The Guile Video thread

Crap man, where the hell are your anti-airs! You would do ten billion times better if you hit your anti-airs whenever you have a free opportunity. This is especially true in the akuma match it seemed. I can understand the frustration with akuma, since he has many jump in options and guile doesn’t really have a “one AA fits all” option against him, but you still missed some guaranteed c.hp’s. I’ll also say the same thing with honda, except it wasn’t that you WERENT hitting your AAs that match, you were just hitting the wrong ones. Namely, I’m talking about flashkick. People got this idea with guile early on the flashkick was garbage, never worth using, blah blah blah. The fact is, if you hit LK flashkick at it’s deepest point, especially against a character with poor jump-in options like honda, there is not much LK flashkick WON’T beat. It’s just more damage. Try it out. Also, I saw you EX flashkick as an AA against that honda, but ou did it way to early and only got one measly hit out of it. Hitting flashkicks deep is important to guile’s game.

Rough break on that blanka. I couldn’t tell if he was sliding through booms on reaction or was just getting super lucky. Blanka’s who like to slide have to walk forward a lot to get in the right zone for it. Remember… a blanka walking forward wants to jump or slide, a boxer walking forward wants to turn punch or jump, a guile walking forward wants to bait an AA, poke, or jump. This is the trick with charge characters. Against a blanka who goes the slide route over the ball route, I like to test their AA ability. Can you AA me consistently if I see you walk forward and jump? Can you AA my j.lp? Do you AA with your j.hp… air throw beats that. Try sticking out slowly spaced baits too.

geom modinside showing off how to do fadc, ultra 2:


and my personal favourite, the new charge times:


Holy Geezeus, Johnny!
Seems that on large characters you can almost completely skip SB>FADC for corner pressure and just do it straight up…sick.
You know the feeling when a very good Boxer or Dictator has you in the corner fishing for a poke? Now we add Guile to that list!

Can’t wait to get my XBOX next week (have had the game since last Thursday…but no console :stuck_out_tongue: )

that sucks man, same thing happened to me on the release of modern warfare 2, ps3 died.

Here’s some early footage of Dagger_G playing SSF4 in a release party tournament at Gamestop that took place last night:

Dagger_G(GU) vs. Babenhausen(ZA) - [media=youtube]CPBBnAs4nsQ[/media]
Dagger_G(GU) vs. Shigz(VI) - [media=youtube]2vyPcGe4ydI[/media]

dsp proving why the daigo/guile bandwagon won’t last 5 minutes:



Now that is some really funny stuff =)

FADC Backdash Ultra 2 Inputs according to Geoms

(Motion from Top to Bottom)

Why does he press MP before MP+MK? is that needed? cause ive been trying to do this and shit just won’t come out :frowning:

Why bother looking at something like that, you know exactly what the inputs are, there’s no secret “WHOA YOU RANDOMLY PRESS UP HERE AND IT HAPPENS!”. What is FK > FADC Back > Ultra look like? Exactly what it says.

The only remotely “tricky” thing would be that you have to hold up back which shouldn’t be new–you should always be back charging -every- flash kick in the event of a trade for the follow up EX sonic boom. So you flash kick while holding back, hit the focus keys, dash backwards, then input the ultra. What in there do you not know how to do? This always boggles me when people come into the forums asking “How to do dash ultra!!!” or something. You know exactly how to do it. Charge, dash forward or back, input ultra. There’s nothing that you’re not getting, there’s no hidden inputs no one told you about. Doing the inputs may be difficult, but you get them over time.

Is the FK > FADC > Ultra forward or back dash particularly easy, no. Not at all. Just keep practicing. You know how to do it. Keep trying.

If your reply was to me, thanks for flaming, +5000 BP to you, congrats.

It wasn’t a flame, it was just to notify you that there’s nothing about it that you don’t know how to do, just keep at it. You asked if some random input was necessary, it’s not, because you know how to do and you know that’s it’s not. Odds are it just came out weird because he didn’t hit them at the -exact- same time so the MP input showed up first.

Thank you, that wasn’t so hard right? that was all i wanted to know.

Well I’ve just been back dashing then two forward dashes. It explains why mine didn’t go out LOL

Random match of me online vs T.Hawk.


T. Hawk looks like a little ninja girl in this game.


Just a match between me and a friend online, I’m the scrubby Guile. Second and third rounds I was too worried about getting off another Flash Explosion <.<

Oops. Wrong Video. (Was doing test runs with the equipment on how to get custom songs in the background while recording replays). Sorry…

(here’s the one with me vs. T.Hawk.)

I only have one problem with your Guile…why didn’t you put on those avaitor’s?

hey thanks for the advice slinkun, I’ll respond in more detail later

me vs darksydephil (nsfw-language) I was so nervous and doing so many wrong things because I knew it was going to be recorded and I didn’t want to suck too bad, but at least I’m glad I could clutch it out at the end somewhat



Cuz the last time I did that, I got caught by that horizontal Condor Dive and it cost me the match. I was being cautious on not spamming out too many booms. T.Hawk takes so much damage off!