l: has even more. (…than better kara Thor)

Hyper Buffs (dmg buff and def buff with fair trade)

  1. Blades: (75kx5= ~339k raw) still negates nothing but goes through everything.
  • only drops on point enemy when EM Shock Wave would.
  1. Balls: weight (50k), spiked balls (35kx9), then bombs (50kx3) for ~380k raw
  2. Hyper Armor: 10 sec, incoming damage is reduced by 10%, but now a lvl 3. (or 7sec & 15% def)

I think Bomb Toss should be turned into :qcf:+:s: or require a double tap so it’s separate from regular items (only allow 2 or 3 bombs on the screen at once).
Dark Force should not be a Lv3, give her some kind of long range attack that triggers a cinematic for that and extend the duration of Dark Force.

Making her Dark Force a level three would mean that she can’t DHC out of it. They’d better buff her to hell and back so that she can get a combo and TAC/Raw tag out of there.

Also, this thread is pretty cool. It’s kind of funny that most of these ideas that I thought were original had already been thought up months before. It’s a shame that Capcom hasn’t implemented the popular changes that people are asking for.