The Guile Video thread

gootecks’ SSFIV Guile in action:

Part 1: [media=youtube]3bXhYeCsrcQ[/media]
Part 2: [media=youtube]ZF878YnAo9M[/media]
Part 3: [media=youtube]pUFdTDI6BGQ[/media]
Part 4: [media=youtube]ypWI6mW9_L4[/media]

MagnetoManiac (Guile) vs HAV (Dudley)


What is T?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. MagMan plays Guile now?

Edit after watching the match: MagMan has a beast Chun, but his Guile has a long way to go.

Doesn’t seem to use combo’s for punishes or use them as block strings to correct his spacing. I realize he is against Juri and it’s a zoning match but he isn’t going on the offensive at all either which makes his options predictable.

Although he does use standing fierce consistently which is good.

quick tip…and this is not intended to offend liang or anyone else. but the PLAYER points are the one’s you want to be looking at, not battle points. player points are affected by your win loss ratio with all characters rather than just one in particular. plus the fact you gain 25 bp even if you only gain 1 pp, and you lose way less bp than you do pp when you lose to someone whole low ranked.

i literally just lost 120 pp (or something similar) to a laggy guile on 500pp, lol.

So it possible to do an Unblockable? I wonder…

The win percentage thing is good, but the pp thing is abit discouraging because i lost 120 to a mashing ryu yesterday while i was trying cody for the first time. Guess i’ll just stick to endless battle to try new characters out, eventually i probably won’t care about points though

I disagree. BP are more likely to tell you how often they use that character. If I lose 1000PP working on my Hakan that doesn’t mean my Guile sucks.

Truthfully, none of it means anything. Some people also don’t play ranked much.

Now that Super is out, I remember why I quit playing Ranked in Vanilla. Ragequitters. I had a guy quit who had zero everything. He literally had nothing to lose!

street fighter was, is, and always will be, about accumulating as many points as possible so you can trade them in at the counter for cheap plastic prizes.

no wait those are tickets…

what are points for again?

true. i didn’t think of it like that.

A few good games of today:


MoD1ns1d3’s “Welcome Back Colonel” video: [media=youtube]SU56Wvn6rcA[/media]

lol :rofl:

Ah, that is true. This just happened to be one of a later matches that they played. I didn’t get to download the better matches between the two as my laptop died out on me during the upload. Just picked up a bigger laptop so I’ll be uploading the newer matches later tonight.

all aboard the guile train.

lemme guess, next it’s going to be frickin mago or momochi.

Actually, not really. This was the first time I ran into Guile player upload. Most of the uploads are of Abel, Makoto, Dudley, Adon, Ibuki, etc.

guile combo vid, just found it today
not a guile player so i dunno how great this is, but pretty awesome

I’d love some open opinion on the Magman (Guile) vs HAV (Dudley) match. How should that match have been approached?

Hmm, how did Geom’s vid get on Nicovideo? That’s weird