The Guile Video thread

you zone pretty well. Great use of your normals too. I also found that you have a pretty aggressive style and did well not to back yourself into a corner. Good job!!

Although many non-Guile players keep emphasising that what capcom did to him was wrong (ie nerfing etc). At the same time I was told that I did extremely well in the fortnightly tournaments in my part of time, particularly when i got to the final 8 the last three times. Other than that most of his match ups are winnable.

Thanks man.

Here’s a vid of myself vs Mahoshojo Zangitan.


you had him at round 4. so close. well played. nevertheless.

Gief takes so much fucking damage man. Good match. That would’ve been an awesome comeback in the 4th if you could’ve pulled it out.

Damn! What you did at 1:43 was freaking awesome! =D

Thanks man.

Some great zoning from a Guile player named Max




edit: [media=youtube]46on3z1ZYeE[/media]

Me against a random Abel online. Watch second round at around 1:06 to about 1:17…

Hey Slinkun, any advice on beating Kenny? Cause I’ve never beaten him when he visits Vancouver (note: if you have tricks you don’t want him to know, dont post, while he doesnt visit SRK, his buddy reads this thread)

Im going to be visiting Japan soon, where’s the arcade that those videos took place, is it busy? are there long line ups?

Im not very good though, CFAY can tell you that.

thanks in advance for any comments you may offer

found this vid on Guile vs Fei Long:


Wow, that was sad. Fei is a bad match-up for me personally because he has very fast pokes into rekka and can get around your boom pressure with the wheel kick.
Seeing Dieminion have a hard time as well doesn’t make me feel any better about that

First off, mainly curiosity, do I know you? How do you know CFAY? Is Kenny a player or do you mean Ken?

I’d be more than happy to help though, and I doubt any sort of strat I mention here is going to be game changing for your opposition, especially against shotos. Guile doesn’t really have tricks when it comes to shotos. Just get me a bit more info matchup wise and maybe show a vid of yourself playing.

That arcade was in Yokohama, about a 30 minute train ride from Tokyo and a 20 minute ride from where I live in Yokosuka. It’s called 7 islands. A ton of great players go there regularly.

This match is a great example of how to give up space for no reason, and waste meter on low percentage guesses.

That was a pretty nice fei though.

As far as I know, you don’t know me and I don’t know you.

I met CFAY (Earl) at Gameworks Seattle playing SF4.

Kenny is Air (RY), the Ryu player you played in the vid.
*protip: if you are next to a foreigner, and wonder if he speaks English, just say something funny, and watch their facial expression, even if they know the joke is coming, its likely they can’t hold a straight face.

I havent recorded any matches of mine in a long time, and posting vids of mine in this forum is troublesome, you’ll understand when you see me play. Matchup wise, I think if you played Kenny 20 games or so, you should know him as well as I do. He does like using air Tatsu to cross me up though, when I last played him, I just blocked it. But now I think I can cr.HP and just cr.jab out of those. It’s been a while. I was just hoping for some observations.

Ill fly to Japan on April 1st, and Ill be there for 2 weeks, 10 days in Tokyo, and 4 in Kyoto. Ill make sure to drop by 7 islands on the day that I schedule to visit Yokohama, Ill let you know ahead of time, hopefully I get to meet another Guile pro and learn some tricks. Im going to do the tourist thing during the day, and just play sf4 all night for 2 weeks anyways.

I posted that vid hoping for some advice vs Fei Long cause Im very bad at that matchup and I couldnt figure out what Dieminion’s strategy against that Fei was…

Guess Ill start by making some observations (feel free to correct me if Im wrong):

Chicken Wing (CW)

I find that Fei has 3 uses for CW:
1 to close the distance on opponent
2 cross up to switch sides
3 ex CW to get out of a corner (lots of invincibility frames)

Guile answer

1 FlashKick beats CW clean
2 neutral mk, and hp trades

So the trick is, when Guile has distance on Fei, Fei will look to use CW to close in. Guile has to be prepared for that and have a downcharge

and if Guile’s pushing Fei towards the corner, he has to prepare for a CW xup

and if Guile actually gets Fei in a corner, do not charge in, cause Fei can either flamekick counter, or just EX CW out.

When I play Fei, I usually get poked by the low footies, and then Fei will use the overhead to damage me. And slowly backing me into a corner, any advice would be greatly appreciated

You’re forgetting that CW goes over booms as well. I’ve watched some GeoM matches against Fei and he uses FA to counter the CW. It seemed to work for him and scored some crumples.

thanks for the tip about those matches, I just watch them, helps a ton.

lp beats CW

focusing against CW is dangerous, CW is multihit, either GeoM had the distance down, or that Fei player just choked in the end when he was losing 5 straight, I really wouldnt recommend using it.

I noticed there is a optimal distance playing against Fei, I guess Ill just have to learn to zone better.

I always spam after my booms when going against Fei as that’s helped me stop the Chicken Wing but it’s not 100% reliable (is anything Guile has 100% reliable in SF4?)
I haven’t had any luck with s.lp. It beats it but the move is not active long enough to spam it (ala Boxer).
I haven’t found a solid way to zone out a good Fei so I let him in and poke him with cr.short, looking for setups…but his pokes are fast as hell and they all seem to lead to rekka. Plus, his FA is just stupid. Is it me or is it really the best and most range in the game?

So yeah, poke, poke, poke, save your bar for a Super to Ultra and don’t FA much. His moves are too fast for Guile’s shitty FA

…or go Balrog on his ass :stuck_out_tongue:

Have your b+hp cocked and ready for any advances that Fei tries. Also, if you see Fei dash forwards, that’s cue right there to smack him as hard as you can. No smart Fei will dash forward unless it’s safe to do so. He’s got an awkward pause at the end of his dash where he can’t block at all. The same applies to his Focus Dash as well. My overall gameplan is to force Fei to waste his ex stock, stay approximately midscreen, use SB’s sparingly and as bait mostly. And watching for the rekka strings. Good Fei’s will usually use lp rekka at max distance to hitconfirm. Lp rekka at max distance (only on first rekka) is safe. If they follow through with a 2nd rekka, Flashkick!

Bottom line: I main both Fei and Guile. When I’m using Fei against Guile, I’m looking to kill Guile’s charge attempts. Overhead, bait flashkicks and CW over booms and chip with rekka. When I’m using Guile against Fei, I’ll just stay out of poke range, bait CW’s and AA any jump in attempts.