thanks for all the tips Nemesys, very helpful
Ah, ok. Like I mentioned, most of the time he just plain destroys me. Normally it isn’t the crossups though. Air/Kenny is crazy good at hitconfirming his mid-range footsies into max damage. Stuff like > walk forward a tick > > walk forward > walk back (throw bait) > > c.hp xx EX tatsu > Ultra. I can do ok at keeping him out but once he gets in I just get destroyed. Once he’s up close, he makes me look like a scrub.
Ya, let me know what’s up. I will deploy a couple months or so, but until then I’m down for whatever.
No problem! BTW, Dieminion learned quite abit from the MM as he ended up playing Starnab in the tournament the very next day. End results were Dieminion emerging victorious over Starnab.
is there a recording of the match by any chance? Would love to see how he zoned him.
Unfortunately, the tournament match wasn’t recorded.
I looked through the video again, just a couple of points from my experience playing against Kenny:
1 it’s a really bad idea to block a shoto’s air Tatsu, it leads to all kinds of bad things happening afterwards. Knock it out, better yet, don’t give them a chance to do it by moving around better.
2 don’t charge in when Kenny suddenly opens up a lot of space in front of you. He’s a good enough player to know the importance of real estate, he’s just setting you up for bad habits that he can exploit later.
3 jumping backwards as an opening is terrible against Kenny. I tested that out extensively myself. Even if I know Im playing him 15 rounds straight, that opening would not be considered even as one of the options when I need to randomize my openings.
I really don’t feel too comfortable dissecting an acquaintance/friend’s game on an open forum. Ill tell you a few more things about him when we meet up.
note to self: if I ever attend an EVO, do NOT play any of the EMP crew in casuals before the tournament is over for myself*
*metagame, metagame, metagame…
Lol, been there done that at Battlefield Arcadia.
I don’t play Guile at cassuals though…not anymore. I save him up for the match and just use a random like Rog or Blanka or something
I can’t say that I’m a particularly high level player so I may be missing something here but I find that kind of thinking quite hurtful for the community. If everyone is covering up the game how will the game evolve?
The point of not using your main during casuals is because you don’t want (potential) opponents to download you.
The game evolves during the competition when everyone used their mains.
First off, I enjoy playing my lousy “seconds” in cassuals as that’s the only way for me to get some quality time with quality opponents offline and not play a hardcore serious game.
Second is what chowwun said. You just don’t want to be downloaded before your first match. I’ve caught my opponents tendencies watching cassuals before and have used it to my advantage. Sure, they can just as well watch my real plays and get info from there but it still delays it a bit…and part of it is mental as well I guess.
The chit-chat while watching games, in between matches, outside at the ashtray…that’s what builds the community. In a tournament match, it’s every man and his tricks for himself.
Guy vs Guile
The rumos of Guile’s ex sonic boom being 1 hit is clearly false. It also appeas that his high kick is much faster. The guy who was playing Guile was lousy though. I can say it looks like they fixed his stun. And it look like his damage has increased slightly. his also looks faster and it appeasrs to have more range. It’s really hard to tell from that vid, but it looks like they may have fixed a lot of his pokes. Other than that everything looks the same.
How could you know if damage increased if you have no idea what Guy’s values of Health and Stun are?
And I must have missed the high kick, but I didn’t see him use it at all.
SH looks mighty fast and safe though.
Actually the delay for SH may be substantial. Remember the vid where guile tried to do SH, then Bision did his Ultra and beat Guile.
Without comboing into SH, the opponent might have enough time to jump over it. But since the game isn’t out, I’m just speculating.
Sorry, predictive commentary. Actually, I’m posting from work and I can’t access youtube. But I can access it from my phone so I typed in Guile vs. Guy in which two vids came up. The one posted by Ramajan (or whatever his name is) is what I didn’t see. I’m not sure if the other two Guile vs. Guy matches are final build. I’ll have to check it out when I get home. But the vids all look recent. So I guess there are 3 Guile vs. Guy matches on youtube.
Guess Guile is still “Mr. Two Specials”. Everyone obviously has different opinions about it, but throughout SF4, I always feel like Guile’s biggest short coming is not having a special (or even a command normal) that significantly repositions him on the playing field. Every other character has a move that repositions them; in most cases, its an offensive move that also deals damage, but even non-offensive ones (like Blanka’s 3-kick button thing) are valuable in terms of evasion/corner trap/cross up escapes. Guile not having anything that does this makes his game so 2-dimensional to the point that everyone already knows what to expect from him (and in matches against decently skilled players, they exploit the hell out of this fact). I’ll roll Guile till the wheels fall off, but it’d be nice if he had a new element added to his screen movement (since his kick range was cut in half from previous games. Seriously, didn’t his j.rh used to be something similar length-wise to Gen’s c.rh or even Zangief’s far c.rh?).
I remember that vid. I believe it may have gotten tweaked since then though. That vid was from the Las Vegas fight club that Capcom did. After that, there was a good amount of time from that video, and the actually video of Guile’s Ultra from Capcom being up on the official Japanese site. Seth even said that after the fight club they were still making adjustments to the game. I think changing Guile’s Ultra 2 was probably something that got changed. I think from the Vegas vids of the SH and the vids of it now, the one from Vegas look a little bigger too.
His FKs look like they recover faster no?
Here are two videos of me verses WyWyWyWy’s Dhalsim. I’ve seen some “tier charts” rating this match almost always in Dhalsim’s favour, yet I’ve never understood how it can be anything but 5-5. Guile’s general damage and projectiles seem better, however Sim builds meter faster and has much better comeback potential.
[media=youtube]fJnTAq8I7LU&feature=youtube_gdata[/media] - Part 1
[media=youtube]kNP_EEYN1z0&feature=related[/media] - Part 2
Is there anything I or WyWy did wrong or could have done better in the match?
Also here are my two matches against Shinji’s Guile in the tournament.
[media=youtube]e5ecTqUifOo[/media] - Winners Bracket Semi-Final (Green Guile)
[media=youtube]ha5GBFTcllg&feature=related[/media] - Losers Bracket Final (Green Guile)
Initially I was dreading playing another Guile, as my experience was basically zero. I had only my theories on how I thought the match should pan out. By our second encounter, I was a little more confident with the match and actually found it quite enjoyable.
Again, I’m interested to know what either of us could have done differently in people’s eyes, or if there’s anything key about this match that I may not already know.