The Guile Video thread

i know. he’s also a complete beast with the super turbo version of guile

He’s been playing SSF4 for a while now and knows Guile’s a lot better. Guile, Abel and Dhalsim in my opinion got the biggest buffs out of all the cast.

Daigo_G is apparently getting Guile tons of views.

Has Dagger G set his hands on the new Guile yet.

Now those are vids that I want to see.

in daigo(guile) vs valle(ryu), if only daigo had used as anti air. if only…

i thought people were going to get oiled up at the event . where is that footage?

I agree on the Daigo used too many c.hp that wiffed vs rufus. and got owned my ryus could have raped Valles Ryu and Justin’s Rufus even more.

I cant believe how flash explossion traded with a normal, THAT IS BULL SHIT

i thought it was a guaranteed win for guile seeing how much it works in vanilla. whats the reason for daigo going for flash explosion in the first hand lol.


Couple of miniature Guile vids for you guys

has anyone actually pulled off flash kick, fadc, ultra 2 in a match yet? i’m still yet to see anyone do it.

I’m sure the more serious Guile players will have it down to a tee once the game is actually released. It’s kind of a weird thing to pull off, but with practice it’s totally viable.

I’m sure the more serious Guile players will have it down to a tee once the game is actually released. It’s kind of a weird thing to pull off, but with practice it’s totally viable.

cool. i’ve gotta learn how to do this thing of a frickin d pad lol. any tips?

p.s @ all the people who still want to use ultra 1, check out THE FRICKIN DAMAGE! :):


Get a stick.:bgrin:

nope. i beast with guile on a ps3 pad. i have a tournament edition stick in my cupboard collecting dust.

i can play with guile on the stick ok i suppose. but i can’t defend as well, can’t do fadc booms and generally get annoyed at getting beaten by players who aren’t as good as me just because i’m using a stick. i also can’t do any of the shoto bnb combos into fadc, ultra. i can’t get uppercuts consistently on a stick. and i can’t use shortcut motions because it doesn’t feel right. i’m used to doing the real motions, not some df x 2 shit = dp.

i honestly believe that if i was to go with the stick full time, i’d probably end up switching mains. why would i wanna do that now diego umijuarez mains guile ? :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice matches of Guile in action **

I was just teasing. I’m a lifelong pad player myself, dating back to when SF2 lines at the arcade were prohibitively long and as a result I learned the game on SNES. I finally switched to the stick this year because I felt that I had gone as far as I could on a pad (which I recommend a PS2 Dualshock with an adapter, like $6, over Dualshock3). Stuff like what you’re saying is exactly why I made the change. I could hit the Ultra 95% of the time in a match on pad, but dash Ultra? Might just be impossible. The inputs can simply never be recorded as fast on pad as on stick. Fast enough, maybe, but not as fast.

The reason you and I lose to players worse than us isn’t the stick, it’s online lag. I bet you could beast with Guile on an arcade cab too. Also cause Guile sucks kinda, but that’s changed somewhat now.

i’ll end this discussion with this post, because this is supposed to be the video thead, lol. i’ve also been using pad since sf2 snes edition (god we’re showing our age lol). anyways, geom modinside is mainly a pad guile player and it doesn’t seem to hurt him doing the dash ultra 1. and from the looks of things, dash ultra 2 is way easier, so i should be able to get it down after a while. i did manage to pull off focus dash super once, but never focus dash ultra 1. i gave up trying it after a while.

You should send it my way :slight_smile:

Gameware Monthlies - Baton Rouge, LA - 4-16-10

I do some ok things at times, but I do some really dumb things in the later matches as I just get mentally worn out after being up since 5am and playing at midnight in addition to my inconsistent execution

1st Round vs Honda


Winner Semi-Final vs Blanka


Losers Quarter-Finals vs Jazz - Guile


Losers Semi-Finals - Akuma


Damn, what’s the motion for backdash FADC --> ultra 2??

I know motion for forward FADC -> U2: [keep back charge]juggle->FADC->forwardx2->3P

but what about backdash FADC -> U2?? juggle->FADC->forward then backx2 -> 3P??