The Haiku Thread

Fuck me, I can’t count.
“Girl’s” just one? I take it back!
I’m actually black.

Quit this, you misfit!
Admit you suck at this shit.
Your last line was six!

Math of 2 year old.
Haikus of some hot garbage.
Worst. Asian. Ever.

Asian poetry
is the way I celebrate
My 200th post

Cloverfield next week
Will go watch ASAP
Hope it’s really good

Cloverfield next week
Some dude wakes up in the end
It was just a dream

My expectations
Pretty high cause of trailer
I may regret it

“Actually’s” four!?!
Why am I so fucking gay?
Fine, haikus…no more.

The fanart of Sin
For the movie Cloverfield
It has me intrigued

I had this cool dream
Using different characters
And winning alot

Marijuana high
Seeing shit that ain’t normal
Kids, say no to drugs.

Bison dollars will
each be worth five British pounds.
Game the fuck OVAH!

Post is off-topic
Your haikus aren’t formatted
Learn English you twit.

Street Fighter Third Strike
Pick Yun, Chun, or maybe Ken
Versus me you’ll win.

Guilty Gear Zechs
Fighters are unique designs
Yet still play the same.

Arcana Heart FULL
Super Happy Pedo Fight
Japan rapes lolis.

Iron Fist Game 6
Mostly the same as the last
With fatty and dyke.

Swords and souls the Fourth
Darth Vader using the force
What the fucking shit?

King of Fighters Twelve
Four years spent redrawing sprites
For more tranny queers.

your av got 3 dudes
one of them winked at me
see thats just creepy

haikus aren’t like mine
oh and just for the record
one of yours have nine

read your profile, quick
you should know your role and
please get off my dick

Reno 9-1-1
Police Officer hi-jinks
New episodes soon

Driving home from school
Average speed: fifty five
Get outta my way!


Got some new records
Digitizing to ITunes
Might need a refund

Trying this once more
Laughing so hard on the floor
This sex I can’t ignore

Gas prices are high
The war is still going on
Need to go and vote.

DDD keeps getting banned
It’s making me sad
Where’s my other AV?

DingDangDoom is gone
But he will return shortly
Account number ten…