Heihachi players who team him with Kaz (or Jin) should be forced to use Pandora in every match.
[S]Geez this is confusing, its either Pandora or a second super which he powers up or one of his specials charges his up.[/S]
Ahh found the Tekken reveals vid. Its his unique little pandora facelift.[S]
Heihaichi, not a fan of Tron.
heihachi looks like Dr Wily. Hei vs Megaman
Not a fan of the model either. Heihachi was goofy in Tekken because they often put him in silly situations in his ending. Making his model look like Dr. Wily is just pushing his joke aspect too hard.
is it me, or is Heihachi model based around Dan? look at it carefully… aslo agreed that he looks like shit, what a joke, this guy should have looked like a bad ass… but oh well.
- EWGF (Electric wind god fist)
- Palms
- Dan-like Tatsu
- His d/b+2 in Tekken looks like a good low with good range.
- Strong counter that can even grab Dhalsim’s limbs from across the screen.
- Overhead that you can combo from
- Super fast full screen super that has some fireball invulnerability
- Front throw is ‘Neck Breaker’
- Back throw is ‘Broken Toy’
Heihachi looks very solid from what I’ve seen, great pokes a fast overhead like Ken, it seems it’s even faster then Ken’s overhead
did everyone saw the ‘‘Pandora’’ trailer ?? heihachi has a move preaty like makoto where he becomes like red and make a preaty deam combo that was preaty deam cool :eek:
Heihachi is looking good. Slow walkspeed though so that might be a problem. Hope he doesn’t turn out to be the Dudley of SFxT. Good damage and a fast overhead but not much else.
Vegeta looks better, I mean Kazuya.
Kazuya has a godlike AA, I haven’t seen Heihachi’s AA yet… does he have OTGF?
so seriously guys, heihachi = dan? also, whats the deal with him turning red instead of black/purple like the others in pandora mode?
Nah compare them, there is differences.
Heihachi is a fucking boss, also he thinks Tron is shit.
Turn on Pandora mode with Heihachi and you got yourselves infinite BIONIC ARMS with the super.
But above that, where the hell are my hellsweeps? :arazz:
Oh and I just noticed, the artwork on the OP is slightly different then the one now on Capcom’s site.
Funny thing is, if you have enough life, you can probably let yourself be hit and he’ll still lose.
I’m so pumped for Heihachi’s reveal, and he looks like the exact kind of character I like playing as: massive damage in exchange for crappy walk speed (but isn’t a grappler). His Super looks effing sick!
He has a quick dash
i love that heihachi turns red during pandora mode instead of tron-lite. dude is the only one in his family that didnt get the devil gene and he still survived an explosion at point blank range, he sure as fuck dont need no weak ass purple glowy stuff to get really pumped!