The Guile Video thread

I’d say it’s a good idea to anticipate dudley ducking under booms and use your superior reach and recovery to punish him absolutely every time he does. As with anyone else, if he’s outside cr mk range then his jumpins will be stuffed by lk FK. If he focus absorbs then your pokes will still hit him if he tries to get in. If he doesn’t try to get in then just do it again because cr mk seems to be fast enough that you can whiff and still have time to lk FK if he tries to jump in


If it’s Momochi then hell fucking yeah we want him on the train

P.S. I asked this in another thread… I always thought Dagger_G and Gilley were the same person… Was I wrong? I never actually watched Gilley videos. I just kinda assumed.

yes :chat:

Lol I should have actually watched Gilley videos. For MWC I’ll try and get my first majors win on camera and upload it. YEAH THATS RIGHT WE HAVE A GUILE WHOS CLAIMING HES GONNA WIN MWC

That is just sick!
Guile is better and the new charge times help but dude has execution that’s sickening

geom modinside ranked matches (some of these have got new stuff in that i’d never even thought of):


A few sets with EyeLoveSF4 versing various characters in Ranking and Endless Modes.

[media=youtube]SqTqqqmSIMw[/media] - Versus Chun Li
[media=youtube]3g9cB2fAZ1w[/media] - Versus Makoto
[media=youtube]fBoXcfCR4yU[/media] - Versus Seth
[media=youtube]pi8gM4xlk1Q[/media] - Versus Chun Li

(Also, I have some matches with MagnetoManiac returning to quench his thirst for revenge against HAV). I’ll link those matches up as soon as they’re done uploading.

yeah, definitely need me in this thread…

Gilley’s made it on to Nico.

Here’s the follow up matches between HAV (Dudley) and MagnetoManiac (Guile)

[media=youtube]pd0qays1WHI[/media] (Match 2)
[media=youtube]xH8tXyDilzI[/media] (Match 3)

Get an open discussion going? Perhaps involving the various setups Dudley was using and how best to shut those options down?

Guile’s crouching strong is better than Dudley’s and Dudley NEEDS that strong to land combos against Guile. Guile actually should try and be on the offensive in this matchup because he has better normals. Stay right outside of poke range and play footsies.

Guile’s crouching strong is better than Dudley’s and Dudley NEEDS that strong to land combos against Guile. Guile actually should try and be on the offensive in this matchup because he has better normals. Stay right outside of poke range and play footsies.

Lamerboi(Guile) vs Ramin(Abel) 01:32:25 (was still learning the new abel matchup on ultra 2 hahaha)

Lamerboi(Guile) vs FilipinoChamp(Dhalsim) 02:20:36

Note to Guile players: Abel’s only option to escape a midi sonic hurricane on wake up is ex-roll. (assuming he has ultra 2, i dunno about ultra 1 yet)

Abel Ultra 2 is so scary, way to clutch that one out

dang lamerboi you got robbed against ryan =[, those rounds were heart breaking

A cautionary tale for anyone who assumes that Makoto will be free for Guile…take notes.
And a preemptive “whatever” to any comments on the Guiles’ play. The point is a)what you should be looking out for and b)how quickly she can end the match if you don’t.

lol, you ruined my reply.

I’m definitely in the “Makoto is pretty free” camp but I still respect her damage. Guile has all the tools to keep her out, but she can utterly destroy you if she gets in and you can’t push her back out.

That feels like the biggest part against Makoto, the sense of pushing her back out. Her forward momentum is pretty ridiculous once she gets that train rolling. Though, the whole “she has no reversal that beats a throw” and “no armor moves to get past booms” hurts her pretty badly. Shit at least Guy can run through them with meter…haven’t fought many Guy’s yet…

I liked what I saw that Makoto doing however–TK Tsurugi’s over booms to keep her jump arc low.

noob friendly anti airs combo video i did to show why nobody can jump at guile anymore:


gonna be uploading some more of my matches soon. it’s quite frustrating at the moment, due to their only being scrubs in ranked. it’s very hard to find players on your level (with a good connection) in order to make more pp/bp.

so i recorded some of my matches against the good players in an 8 man endless battle that i went 20-0 in.

also check out sonic flash’s new head stomp punish video, good shit.

i have fought a 3 different 5000 bp guys and guile beats him pretty easy imo. it’s like playing a slow version of fuerte.