The Guile Video thread

Me vs a pretty aggressive Ken. He was pretty good and these were fun to play. I know in the earlier rounds you might notice that I cut off my combos or block strings a couple of times but I was trying to bait DP’s but he never bit. Please watch these and give me any criticism you feel will help. Thanks guys.

[media=youtube]ZgyPM3Z8VDU"[/media] Pt. 1
[media=youtube]XYZbSN6H-Kk"[/media] Pt. 2

Thanks! i lost to keno (the other gate keeper) so i started the tournament in loser’s bracket, then i lost my first match to combofiend :(. i dont think the combofiend match is on youtube though

Its funny how when you play someone better than you, they can control the pace and make you look completely retarded. I think i look really scrubby in that Keno match. Watch me mash focus and desperately run into the corner! so mindfucked/scared… Mike Ross intimidates me too… so do a lot of good players.

You pretty blatonly gauged his standing when you said you considered him to be one of the “top two guile’s in the world”. Zoning is harder than rushing bro, and is by far the most important part of guile’s game. REACTIONS. Dagger G’s guile is what it is because of his reactions more so than anything else. I’ve heard stories of Dagger confirming super off of single c.jabs with remy in 3s >_>

EDIT: Sorry for double post

I already watched it right after the Mike Ross fight. I don’t think you did that bad man. There was one thing that I notice though. In the 3rd Rd of the last match with Keno you scored a lvl2 FA and I was thinking, “Ok good shit, here comes Ultra!!!”… But you followed up with a C.RH and I was like “Nooooooooooo”… lol. I’m sure you already knew that but I thought that would gave you a better chance to win that match. I think Keno’s health bar would’ve still been slightly higher than yours but it definitely would have changed the fight. Nice though man. Keno is a really good player so you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Warahk, against balrog try to make it a habit to hold you down charge more often. It gives you access to sweep reversal and you can counter the dash punch with ex if you’re looking for it. Also it’s a good idea to keep that super stocked as it greatly reduces the effectiveness of balrog’s corner game. Try to limit the use of ex sonic and only fk fadc in emergency situations

Oh and if you notice that they’re using regular dash punches to get in (keno never did the armour break), then don’t be afraid to hold that focus.

Be more confident man! At around 4:17 in your keno match you did a focus crumple into corner back throw. Good play there ( i guess you could have gone for ultra but personally i like the positioning better). But you didn’t follow up! You backed off and let him out of the corner which was a big mistake. I noticed this trend throughout the whole set. It seemed that you were scared of holding your ground and instead opted to give him the space. I guarantee you’ll see a huge improvement if you remove this from your play.

Guile is a fucking wall. Please treat him like one.


nice combos

im thinking i will buy a 360 for super

ps3 is just not cutting it

warahk i love the vids man

keep it up guys! our time will come…

Thanks man, yeah i meant to do UDK > > boom > backhand cuz i have that combo on lock and i like the stun, i have no idea how i got sweep but you’re right i really should’ve ultra’d. I got really pissed when that sweep came out.

Thanks for the advice Dagger. I saw your match against Bryant from NCR and you have that match on lock! I normally back throw after crumple when im near a corner like that but after i threw him i was too afraid to press him after. Like you said, you could really see my fear in my play… I will definitely hold my ground next time. Do you ever walk towards a grounded rog?

I had the privilege of playing Rebelo offline at a Toronto tourney at the beginning of January. Lost to him in mirrors. Don’t think I won any matches, but I think I did win rounds. He beat me with his Ryu too.

I’ve so much to learn still. lol

Very nice set Warahk. The Keno match makes me feel a bit better about myself as I can’t stand Rog vs Guile match-up…and I second Rog!..have for a long time. With Rog it’s NOT not knowing what’s coming. It’s the fact that one little miss allows him to get a jab in, after the jab a short comes out and up in the air we go into a nice Ultra. EX headbutt beats the tightest of Guile’s blockstrings, which again, leads to Ultra.
FA helps against a Rog but again, one little mistake and that healthy life lead you work on so hard is gone off of a bloody cr.jab. (I do it to Ryu’s and Sagat’s all the time when they annoy me with my Guile)

Not to mention, his blocked hits chip very well, has a godly j.fierce and he’s got enough stamina and health to take a few “good” Guile combos and still not worry a bit.
I think you could have stood your ground a bit more as you backed yourself into the corner quite a bit, but I’m not really sure it would have made a huge difference.
Keno is a great player, there is no doubt about that, but I don’t think he’d be nearly as high up if he mained Guile or Rose, for example. Feel free to disagree. :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome job on Mike Ross and his Honda. Very confident playing.

Balrog gimmick of the day…

Even if he hits you with jab dash straight, you can still land a short FK super on him.


that is my opinion. it’s not a fact. it can’t be proved for sure because he only plays online. it still is my opinion, regardless of if you think it’s wrong or not. until he goes to evo, we can sit here and argue back and forth about it, but it won’t get either of us anywhere.

i agree that zoning is harder than rushing. i never said it wasn’t. it definitely is the most important aspect of guile’s game. i really didn’t make my point correctly. what i meant was, you can use try to use guile as a defensive “wall” like dagger says, but i still believe that on top of being great at zoning, you still need to have a plan b. you need to be able to take it to the opponent sometimes too. against certain characters, great zoning will only get you so far. i’m sure this is going to be even more true for super street fighter 4. i don’t think your going to be able to zone the majority of the new characters. dudley, juri and co look like they are going to spell trouble for guile. on top of this, super street fighter 4 is apparently going to be a much more attacking game in general.

anyways, back to my point. players like geom/fuson/dagger all switch between both defensive and rush down styles. they aren’t afraid to keep the pressure on the opponent. i’ve saw gilley really take it to a balrog at evo. at one point in the match, the commentary team were dumbfounded, because unlike me, they hadn’t ever seen guile used like that. being able to do both is what i believe separates those guys from the rest. i also feel a lot of the out and out defensive guile’s either lack the skill to do this, or just haven’t spent enough time learning to play in a “plan b” style.



Posted this in the ssf4 forum. I get tired of people saying you can’t safe jump shotos 3 frame DPs. Gouken is the man though! :rofl:

i love safe jumps. i don’t know which people assumed that you can’t safe jump on srk? i always thought that was possible.

are you using back fist as a marker to time your jumps? i think i’ll have to try that too.

Not to beat a dead horse here guys but can someone watch my matches and critic them? They are on pg. 54 of the thread. It’s me vs this smart Ken player. You guys really help me get better so I really wanted someone to check them out if it isn’t too much trouble.

Sonic, that Ken was not smart. He was random as fuck. Interesting offensive pressure, but almost none of it safe. Random Fierce SRK before your wakeup? :confused: If he ever mixed in a block, I’d call him solid at least.

So you could stand to be a little more patient. I do realize that playing a kamikaze rushdown Ken online is a tricky proposition: if you turtle up, you might be kara thrown repeatedly, as you were. If you go offensive, you get randomed out, as you did. This is why online play sucks. Hard to tech throws and lag throws off timing on crucial pokes and punishes.

Anyway, this Ken was flashy but a good defense would have picked him apart. You are a good player; the footsies need a little work though. Don’t just block and punish, or jump in randomly. Control space and steer him where you want him to go, then when you get an opening, fuck his shit up!:wgrin:

hit me up if you see me Aero, it is time for a mirror rematch, the same goes for anyone in this thread who has ps3, count me in for some casuals, no big deal if I win or lose. If you want I am also up for your guile GeoM, bring it.

Ok thanks. You’re right. That rush down was tough to stop I’m not going to lie. most Ken’s I usually play are pretty predictable but this one was a little different. I’m going to work on that stuff you said though man. Thanks for watching them.

You played really good sonicflash, that Ken was all kara-grabs, it is very hard to tech them all. I saw a couple of opportunities in which you could have landed the s.hp>fk insteand of>fk, I take it you wanted it to be a safe confirm. Also, you could have used super in one of your fk combos, maybe you wanted to reserve meter. Overall, you did very good, I liked how you back dashed almost every time when you were in his zone.

Ok thanks man. Those Kara grabs are hard to tech but I just have to work on it. I don’t remember the combo where I could’ve super canceled but I’ll watch it again because GeoM mentioned that as well. And yeah, the reason I didn’t do S.FP>FlashKick is because I wanted to be safe.I usually do S.Fp>ExFlashKick after a FA like in the first round, but I haven’t gotten to the point where I feel comfortable with that as a standard DP whiff punish just yet. I’m working at it and should get it in the future though. Thanks for watching them man. I really appreciate the feedback.