So Sagat can kill Guile even easier?
Sadly, it looks like Sagat got tweaked for the better, not worse…something we’re not sure of yet for Guile.
Let’s hope we can fight Sagat in SSF4, keep positive. I can’t imagine it’s gonna be worse then in SF4 in regards to the Sagat match-up.
Sagat is getting a new move (Angry Scar) that’s supposed to be the shit which is why people say he might me better, but he is also losing damage output and stamina. If I learn the match up and I am able to kill Sagat faster than I can now in SF4, then I’m straight. Guile is going to be better in this next game too. There is no doubt in my mind about it. He may not be as beefed as we’d like, but he’ll definitely be improved…
And on another note, I don’t think Sagat is going to be the best character in the game anymore. I think he is still going to be top tier, but not leaps and bounds ahead of everyone like he is now. It’s not eve safe to assume anything concerning him right now though because the only info we really have about how he plays is from that Keno interview, which S-Kill said was a little off from what really went down at the demo expo. We’ll see though…
I personally think Keno was probably right.
I’d bet money Seth said to Keno “ya, Guile is still low tier”. Then when the interview with Keno came out, Seth needed to cover his ass with his Capcom management and went into damage control mode
fuck yea, I agree with you sonicflash, I wish guile had something worth abusing in online that will actually transform from a lucky ie. DP to a flying hk > Ultra. It is really bad how the creators of this game made some characters with this advantage. I personally think that is BS, you are facing a charcater who can take of almost 40% with a good 3 hit combo plus his advantage of a random hk that result in your death. I have no major problems against sagats, I just hate the ones that do random tiger knees and cut my boom pressure.
OMG yesterday I played a guy from Peru who has a monster ZANgief, couldnt win a damn round, he made me feel bad when he switched to his secondary characters but I made sure I kicked his ass with my guile against his (ryu, dictator, honda), at the end the tie breaker was again Zanfief and I got owned, lol. Man, is there a way to anti-air that jump foot step from gief ? or should I simply back dash? once he was in, it was GG for me.
Neutral MK works for me and so does FA backdash…but it’s Gief.
There is no easy way of fighting him. If he’s close, you need a bit of luck to get out. So keep him at bay, bait lariat and EX FK him every time he jumps at you (if it’s FKable of course). You should throw so many booms in this match that you shouldn’t have too much trouble with not having EX at a moment.
Gief is a beast, especially one that understands Giefs pokes and lp command grab…that thing is godlike.
If gief or rog is just outside of crouch mk range, a late lk flashkick stuffs everything they have. The problem is…that a gief who knows the matchup can be hard to predict and if you use a cr mk to get him at that range you can eat a greenhand and get knocked down. Since you’re saying it was a monster gief, i’m sure you already know that, but i tried to help
nj.hp that shit.
As an AA?
That’s interesting. I’ll give that one a shot.
Gief is one of those odd matches for Guile (at least for me). You have all the tools to keep him out and you can. It’s always user error that’s at fault as what keeps him out is very specific at certain times. Mess that up and Gief is all over you. I’ve been proud of my self fighting very VERY good giefs (those that lariat only in a combo, pull off cr.poke>lp.SPD at max range and poke poke poke) but I’ve also lost to the flowchart Giefs more often then I’m willing to admit.
I don’t mind the match-up anymore as it’s doable. My new “I hate that bloody thing” is Seth. I haven’t had a chance to play too many good ones in the past but recently, I got 2 of them on my buddy list and Geesus, does Guile have anything against a good one? (Hypotetical).
Both of them combo into resets into combo until I’m dizzy. Then it’s just a quick finish. If I do manage to get him down to a 3rd of health, it’s runaway galore…and we all know what happens when you chase Seth…“Become a part of me!”
Oh, hey, vids! Didn’t really play anyone special this time around. Mostly beasting on scrubs. Also posted a few other matches between other random japanese sagats, rufuses, goukis, and dictators.
[media=youtube]37BlawoHE3o[/media] (vs claw)
A good visual indicator of what i mentioned in the matchup thread at the end of round 2.
[media=youtube]HOgkbqOxQLg[/media] (vs blanka)
[media=youtube]JLxA4euIXBg[/media] (vs akuma)
This must really be working well for you Slinkun. This is the second time I’ve seen you mention this. I’m trying to apply this to my game as well. Seems a little funny at first because I usually never use it but I’ll keep at it.
I’ve only seen one Zangief player in G1 who immediately switched to a different in-air attack that countered nj. hp (I need to go to training to see which one it was), the rest got much more cautious. st. Fierce punch, backhand, and nj. hp seem to be very useful in the Zangief matchup.
this is hot
There’s two master Guiles, one at the beginning and one at the end. The second one has almost 95k bp, does any one know who they are?
yes. the 95,000 BP Guile is Hiko. he has really improved, because his old videos were not impressive. I heard he is the no 2 Guile player in Japan, no 1 Guile player is Yazu with 104,000 BP.
Yes, Hiko has a totally awesome playing style. I love that guy, really, he makes Guile so fierce: [media=youtube]7iqAbwXB67A[/media]
That was a galactic performance.
For some reason it never really sunk in for me since I have no online/offline basis for comparison, but watching this clip makes me really see the difference with online vs. offline play (which, because there is no SF4 machine anywhere in the whole Vegas valley, I’m forced to do exclusively). I’ve tried this sort of approach against Sagats, Ryus, etc. before, but online I can’t even come close to moving and executing this fast to keep the pressure up. Awesome vid…
Holy shit! Rushdown guile is rushdown!
RUshdown Sagat on top of that. Sexy as hell to watch. Love his use of 2x cr.jab >2x st.jab>st.hp…and not a single FK
Joker Matches
Game Galaxy, TN
2/27/10 - Joker Vs. SdoubleG: [media=youtube]1XhyAJQ6qbw#"[/media]