The Guile Video thread

Just do it after any air throw,it’s the greatest thing to do during a match and it’s safe after air throw. I am still trying to find ways to put them on/off without getting hit.


little combo i did messing around with the new guile. i really am impressed with him:


Guile Rap Song

Has DSP been to a doctor yet? Does anyone know? “I’m pressing buttons, I’m pressing buttons”…maybe you shouldn’t?!

He reminds me so much of [media=youtube]M8pR1rZZHEs"[/media], it’s sad.

the best part is how he acts like he’s putting it on for entertainment purposes. he’s not. it’s his way out of admitting he’s a scrub at sf4.

Lots of videos for you guys to look at (sorry about the crappy quality. i intend on buying a 720p capture card soon!):

guile’s super got easier to use in a combo:

the new sonic booms in all their glory:

wikum vs sagat (showing his nerfs/guile can keep up with tiger shots) :

guile’s links seem different. but how and why is it so easy to do mad combos now?:

some great matches vs abel (Long_1989) in particular in team battle mode (the match i lost was the one i actually enjoyed the most lol) :


and vs a guy called Antstarr who used honda/balrog against me (combined with the abel player and a ryu player who i didn’t record, i ocv’d this team in one of the tournaments lol ) :


Loved that taunt finish on dudley.

Allen (Ibuki) vs Popo187 (Guile) 1

Allen (Ibuki) vs Popo187 (Guile) 2
Allen (Ibuki) vs Popo187 (Guile) 3

Insane pressure on the ibuki player.

This is offtopic, but how do you get a characters theme to play during the match?

Edit: forget that,. suppose i should have gone to trial mode sooner, although it would be nice if you could choose right before a match

Me playing as Guile in SSF4:


I am not that good atm and still to improve my game.

**i dont have the game, but what i’ve been hearing, 2nd player gets the song.

Damn ninjas gonna ruin me … lol Ibuki/Guy
where’s a pirate when u need one?

sagat’s kinda like a pirate : P eye and all

He’s a MuayThairate

Love the finish.

Only things I can see:

Watch those close jump ins as they seem to pass by the flash kick with ease. This is a terrible habit I got to. Try to train yourself to use one of Guile’s many anti air normals.(myself I am working on Guile high kick for those situations.) or a quick on reaction air throw is good as well to reset.

I noticed you also flash kick when you are close to a standing opponent. A bad habit I have as well, if you have meter flash cancel or use pokes in this situation. Guile can be punished pretty hard on a wiffed Fk.

I am a better viewer than a player and will put up a video tomorrow of one of mine showing why low roundhouse can be a very bad idea. :wink:

Once again I loved the finish. Kens better be careful with those medium kicks now.

Nice Guile!

You’re ranked 5th best Guile on PSN in Europe. :wink:

I didn’t really expect this to work, but this is why you do it right?


AHAHA WOW that was fucking hilarious

Some cool Guile stuff


T Double rapes this shit :confused:

pretty sweet shit man, ive hit a seth with that once but he was a noob lol