Haha yeah I have a lot of trouble with Vega too. They can pretty much just hold down back and throw out jabs and strongs, and flash kick you when you jump. Throw in some decent mixups and you got a tough match up
T. Hawk for me is not as bad as Zangief, but yes poking Zangief is really, really frustrating. Just hope they lariat, but that won’t happen to often.
Adon I have not had trouble with at all, but I would suppose that’s because I haven’t even seen a decent Adon.
I would remove Adon, Blanka (he’s still Hakan’s best matchup) and Hawk from that list. I would definitely add Abel and BALROG, motherfucking balrog. I’m firmly convinced Balrog is his worst matchup.
Nah I don’t think Rog is his worst match-up. I think Sagat is his worst nightmare.
He can zone you with low Tiger shots and his normals.
You can still coward crouch, focus absorb dnc etc. I really don’t have too many issues with fireballs to be honest. It’s pokes that I really hate and Balrog is the fucking master of pokes.
Definitely go to training and learn how to do the oil dive in response to his dash punches. Either that or learn to hit them with standing fierce. Once he gets in on you learn to combo you light attacks to get the pressure off of you and give you some space. A friend of mines plays Balrog and it seems to work on him and 90% his boxing glove is up my ass.
With Adon just learn to abuse standing fierce. It stuffs with wall dive and wannabe DP. Once you get him used to that the game is in your favor and you can easily out poke him with normals. A good Adon plays very aggressively as Adons defense is terrible. Once you’ve got him with pokes you’ve got him on defense which is where Hakan can shine.
Except for Vega, none of these characters really give me too much trouble.
With hawk, you completely lock down condor dive. If you see him going for the empty dive into 360, you can usually land a slide. If he tries to actually hit you with it and he gets blocked, you pretty much have your pick of what to punish him with. Slide, 360mk/hk, oiled f.MP >360mk, f.HK. You can oil easier than in other match ups, but be careful because he can still punish you with dives and dives into grabs. I pretty much stay a certain distance and mess him up with normals. If he tries to space back with HK, focus and punish that shit.
Don’t play many good adons, but he seems not to be too hard. His FA is annoying so be ready to throw out s.HP. If you have oil though its hard for him to pressure you safely. He gets put in a nasty 50/50 when HK JT is blocked. Also, as soon as you see him go to the wall for JT, throw out HP slide. If it’s a HK version, you go under it, and if it’s either of the others, you punish them.
I’ve played some decently smart Blankas, and he still isn’t that hard to me. Turtle and turtle some more. If he gets inside and starts to work nasty cross ups and ticking, be patient and know your normals, because Hakan’s are fantastic. If it looks like he’s going to be a bit late on a wake up cross up, slide away from that shit and oil up. Or try to block and go for EX SPD.
So far, the match ups that have given me the biggest trouble are Bison, Guile, and Vega. Honda too, actually
xLongshotx, I’ve been giving j.mp -> twd.hk a whirl the past day or so and I like it. I was skeptical when I read it, but if you’re not oiled it’s a high damage reset, and if you are you get a lot more knockdown time as opposed to slide-n-press. A lot of potential there if you ask me. Thanks for this tip, and expect to see it in any upcoming videos I upload.
I don’t want to comment much on Hakan’s match-up ratios as I still feel like I have no idea, but Sagat is definitely tough for him. It’s not the fireballs though. I haven’t had ANY troublesome T.Hawks yet.
Not the best rog but pretty decent I think. Just got to keep blocking and react. That one throw EX punches to much so I seen them coming and was waiting for them but if he does a dash punch you can slide if you see it coming.
Just keep blocking his jabs and watch for the overhead. Throw in some cr.mp and f+lp those are his best pokes (imo) and they work well for me.
Lol you mash very well
DDT setups would have worked well against this opponent
good job punishing him for being predictable
oh and keeping super is good too. I don’t see a reason not to keep it really. You can reverse dash punches with it.
My hardest match up (among others) is Bison. I just hate how that scissor kick is annoying safe. You can kinda punish it with SPD when oiled but good luck getting oiled when that time comes…
Okay guys, I’ve spent the ENTIRE day testing anti-airs for Hakan.
By far his best one besides his ultra is his Oil Slide. The timing is not too strict and it works on most of the cast. Most of the time you should be using his jab Oil Slide, as the others go way too far to hit your opponent. Use strong or fierce slide if your opponent is jumping very deep, using jab oil slide will put you right next to them while you are recovering and you can potentially eat a big combo.
Always do the follow up, there is no reason not to. Oil Slide as an anti-air does pretty decent damage, jab Oil Slide+Body splash nets you 130 damage. But that’s not the best part, it puts Hakan in his best position. From here on you have so many options, you can safe short oil or set-up a DDT throw. I expect all of you to know the great benefits Hakan gets from landing a slide, so I won’t go into detail here.
Also, I found that shoulder charge is a great way to stuff Adon’s Jaguar Tooth, it beats it clean, and it’s pretty easy to do. If you’re oiled up, you’re in perfect position to for a Oil Rocket/Oil Dive 50-50
EDIT: Becareful when you use oil slide, as it gets stuffed by some jumping normals-
Blanka’s jumping roundhouse
Zangief’s jumping forward
On the other hand, it works wonders:
Beats Viper’s burning kick
Beats Makoto’s Tsurugi
Beats Guy’s stupid elbow thingy
Beats Chun’s everything
Oil slide doesn’t beat Juri’s dive kick, and I suppose it would be the same for Cammy or Rufus (not tested though), so I’d be carefull with it against those chars.
I do have to say it’s a pretty good ground AA though. I’ll try and use more, thanks for the testing
SFNoobish question incoming, but what do you guys usually qualify as “deep jump”?
deep jump in as in the opponent is jumping in very deep into your hitbox. Basically it’s like saying that the opponent is jumping in from very close to you. In Hakan’s case, he is vulnerable in his legs/ass area when performing the slide, so deep jump ins will probably target that area of his body, knocking Hakan out of his slide animation. In some situations, it will cause the slide to whiff altogether, in which case you should use a stronger version of the slide so you can escape any punishment on your wakeup.
Oil slide is not a great idea against divekicks for sure, don’t know about cammy’s though, most likely won’t work very well. Against Rufus, standing fierce/jab will knock him out of his divekick in some occasions. I’m going to try towards+strong on juri+cammy’s divekicks later.
Hakans Antiairs are damen situational thats maybe what seth mentioned with “he is for advanced players” you realy need to know the situation alltogether -->Excamples with Zangief
f+mp beats as excample mk jumpin from Zangief clean but loos to hp jumpin here is a slide or neutral HP the korrekt answer its possibel to let the jumpin totaly wiff and move under him BUT ONLY WITH FRAMEDISADVANTAGE and then you get thrown if you dont catch him unprepared!!
maybe it needs further tests if the “move under” is save in certain situations
then again against realy deep jumpins is c.HK a good antiair since of the strange hitbox!
the fast slides are to fast to catch some opponents up close the slow ones specialy the EX unoiled are realy good antiairs the EX one is short invulnerable and so it beats even deep jumpins!
what are the properties of hakans command grab lp mp fp range,oiled,not oiled? unoiled ive been jabbed out of his command grabs many times
Oil Rocket:
jab: puts your opponent furthest from you, used to set-up for oil shower
strong: puts opponent a bit closer from you
fierce: puts opponent very close to you, used for positioning
ex: has grab invulnerability for the first few frames, does the most damage and puts the opponent very close to you
With oil, the range of your grabs increase substantially. This increase is actually the dashing part of the grab, not the actual grab itself. Besides a substantial range increase you get a damage buff on all versions, specifically; +10 on all grabs.
You can be jabbed out of oiled or unoiled grabs, but it happens when someone is mashing jabs or if you don’t set it up properly. Generally, I wouldn’t use unoiled grab too much.
imho Hakan really isn’t a momentum based character, so locking the opponent down until they get stars isn’t likely unless they’re terrible (Especially if they’re a shitty Seth/Akuma lol).
Anyway I’m kinda surprised that more people aren’t having issues with Chun and Honda. The former’s slow fireball and s.HK give me hell (Not to mention all her other damn normals and U1), and the latter has either just as good if not better normals than Hakan overall. I’m tempted to say Honda is a worse matchup than Boxer since his overall damage output is higher and Hakan can’t take advantage of his biggest weakness (Crossups on wakeup).
I crossed-up an Ibuki player with j.HK yesterday. Can’t tell exactly how it happened, or if it was a real cross-up (aside from the actual crossing over) but I definitely went “WTF” and then into training mode.
Ex Rocket is hit-invincible, but throwable since the first frame. Oil raises the dash distance (not the dash time, it’s still a 3 frames grab) but actually doubles the grab box too. Just for clarification.