The Guy Q&A Thread: Post your questions here!

You were probably too far away and the LP Hozanto whiffed. You can’t reversal out that string, although, the LP Hozanto itself on block, however, is unsafe against 360’s/720’s being at -2.

Its kinda been answered here but the reason you get interupted is because these are not true blockstrings.

There are gaps where dp’s, throws and other very short start-up moves will break your strings. IMO this is where you should be working on conditioning your oponent to expect to react to either hozanto/bushin flip/slide/stop and given the new findings if you can pull it off EX run-cancel moves!

Edit: as already mentioned you should not be interupted between the target combo.

Does Guy’s Super (Bushin Hasoken) have invincibility frames to work as an anti-air?

has anyone gotten armour cancel U2 to work without macros? couldn’t even do it once in training mode, with the dummy doing a projectile. if i need to do 2K~3P with kara timing, that’s 5 buttons almost simultaneously with one hand. any tips?

yes it does

its a lot easier when doing on wake-up. the timing for 2k~3p isnt as fast as you think

Is there anyway characters like Ryu can avoid ex bushin-flip after a run-slide… because guy seems to be able to avoid all his reversals by going behind him… even ex shoryu whiffs and you get a free punish… same thing with guile all of the Flash kicks whiff and you get free punish…

(Regarding top of page)

Ex bushin flip is not have hit invulnerable. It would be a godlike reversal if so.

Its not about the invincibility… after a slide if you ex-bushin flip immediately Ryus reversal shoryu whiffs … just like how it does in the corner after FF-throw chain->HP->bushin

Yeah I was refering to another statement that it wouldn’t let me quote for some reason.

@ Otter

actually EX Bushin Flip does have short hit invincibility on startup. go into training and record / playback any shoto doing tatsu’s. just stand there and when the tatsu is right next to you, do the EX bushin flip. youll go right through it.

Can you tell me more about these new findings, or maybe just where to read about them (regarding EX-Run/cancel)?

EX bushin flip only has invincibility against projectiles for the first couple of frames

then can you tell me why i dont get hit by the tatsu in my example ?

I believe you’re right k1, ex bushin flip does have a couple frames of upper body hit invincibility during startup. I’ve been catching people trying to meaty me every now and then. I don’t think it’s lower body though, because i was playing a viper who liked to seismo me on my wakeup, i tried ex bushin flipping out and it didn’t work.

thank you good sir =)

Because they are not actively hitting constantly. The hit box actually looks like their leg spinning around. And I only tested it against meaty low normals so I suppose it could be true that it has upper body invul. I think it would be fair to say that it has no practical invinceability either way.

ive tested it vs EX Tatsu for all shotos as well, it does have at very least upper body invincibility, but either way, youre right. its nothing too big

ex bushin flip

it could be because guy crouches first

still doesnt make sense, i didnt just duck the tatsu’s…i went THROUGH their bodies. i can post a vid if youd like…

Recently I have been practicing the following combo: cr. LP x2 (or 3) — MP xxx MK Hurricane Kick. It hits crouchers at far range and does good damage. What is everyone else using for BnB?