Ya, guile mirrors aren’t too bad IMO. I normally look forward to them actually to see if my opponent plays it any differently than myself. Pro tip: If an opposing guile gets in on you, and they don’t use option select chain attack / sweep then you can pretty much escape *almost *all potential damage for free via backdashes.
Now Dhalsim vs. Guile on the other hand, is easily the single most boring matchup in street fighter history at the highest level of play. One fights to get in close for an entire minute, they get a heavy hit in (or maybe not) and then back to square one. Anyways, just got done watching part 1. Probably not going to watch part 2. No offence, just a boring matchup. Anyways, one thing I noticed is that neither one of you started catching on to the other’s playstyle. Concerning you, it probably would have been wise when you were even on life or at a life disadvantage to ume psychic flashkick some limbs. That sim started falling into sort of a rut where he did the same attack pattern over and over and over again. Punish that shit. If you want to play it safe then at least FA a limb > dash forward > mix him up… even something a simple as doing a s.hp that he will block will push him closer to the corner. Sim CAN NOT escape the corner without taking damage. Noteworthy.
When sim is lower on life than you, and this is especially true when he’s rocking a full meter, he may try to instant air teleport combo into super. You stopped his attempts at trying that, but… you did it lame. A high risk attempt like that being punished with a s.lp makes me cry a little. If you are just chucking lp booms you always have time to use s.hp instead. It only starts up 2 frames slower than s.lp. Think about that for a second. Close s.hp is fast as hell.
Overall though well played against that particular Dhalsim. However, know that he was way to basic. When I was at ranbat 2.1 last year, I was matched up against a sim midway through the tourney. We got to talking before our match a bit and I was already pretty familair with the sim match (at the time) from playing sims over here in Japan. I literally told the dude: “I will never throw a boom while in range of your s.hp and will only damage you by EX booming through your fires and smacking you when you teleport.” During the match I did just that and I won.
What the best dhalsims do NOW is avoid every little bit of damage at max screen using yoga tower or low drills. They work their way in quickly (about at yoga sniper range (jump back hp)) using slides and create tons of pressure by staying in that high/low mixup zone. If they throw an EX yoga fire at this range, your forced to take potential damage by either an AA if you jump it, a s.hp if you FA a hit of it, or a forced high/low/crossup mixup while you have to block it. Once they push themselves back out, they’ll be back in your face in seconds with slides. They only go for a teleport mixup if they have a yoga fire out to make it safe.
I find generally that I’m the only one who doesn’t consider a long drawn out waiting game boring (part of the reasn why I like playing this character, and even fighting Sagat as him) ha but I obviously can understand how others don’t enjoy this. That’s generally why in the first games I basically did nothing, taking little-to-no real risks, just to wait it out and catch-on to his plan for inflicting damage on me. In part two I begin to do a bit more educated jumpins over his st.fierce etc. which worked.
I noticed I wasn’t punishing those teleports at all too, at the time I kept being scared that he might hit me out of my st.fierce start-up and get a combo if I miss-timed my reaction…but given the small amount of frame difference between the jab and fierce this was pretty silly of me lol. Thanks for the extensive input.
I think I should start using close s.hk to punish sim teleports, but it always seems I’m accidentally holding forward or back when I poke him out of teleport. The last thing I’d want is that slow UDK to come out. Figure while we’re talking about sim too, I’d like to mention a great poking string on his wakeup.
c.lk > c.lk > s.lp > s.hp
Ya, we all know it, but your inputs should look like this.
c.lk > c.lk + c.hk > s.lp > s.hp ~ s.lp
Catches backdashes with sweep and ensures max damage.
[media=youtube]tumU_M-UtgI[/media] me vs shizza/whawhat
casual 2v2 random tournament… posting this because shizza is the best chun in the US imo, and i think this is what the match is suppose to look like… even though i lost :P. i lose to shizza 90% of the time
Love the fact that nothing really happens until the 60 second mark in first round. Talk about foreplay. lol
Also, I think in the second round, there were unsafe booms where he could’ve ultra’d through… but other than that, I wish I could play as patient as you. =(
Good reactions on those FAs and FKs against hazanshus
oh, a lot of the booms i threw were ultra-able, but i also feign a lot of booms. i have had my jab booms ultrad a billion times by shizza. Also he missed an ultra in the first match, so i think he was a little hesitant to go for it again.
imo guile cannot rush chun at high level, she can poke him out of all his shit, and anti air him for free
i think you have to make her come to you. the only exception is when guile corners chun, i think shes pretty pressurable in the corner
Did you know when you anticipate the hazan shu with a FA like you were doing, you can dash forward and do close s.jab > far s.jab > far s.strong > SB before she recovers? The timing is tight, but it’s definately worth doing. You can also do jab > jab > jab > fierce if you’d like. I find it better than just letting the lvl1 FA release and hit her.